Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Address: , Republic of Uzbekistan, Kashkadarya region, Karshi. Mustakillik avenue, 225. Phone: , Fax: Web-site:
Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Karshi Engineering – Economics Institute was founded in 1995 as a result of the association of Karshi agrarian-economics institute and Karshi branch of Tashkent polytechnical institute. Institute has almost fifty-year history and traditions. Institute is situated in the south of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Kashkadarya region. There are 6 faculties in the institute: Economics Oil and gas Energy Industrial technology Professional education Techniques
Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute also, following departments and centers: educational-methodical department; information resource centre; department of spirituality; department of magistracy and preparing scientific-pedagogic personnel; personnel department; accounting department; center of information technologies; scientific department; Applied Researches Development and Innovation Centre; department for talented students; marketing department; general service department. Library in Information resource centre contains books and 642 electronic textbooks.
Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Scheme of institute administration Institute is headed by a rector Vice-rectors: - on academic issues; - on scientific issues; - on Ethics and enlightenment issues; - on economic and financial issues; - on relations with academic lyceums and professional colleges
There are 25 chairs in institute: Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Economics; Management; Accounting and audit; Chemistry; Chemical technology; Information technology and mathematical modeling; Environmental protection and ecology; Professional education and methods of teaching; Languages; General technical subjects; Exploitation of hydraulic constructions and pumping stations; Land management and land cadastre; Agricultural and land improvement machines;
There are 25 chairs in institute: Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Equipment exploitation and labor protection; Farming economy and agricultural technology; Geology and exploring of oil and gas fields; Oil and gas well drilling; Mining and exploitation of oil and gas fields; Higher mathematics; Electric power industry; Heat power; Physics and mechanics; Physical training; History of Uzbekistan; Philosophy.
Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute There are over 150 postgraduate students in 10 field: Management (production); Chemical technology of mineral fertilizers; Methods of teaching of professional subjects (mechanization of agriculture); Heat power Heat and gas supply Oil and gas Mechanization of agricultural manufacturing; Microeconomics; Theory of economics; General agriculture. Academic personnel: The total quantity of academic personnel in institute is above 300 The institute offers two-level education system – baccalaureate (graduate) and magistracy(postgraduate). Students are taught in two languages: Uzbek and Russian.
Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Over 5000 students are being educated in 33 graduate fields: Professional education (Economics); Professional education (Mechanization of the agriculture); Professional education (Usage and repair of the transport facilities); Professional education (Electric power engineering); Economics (on branches and spheres); Management (on branches and spheres); Finance; Accounting and audit (on branches); Treasury; Oil and gas geology; Heat and power engineering; Electric power industry (on branches); Exploitation and repair of the transportation facilities (on types of the transport); Automation of the technological processes and manufacture (on branches);
Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Over 5000 students are being educated in 33 graduate fields: Chemical technology (on high-molecular compounds, production of plastic and elastomer); Chemical engineering (on inorganic matters and production of the mineral fertilizers); Chemical technology of the processing of the natural energy carriers and carbon- base materials; Oil and gas engineering; Machinery and equipment of oil and gas industry; Mining engineering; Geology and exploring of oil and gas fields; The technique and technology of geological-exploratory works; Oil and gas well drilling;
Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Mining and exploitation of oil and gas fields; Food technology (on types of products); Management and conduct of farm; Technology of production, keeping and primary processing of agricultural product; Land management and land cadastre; Mechanization of agriculture; Water industry and melioration; Exploitation of hydrotechnical constructions and pumping stations; Technique and technology of service (on branches of services); Ecology and environmental protection (on branches). Over 5000 students are being educated in 33 graduate fields:
Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Institute cooperates with following manufacturing enterprises and organizations: “Uzgeoburneftgaz” stock company; “Shurtanneftgaz” unitary affiliated production unit; “Mubarekneftgaz ” unitary affiliated production unit; Shurtan Gas Chemical Complex; “Tallimarjon” heat power station; “Muborak” gas processing plant; “Dehkhanabad” plant of potassium fertilizers; Regional Board of the ministry of Statistics; Regional Board of the ministry of Economics; Regional Board of Special Secondary, professional education; Regional Board of the ministry Agricultural and water management; Regional branch of Farmers’ Union of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Relations of the institute
Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Resources for seminars and conferences
Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Karshi Engineering - Economics Institute Address: , Republic of Uzbekistan, Kashkadarya region, Karshi. Mustakillik avenue, 225. Phone: , Fax: Web-site: