Microsoft in Education Virtual Forum- Latin America & Caribbean October 30 th, 2014
Stop Motion: Rediscovering the new youth movement. Educator(s): Alvaro Deangelles Pereira Florentino School or Educational Institution: Brief description of the context or school environment The project was developed at the School of Reference of High School Monsignor João Marques, the city of Saloá, Pernambuco. The school is located in a poor neighborhood of the city and serves a large number of students. In recent years the school has been able to highlight the awards with our project. Specify the Website: Content / Subjects or Curriculum: Art/Desingn, Citizenship, Computer Science, Environment, Geography, History, Music, Natural Sciences, Social Studies, Technology/TIC, Twenty-first Century Skills and Languages. Age / Educational Level or Grade: 28 years old/ Specialist in ther teaching of Biology. Project Objectives: *Produce movies using the technique of “Stop Motion”, usingn new technologies and new look of youths; *Leveraging the power of visual communication within the school environment.; *Raise awareness through art the power of new social youths within the teaching and learning process.
Description of the project To implement the project "Stop motion: rediscovering the new youth movement" a technique or animation frame (frame by frame), using a camera as a resource and a computer program (Windows Movie Maker) was used for editing video. The technique used was critical to achieving our goals and ensure that all activities during the project fosssem successful. The video production was a tool of encouragement for students could continue making videos diverssos after project completion. Planning and Design of the learning environment Throughout the project planning is very important, since the execution of videos requires that before construction of the script enough students to search on the topic that will be addressed and consequently the process of teaching and learning happens in all stages of the project. In the construction process students engaged fully in research. After polls begin the animation script and consequently the production and filming. In the editing stage care was visible with the details and finalize the video. After completion of the animations, they were given at school and posted on social LINK: videos-do.html
Evidence of Learning In our project we used the technique of "Stop Motion". For this we use camera, a computer to perform the editing of videos and some materials for the production scenario and the supporting material for the execution. With the use of the camera they can produce the videos according to the script created and the public to be reaching for animation. The script can be run inside or outside school. They all just have posted this in the planning phase and understand that these technologies can be used in more ways diverssas. The use of ICT is fundamental to building new knowledge. The use of creative and innovative is critical for students to enchergar differently and achieve new knowledge.
Collaboration The technique itself causes the spirit of sharing happens throughout the project. Many hands are used for the movement of objects sena and it is crucial for everyone encorporem their responsibilities in each stage of development.
Knowledge Construction and critical thinking At this time, provide an analytical overview of the process of teaching and learning about the lived activity is of paramount importance because it is from there that we can use it as a reference, as well as guide future cases in which other teachers and students can adopt as a tool to aid in the construction of knowledge and the formation of a critical, conscious and able to change the reality on the environment they live in and not be inert to a system of public policies as corrupt citizen. Our project resonated, was beyond the classroom, we achieved all of society and it is very important to the process. The work was fundamental to the spread of knowledge, students stay in school, it serves as a stimulus helping to keep alight the flame of knowledge and consequently reduce truancy.