1. The Question Next These materials are © 2008 Gretchen D. Farkas, Carpenter Elementary School, all rights reserved. Region For Sale! Which one of the 5 regions should the United States Government sell? Clipart courtesy of
2. Information Sources The United States is divided into five regions. These regions are the Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Southwest, and the West. The regions of the United States are grouped by history, traditions, economy, climate, and geography. Each region is different from one another. The states in the five regions are all in the same area of the United States. The following links will guide you through the 5 regions and their features: Regions of the United States Regions Overview The Northeast The Southeast The Midwest The Southwest The West Climate Map Population Map Physical Map Geonet Next These materials are © 2008 Gretchen D. Farkas, Carpenter Elementary School, all rights reserved.
3. The Student Activity Next. The US Government has been approached to sell off one of the 5 regions. A new independent country will be formed from the sold off region. The proposal is under consideration to help alleviate the National Debt. You must work to save your region! In your group of 5, you each will have a job; Travel Agent- Presents major tourist attractions in the region Economist – Researches major industries, imports and exports of the region Historians - Researches interesting facts, events, and people from the region Geographer- Studies and describes the climate, landforms, and geographical uses of the region Cartographer- Involved with creating a map of the region and doing a population study Using your prior knowledge, textbook and provided links, you will research your assigned region for your role. These materials are © 2008 Gretchen D. Farkas, Carpenter Elementary School, all rights reserved.
4. The Assessment Activity Now that you have researched the features and characteristics of your assigned region, your team’s task is to create a campaign poster to help save your region. Refer to the rubric and checklist to include all necessary information in your poster.rubricchecklist Next These materials are © 2008 Gretchen D. Farkas, Carpenter Elementary School, all rights reserved. Save the Southwest!
Poster Required Elements Travel Agent Include at least 2 tourist attractions in the region EconomistInclude major industries, imports and exports of the region HistorianInclude at least 2 facts, 2 events, 2 people, and 2 tradition from the region GeographerInclude a information on climate, landforms, and information on how the land is used in the region CartographerCreate a map(s) of the region, and information on population
Poster Rubric
5. Enrichment Activities The following videos provide a great tour of the regions of the United States. Log onto using the student account and view the following videos and/or audio clips which will be located in the Regions content folder. Visit these sites for additional research on the states. Explore The States Fact Monster – 50 States U.S.A. Games Next These materials are © 2008 Gretchen D. Farkas, Carpenter Elementary School, all rights reserved.
6. Teacher Support Materials Standards/GLCEs Michigan Social Studies GLCE 4 – G1.0.4 Use geographic tools and technologies, stories, songs, and pictures to answer geographic questions about the United States 4 – G2.0.1 Describe ways in which the united States can be divided into different regions 4 – G1.0.5 Use maps to describe elevation, climate, and patterns of population density in the United States 4 – G2.0.1 Describe ways in which the United States can be divided into different regions 4 – G2.0.2 Compare human and physical characteristics of a region with those of another region in the United States 4 – P4.2.2 Participate in projects to help or inform others Michigan ELA GLCE W.GN – Use the writing process to produce and present a research project using a teacher-approved topic; find and narrow research questions; use a variety of resources ; take notes; and organize relevant information to draw conclusions. S.CN speak effectively using facial expressions, hand gestures, and body language in narrative and informational presentations. ISTE Standards for Students Creativity and Innovation – Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology; Create original works as a means of personal or group expression Communication and Collaboration – Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others; Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems. Research and Information Fluency – Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information;locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media; evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks Click to go to the Bibliography These materials are © 2008 Gretchen D. Farkas, Carpenter Elementary School, all rights reserved.
7. Bibliography Novak, (n.d.). Retrieved July 16, 2008 from : s/region.htm s/region.htm er=1762http:// er= am/myweb3/Region%20Tour% htmhttp://hill.troy.k12.mi.us/staff/bnewingh am/myweb3/Region%20Tour% htm These materials are © 2008 Gretchen D. Farkas, Carpenter Elementary School, all rights reserved.