1 Vote 22: Safety and Security (Department of Police) Briefing to the Select Committee on Security and Constitutional Development 30 June 2009
2 Index (Doc 2) MTEF period 2009/10 to 2011/12 allocation: Figures and Text Prominent aspects Summary
3 Previous year [Background] End-year Reporting – 2008/09 Sections 40 and 65 of the PFMA are applicable Year-end closure – 31 March 2009 Subsequent compilation of Annual Report (07/08) on performance of Department (Previous ENE and strategic plan are reported on – backward looking) Annual Report consists of general information, programme performance, report of audit committee, annual financial statements and human resource management information To be tabled by Minister before 30 September 2009 Legislative oversight to take place regarding 2008/09 Some preliminary indications of departmental performance i.r.o budget priorities and State of the Nation Address 08/09 are provided herewith
4 Previous year: Preliminary outcomes 2008/09 – Certain indicators Additional personnel Vehicle fleet Purchased ± vehicles IJS priorities (SAPS specific and Transversal) R235 million allocated and spent Bullet-proof vests Paid R85 million in 2008/09 Capital Works Allocation spent Modernization and expansion of equipment Specific detail during legislative oversight
5 Programmes / Items (2008 ENE p. 487 to 507) [Background] Programmes represent the general purposes (objectives) on which funds are expended Items represent the estimated expenditure on goods and services required in pursuance of a department’s objectives Responsibility (centre of financial responsibility) represent the organizational unit entrusted with the task of compiling an estimate and accounting for expenditure against each such estimate
6 PAYMENTS (Items) [Background] Economic Classification of Payments Current Payments (Funds directly spent by departments.) Compensation of employees (Salary costs and social contributions e.g salaries, wages, most allowances, government contributions to pension fund, medical etc.) Goods and services (Purchasing of goods and services to be used by department excluding capital assets e.g fuel, oil, small tools/equipment, travel, subsistence, communication, uniform etc.) Transfers and subsidies (Funds transferred to other institutions and individuals. In other words it includes all unrequited payments made by department – “does not receive anything directly in return for the transfer to the other party”) To: *Provinces and municipalities (E.g Regional Service Council Levies and vehicle lic.) *Departmental agencies (E.g Landing fees of aircraft and instrument grading –pilots.) *Households (E.g discharge/retirement payouts, death grants, medical treatment of detainees, injury on duty, civil claims etc.) Payments for capital assets (Goods that can be used continuously for at least one year and from which future economic benefits or potential are expected to flow.) Buildings and other fixed structures Machinery and equipment above R5 000 (E.g transport and other equipment.)
7 Spending policy direction 2009/10 Minister of Finance – Budget Speech: 11 February 2009 “The fight against crime is drawing on the work of the criminal justice sector review. Efforts to overhaul the forensic and investigative capacity of the police are under way together with enhanced use of available technology. …… interventions aimed at improving criminal justice services, the creation of an integrated fingerprint and DNA database, improving detective capacity, upgrading IT and telecommunications systems and increasing the number of police officials from last year to over in 2011/12. Funding is provided for additional policing capacity during the 2010 FIFA World Cup.” President – State of the Nation Address: 3 June 2009 “Together we must do more to fight crime. Our aim is to establish a transformed, integrated, modernized, properly-resourced and well-managed criminal justice system. It is also critically important to improve the efficiency of the courts and the performance of prosecutors and to enhance detective, forensic and intelligence services. This work has started in earnest, and it will be undertaken with new energy and vigour.”
