“General” Information Welcome! We are glad you are here!
“General” Information DIRT (Daily Independent Reading Time) 15 to 20 minutes most days Students need to bring a book to read everyday May be not counted toward their 20 minutes of reading for ELA
Language Arts –Goals: 1.Students will meet goals outlined in the NC Standard Course of Study(Common Core Standards) 2.Students will read and write. “General” Information
Language Arts –Reader’s Workshop is the format:. Read Aloud-This is a time when I model good reading and writing skills through the use of authentic and meaningful texts and responses to them. Partner Talk is also an effective response to mentor texts.
“General” Information Language Arts –Reader’s Workshop: Independent Practice-Using self selected texts and their notes, students are given the opportunity to practice the skill or strategy developed in the mini-lessons in small groups or independently.
“General” Information Language Arts –Expectations: 1.Have an Independent Reading Book, (IRB) at all times. (DIRT & ELA Class) 2.Read for 20 minutes each day and keep Reading Log current as student reads or abandons a book. 3.Study spelling words. Quiz on Fridays for first quarter. 4.Most Fridays will have a reading assessment or quiz which will include strategies/skills learned that week and also include previously learned skills/strategies.
“General” Information Science –The Students will: Learn how to apply the science process skills and the scientific method. Build an understanding of the lithosphere. Investigate the characteristics of matter and energy flow through an ecosystem.
“General” Information Science –The Students will: Investigate the characteristics of energy transfer. Build an understanding of the solar system.
Science Students will have a Current Event most months. They are to keep the blue instruction sheet in their notebook…due dates listed on the back! There is a copy of this on my webpage Students are to keep a science section in their binder. All papers need to be in the order of the Table of Contents. You can find a copy of this on my webpage Look for one major project per quarter!
“General” Information Social Studies: We will be looking at five eras, beginning with the prehistoric era and ending in the year The Social Studies curriculum is based on concepts within time periods.
“General” Information Main topics covered this year include: The Stone Age and the development of the first civilizations including Mesopotamia, Ancient Egypt, The Indus River Valley civilizations, Ancient China, Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire finally wrapping up with the birth of the Renaissance at the end of the medieval period in Europe and interactions between the continents.
“General” Information Social Studies A class topic list went home with all students. The class will be interdisciplinary and will include geography, history, world cultures, and some basic economics.
“General” Information Social Studies With millions of years of history on many continents we have a daunting task. We will use the textbook to introduce different topics BUT supplemental materials and handouts should also be expected and/reviewed at home before quizzes.
“General” Information Mathematics Computation with fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, and percents. Compare and order fractions, decimals, percents, and integers Solve one-step equations and inequalities
“General” Information Mathematics Area, perimeter, surface area and volume Coordinate graphing in all four quadrants Statistics and displaying data
“General” Information Tips for Success in Math Class Calendar Tests (due 9/27, precheck by 9/23) Grade Sheet Basic Math Facts Term Notebook Tutoring
“General” Information Thank you for coming!! Feel free to contact us at any time with questions or concerns.