The specific expertise of GVG in social protection and its close institutional links in Germany characterises our unique role in international cooperation. GVG feeds in all its knowledge and expertise gained at the national level into its work at the international level. This ranges from scientific analysis and conceptual orientation to the support of social protection and labour market reforms by institution building and training measures. ABOUT GVG e.V. TAIEX WORKSHOP - ANKARA
OSH STRUCTURE IN GERMANY OSH System of Germany National OSH Legislation of association and of all 16 federal states Law-making association and federal states: laws, enactment, rules of national committees Consulting/Monitoring of compliance with all legislation by civil servants Regulations and directives of EU and ILO agreements Self-governed OSH regulations by employers´ liability insurance association Regulations approvals by government and federal states Consulting/Monitoring of compliance with all regulation by civil servants TAIEX WORKSHOP - ANKARA
CALCULATION OF WORKING TIME OF OSH PROFESSIONALS (I) Generally ( 1 / 2 ) The OSH supports of companies consist of - Basic-supervision and - Company-specific-supervision. These both supportings are forming the comprehensive OSH care. The employer has to determine and divide the working-time of safety engineer and physician under involvement of works council, physician and safety engineer every year. TAIEX WORKSHOP - ANKARA
Employer determines the duties Works council collaborate Safety engineer Physician cooperate Safety and physician are providing Find consensus divide, agreement in written form Safety and physician are providing SCHEMATIC TAIEX WORKSHOP - ANKARA
Generally ( 2 / 2 ) Preventive medical examinations may in principle not impute about working-time of basic-support. It has to be imputed about working-time of company-related specific-support. Travel time may not impute like working time. Measurements and results of value performance have to be documented by safety engineer and physician. CALCULATION OF WORKING TIME OF OSH PROFESSIONALS (II) TAIEX WORKSHOP - ANKARA
The basic-supervision working time has to calculate as following: The employers´ liability insurance associations have allocated all companies in 3 risk groups. Example: A company has 200 employees and is allocated in high risk group. 200 employees x 2,5 h/a and employee = 500 h/a (basic-support working time of physician and safety engineer) High risk groupMedium risk groupLow risk group Working time (h/a per employee) 2,51,50,5 CALCULATION OF WORKING TIME OF OSH PROFESSIONALS (III) TAIEX WORKSHOP - ANKARA
BASIC-SUPERVISION: ACTIONS 1.Supporting in risk assessment 2.Supporting in labour and behaviour organisation 3.Supporting in establishment of adequate organisation and integration 4.Investigations after incidences 5.Consulting of employer, works council and employees 6.Creation and fulfillment of documentations 7.Participation in safety committee meetings 8.Self-organisation TAIEX WORKSHOP - ANKARA
CALCULATION OF WORKING TIME OF OSH PROFESSIONALS (IV) The company-specific-supervision working time has to calculate as following: Standard – checklist 1. Accident hazards, health hazards (demands of humane working conditions) 2. Changes in working conditions 3. Influences of external developments in internal conditions 4. Internal actions, programmes and measurements MEMBERS OF SAFETY COMMITTEE MEETING ARE DEFINING THE SPECIFIC-SUPPORT WORKING TIME RELATED TO THE RESULTS OF THE CHECKLIST TAIEX WORKSHOP - ANKARA
Company-specific- supervision Basic-supervision CALCULATION OF WORKING TIME OF OSH PROFESSIONALS (V) WORKING TIME e.g. 500 h/a e.g. checklist h/a TAIEX WORKSHOP - ANKARA
ALTERNATIVE APPLICATION FOR OSH SERVICES Hiring of internal safety engineer / internal physician: How to realize the best way? It is only calculation and strategic decission of the company Example: Internal safety engineer is working 8 h/d and appr h/a and costs the company appr. 60 T€/a. (Physician appr. 70 T€/a) The pros of an internal OSH are: knowledge of enterprise; simple solutions to known problems; health and safety is internalised in the company. The cons of an internal OSH are: cost of full-time OSH personnel, cost of devices; lack of certain competences. TAIEX WORKSHOP - ANKARA
ALTERNATIVE APPLICATION FOR OSH SERVICES Hiring of external safety engineer / external physician: Example: External safety engineer costs the company appr. 60 €/h. (Physician appr. 90 €/h) The pros of an external OSH are: expertise in health surveillance qualified personnell cost-effective The cons of an external OSH are: "academic" specialisation, services not tailored for the specific company; communication between OSH and company. TAIEX WORKSHOP - ANKARA
CERTIFICATES The establishment of an OSH service company is very simple: -Registration in commercial register -Not the company but all of its consulters have to be educated and certificated in safety engineer/physician Needs to be safety: -The person must be an engineer or technician with minimum 3 years experience -Additional education in all topics of OSH by employers´ liability insurance association (minimum 2 years; final examination) -University 4.5 years Needs to be physician: -The person must be a doctor -Additional education in all topics of OSH (minimum 5 years; final examination) TAIEX WORKSHOP - ANKARA
WORKPLACE NUMBER FOR EXTERNAL OSH SERVICE -limits of number of companies are not given -according to the sum of all working times of companies OSH services need more staff (physician and safety engineer) TAIEX WORKSHOP - ANKARA
THE OBJECTIVES OF AN OSH SERVICE Role can be summarized as follows: Support and technical services to the employer and the employee in OSH Develop standards, procedures, reporting systems, and policies necessary to promote OSH practices, and to monitor compliance Evaluate, to treat, and to limit temporary or permanent disability resulting from injury or illness occurring in the workplace Detect significant health hazards as early as possible and to assist before an injury or illness results Assist the employee in controlling personal health problems and living a health life, in order to enhance their quality of life, productivity, and well-being. TAIEX WORKSHOP - ANKARA
ROLE OF EXTERNAL OSH SERVICE Independency: Being independent is an important demand of OSH. OSH services does not penalise unsafe and unacceptable situations. an OSH service needs consultancy skills to convince a company that situations need to be improved; an OSH service is of course responsible for good services; an OSH service must guarantee the confidentiality of personal and company data files; an OSH service has to bear in mind the interest of the company as well as that of the workforce. TAIEX WORKSHOP - ANKARA
ROLE OF EXTERNAL OSH SERVICE Much more skills: not only one safety engineer/physician; full equipments; take advantage of nearly unlimited know-how; cost-efficient. TAIEX WORKSHOP - ANKARA
Thank you very much for your attention TAIEX WORKSHOP - ANKARA