8 Budget – 2003/04 to 2011/12 (New ENE) R22.7 b 11.3% R billions R25.4 b 11.9% R29.3 b 15.3% R32.5 b 10.9% R36.4 b 12.0% R41.4 b 14.0% R46.4 b 11.8% R50.9 b 9.8% R55.0 b 8.0%
9 Nominal growth from 2008/09 (R41,492 billion) to 2011/12 (R55,030 billion) = R13,538 billion (32,6%) Average annual nominal growth since 2003/04 – 11,7% Strong growth mainly reflects the employment of large numbers of personnel, investment in capital assets and improvements in conditions of service Budget – 2003/04 to 2011/12
10 New allocations (Over and above ) Categories2009/102010/112011/12 R’000 Adjusted baseline including the following: Policing capacity Elections CJS Revamp Inflation-related adjustment: Compensation of employees Inflation related adjustment: Non Personnel
11 Reductions in baselines introduced by National Treasury (Efficiency savings) Reductions2009/10 R’ /11 R’ /12 R’000 Operational Expenses (2009 ENE) ( )( )( ) * Over and above 2008/09 efficiency savings
12 Budget – Programmes (Year-on-year increases) Main Programmes 2008/09 Adjusted Allocation R’ /10 Allocation R’000 % Increase 2010/11 Estimate R’000 % Increase 2011/12 Estimate R’000 % Increase Administration ,61% ,40% ,80% Visible Policing ,58% ,13% ,39% Detective Services ,55% ,50% ,80% Crime Intelligence ,31% ,93% ,65% Protection and Security Services ,71% ,39% ,23% Total ,85% ,81% ,97%
13 Expenditure trends: Programme 1: Administration Purpose: Develop departmental policy and manage the department, including providing administrative support Management includes the provision for the Secretariat for Safety and Security Corporate Services consists inter alia of Logistical Services (R2,976 billion) of which R1,014 billion is for Capital works, Information Technology (R2,223 billion), Financial Services (R489 million), Training (R1,006 billion), Medical Support (R3, 610 billion), Personnel Services (R843 million) etc. Increase due to intensified funding levels for training interventions, facilities, information technology, radio communication systems, IJS projects etc. Sub-programmes Minister Deputy Minister Management Corporate Services Property Management TOTAL 2008/09 R R R R R R /10 R R R R R R
14 Expenditure trends: Programme 2: Visible Policing Purpose: Enable police stations to institute and preserve safety and security, and provide for specialised interventions and the policing of South Africa’s borderlines Increase due to intensified funding levels for new enlistments, vehicles, bullet-proof vests, general equipment and security requirements for the 2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup Sub-programmes Crime Prevention Borderline Security Specialized interventions TOTAL 2008/09 R R R R /10 R R R R
15 Expenditure trends: Programme 3: Detective Services Purpose: Enable the investigative work of the SAPS, including providing support to investigators in terms of forensic evidence and the criminal record centre The Crime Investigation sub-programme includes both general and specialized investigations, mainly as a result of the restructuring process Increase for capacity at station detectives Significant emphasis on Forensic Laboratories and Criminal Record Centres focusing on upgrading / expansion of resources Sub-programmes Crime Investigations Criminal Record Centre Forensic Science Laboratory TOTAL 2008/09 R R R R /10 R R R R
16 Expenditure trends: Programme 4: Crime Intelligence Purpose: Manage crime intelligence and analyze crime information, and provide technical support for investigations and crime prevention operations Increase due to intensified funding levels for personnel and associated operational expenditures at crime intelligence offices Sub-programmes Crime Intelligence Operations Intelligence and Information Management TOTAL 2008/09 R R R /10 R R R
17 Expenditure trends: Programme 5: Protection and Security Services Purpose: Provide a protection and security service to all identified dignitaries and government interests Increase due to intensified funding levels for the continuation and expansion of Rail Police projects and various other ports of entry Sub-programmes VIP Protection Services Static and Mobile Security Port of Entry Security Rail Police Government Security Regulator Operational Support TOTAL 2008/09 R R R R R R R /10 R R R R R R R
18 Items (Year-on-year increases) SCOA Items R thousands 2008/09 Adjusted Allocation 2009/10 Allocation % Increase 2010/11 Estimate % Increase 2011/12 Estimate % Increase Current payments -Compensation of employees -Goods and services ,84% 12,09% 11,11% ,01% 8,94% 13,20% ,10% 6,38% 13,05% Transfers and subsidies -Provinces and municipalities -Departmental agencies & accounts -Households ,29% 18,75% 11,75% 7,45% ,84% 4,46% 6,26% 4,78% ,28% 5,40% 5,99% 5,01% Payments for capital assets -Buildings and other fixed structures -Machinery and equipment -Cultivated assets ,46% 20,29% 7,65% 103,73% ,21% 10,23% 5,17% 4,12% ,97% 6,00% 5,95% 2,81% TOTAL ,85% ,81% ,97%
19 Compensation budget: Categories of expenditure 2009/10 R’000 Wage bill (Salary, pension, bonus, cost of living etc.) Enlistments Allowances Overtime Rental allowance Medical schemes Incentives, scarce skills and promotions Total Establishment target = (31 March 2010)
