Irregular Verbs Ir, dar, and estar are irregular verbs. Irregular verbs do not conform to regular patterns.
Ir, Dar, Estar Ir- To go Dar- To give Estar- To be
Ir voyvamos vasvais vavan
Dar doydamos dasdais dadan
Estar estoyestamos estásestáis estáestán
AL The preposition ‘a’ means “to” or “toward.” ‘A’ contracts with the article ‘el’ when used together to form one word: ‘al’ ‘A’ DOES NOT change when used with la, las, or los.
AL a + el = al Example: In school, I go to the laboratory. En la escuela voy a + el laboratorio. En la escuela voy al laboratorio.
The Preposition ‘A’ The preposition ‘a’ is also used before a direct object that refers to a specific person or persons. This is called the “personal a” The “personal a” does not have an English equivalent. Example: We listen to the teacher. Escuchamos a la profesora.
DEL The preposition ‘de’ can mean “of,” “from,” or “about.” ‘De’ contracts with “el” to form one word: “DEL.” ‘De’ does not change when used with the other articles, la, los, or las.
DEL de + el = del Example: He talks about the Spanish teacher. Él habla de + el profesor de español. Él habla del profesor de español.
DE ‘De’ is also used to indicate possession. Es la calculadora del profesor. It is the calculator of the teacher. (It is the teacher’s calculator.)