Lecture-0 Topics in International Trade and Political Economy An overview of the course Carlos Llano
Tema 5 -SE 2 1. Introduction How deep the globalization process is?
Tema 5 -SE Figure 1.2 World Trade in Goods, 2006 ($ billions) Feenstra and Taylor: International Trade, Second Edition Copyright © 2011 by Worth Publishers
Tema 5 -SE Figure 1.3 Trade in Goods and Services Relative to GDP Feenstra and Taylor: International Trade, Second Edition Copyright © 2011 by Worth Publishers
Tema 5 -SE Figure 1.4 Average Worldwide Tariffs, 1860–2000 Feenstra and Taylor: International Trade, Second Edition Copyright © 2011 by Worth Publishers
Tema 5 -SE Figure 1.6 Foreign-Born Migrants, 2005 (millions) Feenstra and Taylor: International Trade, Second Edition Copyright © 2011 by Worth Publishers
Tema 5 -SE Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the World © 2014 Worth Publishers International Economics, 3e | Feenstra/Taylor 7
Tema 5 -SE Week 1 (Thursday, April 7th ) Classic and neoclassic models I: Topic: Ricardian Model. Comparative advantage. The Heckscher-Ohlin model. Computer Lab 1: The Reveled Comparative Advantages. Testing the HOH Model. STATA. Week 2: (Thursday, April 14th ). New Trade Theory Topic: Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International Trade. Computer Lab 2. Intra-industry trade using Excel and STATA. Topic: The gravity model. Applied laboratory with STATA Computer Lab 3. The gravity model. Applied laboratory with STATA. Week 3: (Thursday, April 21st). Recent developments in international trade: Topic 1: International movement of factors I: immigration, foreign investment and multinational firms. Topic 2: The New Economic Geography and International trade Schedule and syllabus
Tema 5 -SE Studding materials: Power point presentations: Summary of the main concepts. Photocopies for some chapters. Additional material: papers, readings... Materials AbbreviationMain References F&T Feenstra and Taylor. (2010): International Economics. Worth Publishers; 2 Ed. BGM Brakman S., Garretsen H. van Marrewijk C. (2009): The New Introduction to Geographical Economics. Cambridge University Press. FKV-1999 Fujita, M.; Krugman, P.; Venables, A. (1999): The Spatial Economy. The MIT Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts. London, England*. KO-2005 Krugman, P., Obstfeld M. and Melitz (2012): International Economics: Theory and Policy. Addison-Wesley. TWB-08 The World Bank (2008): “Reshaping economic geography”. WB report.Reshaping economic geography
Carlos Llano Associate professor. Economics and Business School. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM-Spain). Coordinator of the Master in International Economics at the UAM. Fields of interest: international and interregional trade; NEG; regional and urban economics; spatial economics; macroeconomics. Who am I? Office: E1-306 s: Web:
Tema 5 -SE Goal: to understand the relationship between economics and geography. Content: Both theoretical and empirical perspectives are covered. We examine the relationship between economic activity, territorial location and trade, in the context of recent developments in Trade Theory and Economic Geography. Approach: Advanced-undergraduate level (Feenstra and Taylor, 2009; Krugman et al, 2012). Computer Labs. Stata, etc. What is the course about?
Tema 5 -SE The course will include three kinds of activities: Theoretical classes: Each lesson will cover a topic. Advanced-undergraduate level (Feenstra and Taylor, 2009; Krugman et al, 2012). 3 Computer Labs: where the students will use econometric and simulation models. Project: during the course, the students will develop a brief project using real data. The specific content of the project will be described during the course. Methodology and Grading Grading: 1. Project (50%). May-June 2. Exam (50%). May-June