20 SAPS enlistment programme 2002 to 2012 (Personnel figures) By 31 March ,560 By 31 March ,560 By 31 March ,060 By 31 March ,060 By 31 March ,060 By 31 March ,120 By 31 March ,180 By 31 March ,240 By 31 March ,300 By 31 March ,860 (Programme commenced beginning of 2002/03 when number of personnel was ) Targets (milestones) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
21 SAPS enlistment programme: 2002 to st Yr2nd Yr3rd Yr4th Yr5th Yr6th Yr7th Yr8th Yr9th Yr10th YrTotalTotals 2002/032003/042004/052005/062006/072007/082008/092009/102010/112011/12(period)new MTEF New additions -Entry level constables 7,1009,5509,05011,00010,00011,360 10,360 8,86099,00029, 580 -Civilians 8,9004,0102,4501,000 3,200 1,200 29,3605,600 Total 16,00013,56011,50012,00011,00014,560 13,56011,56010,060128,36035,180 Projected personnel losses -Entry level constables 3,000 3,300 31,5009,900 -Civilians 1,000 1,200 11,0003,600 Total 4,000 4,500 42,50013,500 Effective gain -Entry level constables 4,1006,5506,0508,0007,0008,060 7,060 5,56067,50019,680 -Civilians 7,9003,0101,450002, ,3602,000 Total 12,0009,5607,5008,0007,00010,060 9,0607,0605,56085,86021,680
22 SAPS enlistment programme: 2002 to 2012 Significant capacity expansion Since 2002/03 up to 2008/09 already additional personnel appointed apart from replacements as well (53% increase) Growth from 2002/03 up to 2011/12 reflects additional personnel apart from replacements as well (72% increase) Allocated according to the Resource Allocation Guide(RAG)
23 Equipment and operational costs for the multi-year phase-in strategy of the borderline control function at various South African borderlines Detached duties for the functional deployment of members Borderline Security (Estimate) 2009/10R’000R224, /11R’000R229, /12R’000R234,058
24 Reservists Reservists support policing Reflects the development of a part-time capacity to mainly supplement the station environment 2009/10R’000R127, /11R’000R130, /12R’000R132,651
25 Automated Vehicle Location System (AVL) (Estimate) Enhanced command and control system for operational response vehicles Provide for automated vehicle location / positioning updates, mapping etc. Implementation in process Already units implemented 2008/09R’000R45, /10R’000R70, /11R’000R73, /12R’000R77,910
Soccer World Cup Total amount allocated over MTEF – R1,305 billion Specific funding for this was introduced in 2007/08 During the 2007 budgeting process, funds were provided mainly for equipment and machinery to be used Latest amount mainly provides for the deployment of large numbers of police officials, prior, during and after the 2010 Soccer World Cup (Overtime / Subsistence / Transport) 2007/08R’000R150, /09R’000R250, /10R’000R265, /11R’000R640,000
27 Property Management and Devolved funds from Public Works CategoryR’ /09R’ /10R’ /11R’ /12 Maintenance & Property rates Municipal services Property leases Sub-total Capital Works Total Day-to-day maintenance (Projects amounting to less than R per case) ,010157,647160,000
28 Principles: Devolvement of budgets from Public Works Full portfolio of funds devolved as from 2006/07 financial year Maintenance and property rates User charges (rental) system introduced Planned maintenance to be performed by DPW for all non-functional accommodation Payment: Quarterly invoices Municipal services SAPS opt to have DPW perform this function on their behalf – 5% management fee is charged Payment: Cost recovery basis, quarterly invoices Property leases Remain DPW responsibility Payment: Cost recovery basis in respect of actual expenditure, quarterly invoices Capital Works DPW and SAPS own resource capacity perform execution of projects Payment: Cost recovery basis in respect of actual expenditure, monthly and expenditure against budget (own resources)
29 Training provision MTEF Programme 1 Administration (“Training for all functions”) Rapid growth in personnel numbers also requires significant training programmes Vast numbers of people are trained, ranging from annual enlistments to detective and station commissioners
30 Training provision MTEF Training has been categorized in the following fields: Basic training (Entry Level Training) Management and Leadership training Crime Prevention (Crime prevention, Sector Policing, Domestic Violence, CSC Commander, DFO etc.) Tactical skills (Crowd Management, Street Survival Use of Firearms) Investigation (Basic Detective, Specialized Investigators (Org Crime, FCS, Commercial Crime etc.) Detective Commanders, Crime Scene Management) Intelligence (Over intelligence collection practice, Crime information management (i.e Strategic Analysis, INKWAZI Analyst Notebook, CIMAC) CIG, Surveillance practice (i.e Electronic and Physical), Money Laundering and Financial investigations, High Technology in crime (Cyber Crime)) Support (Vehicle Fleet Management, EDP Practitioners, Basic Financial Management, Applied Government Accounting etc.) Generic skills (ABET, Computer Literacy, Driving etc.)
