THOMAS JEFFERSON 3 rd President of the United States Mrs. Sibbett
PRELUDE TO THE PRESIDENCY Sec. Of State under Washington. Jefferson loses to John Adams in Vice President under Adams
FEDERALIST WITCH HUNT Federalists scorned poor, who were welcomed by JDR’s Alien Acts: raise residency requirements from 5 to 14 yrs. Alien Acts: Deport aliens Sedition Act: Impede gov’t policies; fine or jail ; aimed at JDR’s and press.
ALIEN & SEDITION ACTS The Alien and Sedition Acts marked an attempt by Federalists to suppress opposition at home. The acts gave the President power to arrest and deport any alien suspected of having "treasonable or secret leanings." This threatened many of the Jeffersonians who were not naturalized citizens.
VA & KY RESOLUTIONS Written by Jefferson and Madison. States final judges of laws passed in Congress. VA and KY nullify Alien & Sedition Acts.
“REVOLUTION OF 1800” Jefferson ties Burr Election goes to House of Rep. Peaceful transfer of power. “All Americans Federalists and Republicans. Honest friendship with all nations. No entangling alliances.”
JEFFERSON’S MODERATION Left Hamiltonian system in tact; except excise tax. Absorbed major federalist programs. Change of regime not need to be disastrous for exiting group.
REFORM & EXPANSION Marbury v. Madison Louisiana Purchase
NEUTRALITY? 1804 Election Orders in Council Impressment Chesapeake Embargo Act of 1807
JEFFERSON’S LEGACY Retires after 2 terms. Declaration of Independence Slavery Political Parties Democratic Party