Welcome to Year 1! 1KG Miss Golding Ms Newstead Mrs Westbrook 1SC Mr Clarke Mrs Athey Miss Harding
Structure of the Day 8.40 Arrive at school, please leave your child at the gate to encourage independence 8.45 Children line up in the playground to go into class 9.00 RWI Phonics and English Assembly Morning Break Maths Lunch 1.10 Story time 1.30 Challenge time 3.15 Lessons Finish. Children will be out shortly after this.
A slide just about PE! Only in exceptional circumstances should notes excuse children from PE. Where possible, children should wear trainers rather than plimsolls. Girls should have socks as part of their PE kits for days when they are wearing tights. School jumpers may not be worn for PE in colder weather. A neutral coloured tracksuit (if needed) should be provided. Jewellery must not be worn for PE. Children must be able to take out earrings or must leave them at home.
Homework Daily reading with an adult Daily practice of counting Top Tips every 2 weeks Challenge homework – twice a term
Progress Reports Parent Consultations Concerns: 1. Class Teacher 2. Mrs Kellett – Key Stage One Leader 3. Mr Devlin - Inclusion Leader and Assistant Head 4. Mrs Finch - Learning Mentor
Communication Diaries – hand in every day School Office Praise texts Contacts: Class Teacher Mrs Kellett - Key Stage One Leader Mrs Browning - Acting Deputy Head Teacher Miss Bowles - Head Teacher
And finally … Children will be provided with fruit at break time Please bring in freshly filled water bottles every day Free school meals entitlement for KS1! Cool Milk – you must sign up for this Labelled uniform - coats