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Causes of War of 1812 JeffersonWar of 1812Louisiana Territory US International Relations Misc
Impressment. A 100 What is the practice of forcing sailors to serve in the British Navy?
This is the stance the United States took during the Napoleonic Wars. A 200 What is neutral?
A 300 What is Prophetstown? The Battle of Tippecanoe was fought in this town.
These are the two leading War Hawks during the push for the War of 1812 A 400 Who is John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay?
This is the result of the Embargo Act in 1807 A 500 What is wiping out the American trade with other nations and resulting in a disaster?
This is what John Adams did after losing the election to Thomas Jefferson B 100 What are the midnight judges?
B 200 What is to be friendly? This is the order that Jefferson gave Lewis and Clark in how they should treat the Native Americans.
Prior to the 1804 presidential election, this is how vice presidents were chosen B 300 What is to receive the second most electoral votes?
B 400 What Supreme Court case took place because of John Adam’s “midnight judges” which resulted in the principle of Judicial Review which gave more power to the judicial branch? Marbury v. Madison
B 500 Who is Aaron Burr? This is Thomas Jefferson’s Vice President in 1800
C 100 This is the famous US monument that was burned during the War of 1812 What is the White House??
This is the general who led the battle of New Orleans C 200 Who is Andrew Jackson?
This is the treaty that ended the War of 1812 C 300 What is the Treaty of Ghent?
Francis Scott Key wrote the, “Star Spangled Banner” after this battle C 400 What is the Battle Baltimore (Fort McHenry)?
This is the commander of the naval forces who led victory over the British at Lake Erie C 500 What is the Oliver Hazard Perry?
This is how Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark on their journey D 100 What is to translate, provide directions, and gather food?
This is the reason why Thomas Jefferson wanted to buy New Orleans from France (before France offered Louisiana) D 200 What is to allow American traders access to the Mississippi River?
This is where Lewis and Clark began their journey. D 300 What is St. Louis?
This is why Thomas Jefferson was hesitant on purchasing the Louisiana Territory D 400 What is Jefferson was fearful that he did not have the Constitutional power to buy it as president?
D 500 These are three possible effects of purchasing the Louisiana territory What is increasing Native conflict, increase in American settlement, and decrease in Native population?
E 100 After the Embargo Act failed, the United States tried to replace it with this. What is the Non-Intercourse Act?
This is the president who formally declared war on the British E 200 Who is James Madison?
E 300 This is the reason why the Embargo Act failed It caused US merchants to lose money and had little effect on British and French behavior?
This is what the US would generally do when pirates captured US ships E 400 What is to pay tribute (ransom)?
E 500 Who are the Barbary State Pirates? The ________ State Pirates of North Africa seized ships and held American crews for ransom
This battle is the most lopsided battle of the War of British lost over 2,000 soldiers while the U.S. lost only 70 F 100 What is the Battle of New Orleans?
This is who was secretly supporting the Natives. F 200 Who were the British?
F 300 What is $15 Million? This is how much the United States bought the Louisiana territory for
He is another explorer who mapped out the west to find the Red River. He was eventually arrested by the Spanish for trespassing Spanish Held Lands F 400 Who is Zebulon Pike?
These are the first four US presidents in order. F 500 Who is Washington, Adams, Jefferson, and Madison?
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What are the major causes and effects of the War of 1812? Click on screen to continue
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