What’s your name?
Saikot is going to school
Girls got new book.
Saikot is going to school Here Saikot is a name. Girls got new book. Here Girls is a name.
Name = Noun. So, Noun and Name are same. But their spelling are different.
Noun & its classification So let’s learn about:
Objectives After the lesson the students will have told what a noun is described different kinds of noun completed some exercises
Definition A NOUN is a word that names a person, a place, a thing, or an idea. idea ? placepersonthing
IDEA? Why can’t we identify the idea in this picture? Ideas are thoughts and cannot be seen. Examples of ideas include happiness, joy, pain, and fairness. What ideas might these persons have?
Dilruba is getting books. Here Dilruba is a name. So, Dilruba is a noun.
The girls are dancing. Here girls is a name. So, girls is a noun.
The class protests early marriage. Here class is a name. So, class is a noun.
We can not drink salty water. Here water is a name. So, water is a noun.
Her kindness is known to us. Here kindness is a name. So, kindness is a noun.
Kinds of Nouns There are five kinds of nouns: 1.Proper noun 2.Common noun 3.Collective noun 4.Material noun 5.Abstract noun
Proper Nouns A PROPER NOUN names a specific person, place, thing, or idea. It refers to a NAME of a noun. Saikot Jhikatia Girls School Bata
Common Nouns A COMMON NOUN names a general person, place, thing, or idea. It does not refer to something specific. cat School shoe
COLLECTIVE Nouns A COLLECTIVE Noun means the name of a collection or a group Class Army Peasantry
MATERIAL Nouns A MATERIAL Noun means the name of a material or thing. Water Drinks Milk
aBSTRACT Nouns A aBSTRACT Noun means the name of a quality or an abstract idea. Justice Discipline Kindness
Dilruba Dilruba is the name of a particular girl. So, Dilruba is a proper noun. Girls Girls is a common name. So girls is a common noun. Class Class is the name of a collection or a group of students. So, class is a collective noun. Water Water is the name of a material or thing. So water is a material noun. Kindness Kindness is the name of a quality or an abstract idea. So kindness is an abstract noun.
Dilruba Proper Noun. Girls Common Noun Class Collective Noun Water Material Noun Kindness Abstract Noun
Dilruba Proper Noun. Girls Common Noun Class Collective Noun Water Material Noun Kindness Abstract Noun Concrete NounAbstract Noun
Concrete & Abstract Nouns In addition to noun, there are also CONCRETE and ABSTRACT nouns. Hats—concrete nounLove—abstract noun
CONCRETE NOUNS CONCRETE NOUNS are nouns that you can see, hear, touch, smell, or taste.
Abstract NOUNS ABSTRACT NOUNS are nouns that you cannot see, hear, touch, smell, or taste. They are ideas, qualities, and feelings that cannot be seen or touched. RESPONSIBILITY FAIRNESS JUSTICE
Classify these Nouns: COMMONPROPER CONCRETE ABSTRACT bike planet desk scissors Jupiter justice judge taka Christian snow city Islam Comilla Mrs Marium friendship bike planet desk scissors Jupiter justice judge taka Christian snow city Islam Comilla Mrs Marium friendship
COMMONPROPER CONCRETE ABSTRACT bike planet desk scissors Jupiter justice judge taka Christian snow city Islam Comilla Mrs Marium friendship Check your chart:
Practice Identify the nouns in each sentence. Then classify it as cc (common concrete), ca (common abstract), pc (proper concrete), or pa (proper abstract). 1. The children play with their toys. childrentoys An: The children play with their toys. cc busJhikatia Girls’ School. 2. Muna rides the bus to Jhikatia Girls’ School. busJhikatia Girls’ School. An: Muna rides the bus to Jhikatia Girls’ School. pcccpc 3. Ramadan is celebrated by Muslims around the world. RamadanMuslimsworld An: Ramadan is celebrated by Muslims around the world. pc cc 4. Mr. Mijan’s students have great respect for him. Mr. Mijan’sstudentsrespect AN: Mr. Mijan’s students have great respect for him. pc ccca 5. Students have a barrel of fun in Ms Nasima’s class. StudentsbarrelfunMsNasima’sclass AN: Students have a barrel of fun in Ms Nasima’s class. cc capc
Testing Your Knowledge What is a noun? a person, place, thing, or idea What is a concrete noun? a noun that can be seen, touched, heard, tasted, or smelled What is an abstract noun? a noun that cannot be seen, touched, heard, tasted, or felt. They are ideas, qualities, and feelings that cannot be seen or smelled What is a proper noun? A noun that names a specific person, place, thing, or idea What is a common noun? A noun that names a general person, place, thing, or idea.
Home Task 1. Write a sentence using a common concrete and a proper concrete noun. Underline each of the nouns and label them accordingly. 2. Write a sentence using a common concrete and a common abstract noun. Underline each of the nouns and label them accordingly.