Recognizing Depression and Suicidal Ideation in Students Safety and Violence Prevention Curriculum
True or False Most people who attempt suicide are just looking for attention. 1 FALSE
True or False Girls attempt suicide more often than boys. 2 TRUE
True or False Children can’t really be depressed; they don’t have anything to worry about. 3 FALSE
Fill in the Blank Suicide is the ____ leading cause of death among 15 to 24- year-olds. 4 2nd
True or False Alcohol and drug use are related to depression and suicide. 5 TRUE
True or False Asking a student if he or she is suicidal will just put thoughts into the student’s head. 6 FALSE
Changes in Behavior
Changes in Appearance
Changes in School Performance
Depression and Suicide 27 percent experience depression 14 percent considered suicide 9 percent attempted suicide
Warning Signs
Behavior Catalyst
Increased Likelihood of Suicide
Know What to Do
Behavior Examples
Be Aware of Signs Specific Plan Availability of Means Lethality of the Means
Listening to Students
Know Your School’s Protocol Where should students be referred? Who contacts the parents? What is done during an emergency?
Know Your School’s Plan
Practice Handling a Situation
Impact the Lives of Students
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