11th grade Miss. Peres
What would you like to invent? Watch the following video on some inventions.
What are some of the greatest inventions in the world? How do you think people lived before them?
Page 14 – Ex. 1 Read the text and guess what each person invented. Mary Anderson invented windscreen wipers. Thomas Adams invented chewing gum. James Henry invented the mouse trap. Josephine Cochrane invented the dishwasher Unknown Dutchman invented the roller skates.
Ex. 2 Answers 1. Because it allowed them to drive their cars in the rain and snow. 2. He invented chewing gum. 3. It killed mice. 4. The dishwasher. 5. He attached them to his shoes so he could skate when the canals weren’t frozen.
1. What was Mary Anderson doing when she put her head out of the window? She was driving. 2. What was Thomas Adams doing when he put the rubber in his mouth? He was thinking about why his experiments failed. 3. What was James Henry doing when he invented “Little Nipper”? He was looking at his potatoes. Which verb tense are these sentences in?
The past continuous is formed from the past tense of be (WAS / WERE) with the -ing form of the verb: We use the past continuous to talk about the past: for something which continued before and after another action: The children were doing their homework when I got home. Compare: I got home. The children did their homework. and The children did their homework when I got home. As I was watching television the telephone rang. This use of the past continuous is very common at the beginning of a story: The other day I was waiting for a bus when … Last week as I was driving to work …
to show that something continued for some time: My head was aching. Everyone was shouting. for something that was happening again and again: I was practising every day, three times a day. They were meeting secretly after school. They were always quarrelling.
Correction: EX 3d 1. was doing 2. were playing 3. was sitting 4. was sending 5. was daydreaming
Do exercises 7,8, 10
As they were approaching the Earth, four of the spaceships caught fire. Which verb is in the past continuous? Which one is in the past simple? As they were approaching (past continuous) the Earth, four of the spaceships caught (past simple) fire. Do exercise 1 page 17
Use the past continuous to refer to an action in progress in the past. Use the past simple to refer to an action that interrupted the one in progress: Mark was working on the computer when his boss called. Mom was cooking dinner when I got home from school.
Use the past continuous to set a background action. Use the past simple for an action that happened at one particular moment: As they were approaching the Earth four of the spaceships caught fire.
Usually use WHEN with the past simple and WHILE with the past continuous: I was doing my homework when the lights went off. While I was doing my homework the lights went off.
What is the difference between when and while? WHILE: Usually we use while when there are two long actions. WHEN: Usually we use when if one action is long and the other is short. We use when if there are two short actions. We use when if we talk about periods of our life (When I was 12 …)
Do exercises 2 and 3.
Puchta, Herbert and Stranks, Jeff. Into English 2. São Paulo: Cambrige, 2012