Customer Engagement Survey Purpose of the survey Responses received Method of engagement Customer follow up after leaving the service Internal and External Customer Groups Impact of the consultation Reporting externally Next Steps
Purpose of the Survey To gather information to help develop customer involvement across Lancashire Mapping customer groups internally & externally Share good practice
Responses Received Service types No of services No of Responses Received % of Responses Received Supported Accommodation542241% Supported Living (MH)301033% Supported Lodgings6350% Older People Services (inc sheltered housing)562036% HIAs9333% Floating support (inc FIP)16531% Others
Methods of engagement Methods of engagementsResponses % of Total Providers Response Newsletter 41 64% Survey/questionnaire/feedback forms5688% Exit forms (N/A for Sheltered)3453% Texting2031% /website3453% Coffee morning/afternoons2742% Events4367% Graffitti wall12% Tenants/resident meetings4773% Service user/customer forum5078% Service User rep/champion2844% Involvement in staff recruitment3758% Peer Mentoring/advocacy1828%
Customer follow up after leaving the service QuestionYesNo If you're a short term service do you carry out a follow up (calls/letters/visits) with the customer after they have left the service? (Not applicable to Sheltered Housing services)1624
How do you follow up customers? Combination of methods 6 Calls/visits 3Invite customers back to the service 2Letters/notice boards 2Resettlement 1Client satisfaction questionnaire 1Text 1Chaplaincy, as and when available 2 services stated that they are still developing this area of work
How often do you follow up? No of responses less than 2 months1 3 months2 3 to 12 months1 6 to 12 months3 after 12 months5 ad hoc4 Do you find that you get a good response ? Yes (12)
Internal & External Customer Groups From a total of 64 responses Internal Customer Groups 36 (56%)Yes 28 (44%)No External Customer Groups 18 (28%)yes 26(41%)No 20 (31%) Missing
Has the development of your service/residents/volunteers/tenants user group or other consultation with people using your service resulted in changes to service provision in any of the following ways? Select all that apply. Types of improvements as a result of consultation No of responses Policy Reviews34 Design/decoration of the building28 Alternative communication methods28 Social event36 Rules of service31 Sanctions for breaking rules11
Other than your own internal arrangements, do you externally report the results of customer consultation on a regular basis to any commissioners, forum, partnership or service user group? 25% said yes (16) to partners DCLG, SP, district councils, tenants groups, Customer groups, Lancashire Commissioners for Learning Disability services, Mental Health services, Extra care, Floating support, Housing Support/complex needs.
Next Steps Share the information at locality groups Use the information from the survey to Develop customer engagement directory Developing good practice guide Inform discussions on SP governance Any others (exercise)
Exercise Please go into groups and answer the following 2 questions 1.How can we further use the information from the survey? 2. Please make any suggestions on what you would like to include in the good practice guide?