Rock Mosaic
Supplies: Small rocks or pebbles Glue Elmers or Tacky Card board, foam, card stock Paint brushes Bowl for glue and rocks 1. Sketch lines 2. Paint glue on lines one at a time 3. Add rocks in pattern 4. Repeat steps 1-3 Rock mosaic
Flower Collage
Supplies: -1 8x12 paper per student -3 or 4 ½ color sheets per student -glue sticks 1. Tear paper into shapes circles, squares, retangles, triangles 2. Glue dirt line 3. Glue shapes into plant making sure to add all the parts of the plant roots, stem, leaves, flowers
Ice Cube Art
Supplies: -tempura paint primary colors -water -mixing bowl and spoon -ice cube trays or molds -shape card stock paper 1. Mix paint and water 2. Pour into ice cube trays 3. Cover with foil and add sticks. Freeze. 4.Let tray stand for 5 minutes on removal 5. Out line shape with one color, move toward middle with other colors. 6. Over lap colors to blend and make secondary colors
Backyard animal Mural
Back yard Animal Mural Supplies: Large poster board or long piece of butcher paper Tempera paint primary colors on paper plates or bowls Sponges cut into 2x2 squares or as desired can attach clothes pin Texture comb scrapers (you can make your own by cutting card board squares and cutting shapes into one end or combs, tooth picks, popsicle sticks, brushes Crayons and markers various colors enough to share with small group White paper one per child cut into squares for about the size you want the animal Texture boards or card board with bumpy surface, textured paper Scissors Glue sticks 1. Mix paint colors 2. Using sponges and other tools paint scenery 3. Add texture to wet paint 4. Scenery finished start on animals 5. Draw animals add texture rubbing crayon over bumpy surface 6. Cut animals out 7. Glue animals to scenery