课程名称 : 大学英语精读 ( 一 ) 章节: Unit 7 Money Matters 金钱 Reading 1 The Youth Market Just Keeps on Growing 阅读 1 :北美青少年市场在持续增长 微课授课内容: A Logical Reading and Thinking of the Reasons for the youth market’s continuing growth 青少年市场增长原因的阅读与逻辑分析 授课对象:大一新生(非英语专业) 参赛教师: 王超 外语系 大学英语第二教研室
Unit 7-book1 MoneyMatters Money Matters The College English Course for Non-English Majors (Freshman)
Learning Tasks 2 To summarize the reasons for the youth market’s continuing growth 1 To introduce your own allowances and spending habits 3 To analyze the youth market in North America
How much do you receive from your parents as allowances each month? How do you spend the money? Do you make a budget? Do you discuss spending with your parents? Have you ever got into debt? 1 To introduce your own spending habits
The Youth Market Just Keeps on Growing Reading 1
buyers Brainstorming market sellers commodity buying power profits potential customer youngsters companies promotion 2 To analyze the youth market in North America
The Youth Market Just Keeps on Growing Why? What problem? How to deal with it? gigantic buying power to market directly to young teens credit card debt to learn how to budget Phenomenon young people? companies?
2 2 Young people have gigantic buying power. Companies market directly to young teens. 1 1 Why? 2 To analyze the youth market in North America How?
2 To analyze the youth market in North America Pa.1 From the buyers’ perspective: Young people have gigantic buying power. Teens have large and growing allowances. First, Parents are too busy to discuss spending with kids. Today, Children influence parents’ decisions about buying. In fact,
Details With Remarkable Numbers No.1 The amount of money children receive for their allowance has increased by 15 percent in the past ten years. (Line 6) No.2 Nine out of ten kids have some power over family spending decisions. (Line 11) No.3 Some researchers estimate that up to $565 billion of family purchases are influenced by children. (Line 13)
2 From the sellers’ perspective: Companies market directly to young teens. Pa.2, 3 CompanyStrategyEvidence To analyze the youth market in North America
cosmetics cosmetic manufacturers
the latest-style jeans clothing manufacturers
music and entertainment industry
special accounts and programs
online stores
CompanyStrategyEvidence Major cosmetic and clothing manufacturers The music and entertainment industries Banks Pa.2, 3 From the sellers’ perspective: Companies market directly to young teens. 2 To analyze the youth market in North America
companystrategyevidence Online stores Pa.2, 3 From the sellers’ perspective: Companies market directly to young teens. 2 To analyze the youth market in North America
CompanyStrategyEvidence Major cosmetic and clothing manufacturers produce brands The latest-style blue jeans are $ ; a pair of shoes $200 The music and entertainment industries have traditionally marketed their products to the young Banks look to this new market They are promoting themselves to children with special accounts and programs Pa.2, 3 From the sellers’ perspective: Companies market directly to young teens. 2 To analyze the youth market in North America
companystrategyevidence Online stores a.provide personalized services b. adopt easy purchases a.Teens can personalize clothes by changing the size, color, or style to suit their taste. b. Some companies have internet-only debit accounts for young customers to use. Pa.2, 3 From the sellers’ perspective: Companies market directly to young teens. 2 To analyze the youth market in North America
3 To summarize the reasons for the youth market’s continuing growth In North America, the youth market keeps on growing. The reasons should be analyzed from both the buyers’ and sellers’ perspectives. Young people have gigantic buying power. Companies market directly to the young. a. They have large and growing allowances. b. Parents are too busy to discuss spending. c. They have decisive influence on family purchases. a. They produce brands attractive to the young. b. They design special programs. c. They offer personalized services. d. They encourage the easy way to purchase.
Assignment Organize a short essay entitled The Youth Market in North America with at least 120 words. You can consult the information in the text.