Year 1P Newsletter Sea Life Centre Trip – Date to be confirmed – April – Approx £ Key Days P.E Kit – In school for P.E every Thursday Swimming Kit – Every Tuesday (every week) Library Book – every Tuesday Spelling Book –every Thursday Number Bonds Book – see front of book Learning in Spring 2 If you would like to do additional homework please complete a project with your child –our topic is ‘ The World Around Me’. Projects could include – comparing countries with the UK, a visit and fact file of a place of interest, looking at different locations – countryside, cities and coastal areas, map of the journey to school, exploring different cultures and traditions of the UK and its members, traffic surverys, aerial maps of different rooms in the house, garden etc!. Please bring your projects in! We would love to see them and share them with the class! The Year 1 page on the school website also contains learning links relevant to our Maths and Topic learning. I will update this over the half term. In addition the targets given out at Parents Evenings in the Autumn Term contain the skills that children will be assessed against in Year 1. Children's targets and achievements are set against these end of year benchmarks. You can choose a target to work on either daily or weekly. Alternatively pick a concept to master for Spring to practise at home (see overleaf). What we are learning Phonics –Phase 5 sounds and spellings – alternative spellings – a,a-e, ai, ay and eigh and when to use. English - Non- fiction – features of non-fiction text and writing non- chronological reports. Maths – Measurements – time, lengths and capacity. Shape and fractions. Position and direction. Science –Properties of Materials (what would be a good material to use for... Why? D.T-Creating art work to represent the seasons Geography – capital cities and countries of the UK. Creating aerial maps.
Key concepts to master this term: Maths Counting forwards and backwards to/from 100. Number bonds to 10 and 20 (all pairs that add to 10 and 20) Counting on to add and subtract Telling time to the hour and half past the hour Recognise and compare events – earlier/later Measuring length and height using non standard (hands, cubes) and standard (cm – ruler/meter stick) measures Recognising left and right Using positional language Describe movement and describe turns, including half, quarter and three-quarter turns in both directions and connect turning clockwise with movement on a clock face English: Reading words with contractions and understanding that the apostrophe represents a missing word – example I’ll stands for I will. Using ! ? and. accurately Add ‘ing’ and ‘ed’ to change the verb tense. Example walking and walked. Using the suffixes ‘er’ and ‘est’ at the end of a word to compare. Example – fast, faster and fastest. Handwriting – forming all lower case and capital letters. Ensuring ascenders (b,d,h,k,l,t ) are above and descenders (g,j,p,q,y) are below the line.. Spring 2 Overview Maths Counting forwards and backwards to 100. Week 1 : Measuring – comparing lengths and finding the difference) Week 2: Weight and Time Week 3 : Capacity and Data Week 4: Shapes (3D properties) Fractions (halves and quarters of shapes and amounts) Week 5 :Position – half turns/quarter turns – positional language (underneath, in front of, in between etc) English/Topic: The World Around Me Focus – Geography of local area and the UK. To support please map your journey to different places and look at capital cities of the UK. Week 1 :Materials (properties and uses of) Week 2: My Local Area Week 3: The UK Week 4 :Weather Week 5 : Faith Week – Easter