Thermal Modalities Sports Medicine 6/12/2016 1
Objectives 1.Identify the methods of thermal energy transmission 2.Identify the factors that affect thermal energy transfer 6/12/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 2
Bellwork A baseball pitcher iced his L shoulder after he finished pitching. After 20 minutes of icing, his shoulder had turned red and was cold to the touch. The bag of ice had started to melt. Describe the transfer of heat that had occurred. Be prepared to share your answers with the class. 6/12/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 3
Terminology Conduction: heat transfer that occurs when objects are in direct contact Convection: heat transfer that occurs through the movement of fluids or gases Conversion: heat transfer that occurs as energy is changed from one form to another Radiation: heat transfer that occurs through space from one object to another 6/12/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 4
Heat Transfer Principle Heat is always transferred from the warmer object to the colder object 6/12/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 5
Conduction Heat transfer that occurs when objects are in direct contact with each other Example = hydrocollator (moist heat) pack on shoulder How is heat transferred in this example? 6/12/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 6
Think-Pair-Share Write 2 examples of how heat is transferred by conduction. PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
Convection Convection is a method of heat transfer that occurs through the movement of fluids or gases Example: an athlete’s ankle in a cold whirlpool How is heat transferred in the example? 6/12/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 8
Convection Methods of Convection Methods of Convection How is heat transferred through convection? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010
Conversion Conversion is a form of energy transfer that occurs when heat is generated from sound, electricity or chemical means and transferred into heat energy Example: ultrasound application over an athlete’s quadriceps How is heat transferred in the example? 6/12/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 10
Radiation Radiation occurs as heat is transferred from one object through space to another object Example: diathermy treatment for an athlete’s back How is heat transferred in the example? 6/12/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 11
Factors influencing heat transfer 1.The temperature difference between the two tissues ◦ (Bigger differential leads to higher transfer of energy) 2.The length of treatment time ◦ (The longer the exposure, the greater the transfer) 3.The conductive properties of the area ◦ (Fat is an insulator and takes longer to heat/cool; muscle has a high water content and is a good conductor of heat/cold) 6/12/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 12
A cold whirlpool cools an ankle faster than an ice pack. True/ False ? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED,
A hydrocollator pad heats the quadriceps more effectively than the gluteus maximus. True/False ? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED,
Using ice massage for 5 minutes results in greater cooling than ice massage for 8 minutes. True/False ? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED,
K-W-L PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, What I know What I would like to learn What I learned