Some Good Practice Julian McLaughlin Head of Transportation Borough of Poole Transportation Unit
Borough of Poole…. a small Unitary…not well funded. But we punch above our weight and….. do more for every pound!
NHBC Survey: Where Poole Did Well… In General Terms (KBI 1&2) Walking & Cycling (KBI 11 to 16) Road Safety (KBI 20 to 22) Highway Maintenance (KBI )
Not so well in …. Accessibility Public Transport Tackling Congestion Overall most Councils did well in the Survey though….
PUBLIC SATISFACTION: RANGE 8% KB1: National Benchmark Club Mori Results: Range 61 to 53 Percent
Why are BoP customers so satisfied? Strategic Focus Fully integrated unit working with others Great staff- all accountable We work closely with key stakeholders Good project management and governance We focus on local needs We know our customers We joint deliver with strong partners We only spend money where it is most needed My staff want to make a difference and do!
Good Strategic Focus: LSP and Corporate Objectives Keeping Poole Safe and Feeling Safe Investing in Poole’s Children and Young People Promoting a sustainable environment Strengthening our Communities Valuing Our Older People Promoting Health and Well-Being Developing a Dynamic Economy
Road Safety Strategy – “Excellent” (LTP2). Proactive Dorset Safer Partnership Cycle Lane/Crossing Facility provision. Focussed Proactive Road Safety Education. Local Traffic Calming Schemes/ area analysis. National Road Safety Campaigns Developing our ITS/ Variable Message Campaigns/ SID’s/ VAS’s. Taxi Rank and Bus Station Marshals. Increased expenditure on Street Lighting Caging of Footbridges. POOLE’S SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY STRATEGY Keeping Poole Safe and Feeling Safe
High profile promotion of Walking and Cycling. –CLAG/ mixed delivery of lanes/ advisory/ early inclusion/ by user needs. Joined up thinking with leisure/ tourism/ commuters. Bus Strategy. –Quality Bus Partnership. –Real Time bus stop information. –Bus maps and timetables. –Real time SMS texting. –Traveline information service –Controlled Parking Zones & Residents Parking Schemes. Proactive Travel Plans –Schools & Business. Route ONE Town Centre Bus 100,000 trips pa Land-use planning to reduce the need to travel POOLE’S SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY STRATEGY Promoting a sustainable environment
“Real Time” Mobile Phone SMS Use in Poole.
Close consultation/ Member involvement Coordinated customer service Neighbourhood Schemes School Schemes – Parent and Pupil involvement. Quality of Life – enhanced materials and Public Art. Upton Country Park Bus Service. Local Enhancements (MfS). POOLE’S SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY STRATEGY Strengthening our Communities
English National Concessionary Travel Scheme – “while you wait service”. Community Transport. –Dial a bus. –Voluntary Car Scheme. “Pedal again in Poole”. Healthy Walks – joint with Leisure Services. “Drive 55 Plus” Older Driver refresh. POOLE’S SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY STRATEGY Valuing Our Older People
Cycling Network Well Established Pedestrian Facilities Reasonable. Joint Promotions with PCT – “Bike it”. Walk to School Week repeated. Cycleway and Footpath Maps/ SUSTRANS Partnership working POOLE’S SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY STRATEGY Promoting Health and Well Being Through Choice
PARTNERSHIP WORKING IS KEY Local Authorities: Bournemouth and Dorset –Strategy Development: LTP; LDF. –Major Project Delivery: ITS; Bus Showcase Corridors. –South East Dorset Multi Modal Traffic Model –Developer Contributions Scheme –Safer Dorset Partnership –Signal Maintenance Contract –Street-works coordination –Real Time Information, Traveline Data –Rights of Way Improvement Plan –Concessionary Fares Scheme –Area Bus and Cycle Maps –“Getting about” Website for Accessible travel
PARTNERSHIP WORKING…cont’d. Others: –Wilts & Dorset Bus Operator QBP –Mouchell Group Framework (also with BBC) –Mildren (Maintenance) –PCT –SUSTRANS –LSP Strategic Partners –Police (SNT) –Local business and Schools
Minister signed the MAA with Dorset/Bournemouth/Poole in June Themes interlinked – Business growth and Employment Land – Skills – Transport and Connectivity (BoP Lead) – Housing – Environment Detailed Action Plans for 2008 – 2011 and then beyond Greater partnership focus, improved funding potential SED Multi Modal Partnership Study to derive LTP3 Strategy Doing what matters and involving the key players! The Future: MULTI AREA AGREEMENT