Research shows that students learn best when they are challenged, actively engaged, and asked to be self-reflective: “Hard work does not turn students away, but busywork destroys them.”
Co-Teaching Overview By: Mrs. Stauffer & Miss Moser
What is Co-Teaching? Newer trend in education. –Used in elementary & secondary. 2 teachers working together in 1 classroom. –Regular Education & Special Education Both teachers working with ALL students.
Advantages of Co-Teaching 2 teachers in one classroom. Smaller teacher to student ratios. –Ex: 1: 22 Co-Taught Classroom: 1 : 11 Continual assessment of student progress. Varied teaching strategies & ideas.
Reading Leveled Readers (Guided Reading) Read For Real (nonfiction selections) Novels –Old Yeller, –Island of the Blue Dolphins –The Magician’s Nephew –Number the Stars –Walk Two Moons Literature Circles (Book Talks) Self-Selected Independent Reading
Reading Assessment F & P Leveled Readers (fluency & level) 4Sight (District Assessment) Quizzes/Journals/Discussions Quarterly Project –Can read book during independent reading, but the project will be completed at home.
Language Arts Spelling : –Receive new packet on Wednesday & it is due Monday. –Test every Wednesday in computer lab on Spelling City website.Spelling City website Writing – 1 Mode Each Marking Period: – Narrative Writing – 1 st marking period – Personal Narrative Writing – 2 nd marking period – Persuasive Writing – 3 rd marking period – Informative Writing – 4 th marking period
Math Highlights Different Book: –Scott Foresman Prentice Hall –Better aligned to PA Standards & 7 th grade “Standards-Based Report Card.” –4, 3, 2, 1 for each Proficient Skill. –Will not be an overall grade on an assessment because we want to see how well the child did on each individual skill. You will see the proficient skill descriptors on each assessment and their number correct. Areas that are low are areas we will continue to focus on throughout the year.
(user name & password required-see handout) **This website is an interactive version of the student textbook. If your child forgets his/her textbook at school, it can be viewed on this website. - “Content” Tab: -View any page in the student textbook. Click on links for vocabulary & assessments to have the textbook become interactive. - “View By” Tab: -Active Math- interactive examples with assessment questions. -Video- online instructional videos for certain lessons. -Self-Assessment- multiple assessments to check student readiness and understanding. Online Help
(web codes needed—see page xxiii of student text) -Lesson Quiz- 5 question quiz for every lesson, graded immediately. -Homework Video Tutor- interactive notes for every lesson. -Vocabulary Quiz- crossword puzzle for every chapter. -Chapter Test- graded immediately. -Video Tutor Help- online instructional videos (certain lessons only) -Math at Work- information about jobs in the math field. -Chapter Projects- projects with real-life applications.
General Information- Math Expect daily homework –Work is expected to be shown in an organized manner. –Calculators may be used to check work, but work still needs to be shown. –All problems must be attempted to receive credit. Students should bring home their binder to use for homework and studying. Students should read over their notes at home as a form of studying.
Science Variables Mixtures & Solutions Weather & Water Microworlds
Social Studies Canada Mexico Central America & the Caribbean South America
General Information Tests will be sent home in a Friday Folder. Please sign the top pink sheet and return on Monday. Book Orders can be done online using your credit card at: We do not use an Incomplete Sheet. We will notify you if there is a problem.
Classroom Expectations We will follow the 3 R’s –Respect –Responsibility –Right to Belong If students choose not to follow the 3R’s they will not be able to participate in the activities that occur during Friday Reflection time. Friday Reflection
Contact Information Mrs. Stauffer’s Phone: (Will not ring during school hours) Miss Moser’s Phone: Mrs. Reinhart’s Phone: Office Phone:
Did You: –Sign up for Conferences? –Sign up on the HSA Form? –Remove a leaf from the “Giving Tree?”