31 IJS-related expenditure Purpose of funding - IJS modernization Expenditure trends and estimates: 2005/06R 178,0 million 2005/06R 178,0 million 2006/07R 213,7 million 2006/07R 213,7 million 2007/08R 224,3 million 2007/08R 224,3 million 2008/09R 235,1 million 2008/09R 235,1 million 2009/10R 249,2 million 2009/10R 249,2 million 2010/11R 264,1 million 2010/11R 264,1 million 2011/12 R 281,6 million 2011/12 R 281,6 million
32 IJS main programmes SAPS specific Action Request for Service Delivery of a response service and command and control capability Investigation Case Docket Management System Project to replace the current CAS system in use by the SAPS, inclusive of content elements (e-docket, e-filing etc.) ID Services Establishment Establishment of the NPIS, facial compilation and recognition and live scan capabilities Detention Management Automate the detention process of individuals Exhibit Management Automate the found property and exhibit management process of SAPS (FSL, CRC) SAPS Infrastructure upgrades LAN / WAN Upgrades (2005 – 2007) Service Integration bus (2007 – 2010)
33 IJS main programmes Transversal IJS projects Interoperability Establishment and maintenance of a shared interoperability framework and infrastructure IJS Codes Establishment and maintenance of a standardized shared codes database IJS BI / GIS Establishment and maintenance of a shared BI / GIS capability for the IJS Transversal infrastructure Server and network infrastructure for the IJS
34 Establishment of the Division: Protection and Security Services Core responsibilities of the Division are to: Provide a VIP Protection (In-Transit) Service Provide a Static Protection Service to approved venues Provide a Security Service to the Rail Transport Sector Provide a Security Service to all Ports of Entry Provide a Government Security Regulatory Service (National Key Points and Security Advisory Service) Four initial projects were approved by Cabinet and funded over and above the baseline allocation: Policing of Rail Transport Harbor Security (Durban Harbor) Airports (OR Tambo International Airport) Land Ports (Beit Bridge) Expenditure trends and estimates for the above purpose are the following:
35 Port of Entry Security 2005/06 – R 242,2 m 2006/07 – R 363,7 m 2007/08 – R 552,3 m 2008/09 – R 809,3 m 2009/10 – R 973,9 m 2010/11 – R1 087,3 m 2011/12 – R1 172,3 m Rail Police 2005/06 – R 80,7 m 2006/07 – R 118,7 m 2007/08 – R 253,0 m 2008/09 – R 433,7 m 2009/10 – R 487,9 m 2010/11 – R 540,8 m 2011/12 – R 578,8 m Establishment of the Division: Protection and Security Services Government Security Regulator 2005/06 – R 16,5 m 2006/07 – R 23,3 m 2007/08 – R 32,3 m 2008/09 – R 38,7 m 2009/10 – R 47,3 m 2010/11 – R 53,0 m 2011/12 – R 56,9 m Personnel numbers Establishment increased from in 2003/04 to an estimated by March 2010 Expansion focused on these newly assigned functions
36 Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL)2008/09R’000 R /10R’000 R /11R’000 R /12R’000 R Included in the baseline allocations over the medium term, additional funding will be allocated for forensic equipment in the FSL environment, and to the following extent: 2008/09-R150 million 2009/10- R50 million 2010/11- R50 million 2011/12-R53 million
37 Forensic Science Laboratory The importance of scientific evidence has become essential in the investigation of cases In this specific regard, the SA Police Service will increase the capacity of the Forensic Science Laboratories even more As part of the decentralized focus of the Laboratory, a new building is in the process of construction for the Western Cape province, the equipment of the latter that requires replacement, upgrading and expansion
38 Criminal Justice System - Revamp2009/10R’000 R /11R’ /12R’ Integrated and cumulative approach to contribute to a new modernised CJS To improve the timeous investigation of crime scenes, case load reduction and improved cycle times of forensic investigators Operational matters such as equipment provided for Systems upgrades such as AFIS, DNA etc. addressed
39 Upgrade of hosting and network infrastructure2009/10R’000 R /11R’ /12R’ SAPS is dependant on a secure dissemination of information Information processing in turn, is dependant on computer applications The deployment of these applications requires an underlying network and hosting infrastructure Current network infrastructure needs to be upgraded and increased in capacity.
40 Multi-year overview of capacity building (main spending priorities) Summary Compensation related payments (Additional personnel etc.) ✔ Railway Policing / Ports of Entry ✔ Aircraft purchased ✔ Elections security ✔ Death Grants ✔ Training emphasis ✔ Reservists ✔ New policing infrastructure, property leases, maintenance ✔ IJS programmes ✔ Modernization and expansion of vehicle fleet ✔ (Accomplished / Maintained / Expanded / Introduced)
41 Multi-year overview of capacity building (main spending priorities continue) Summary IT / ICT Plan – end user equipment ✔ Upgrading of the network and hosting infrastructure Firearm Control System ✔ Borderline security (Phased) ✔ General equipment e.g bullet resistant vests, weapons etc. ✔ Radio Communication System Gauteng ✔ Operational Deployment System for vehicles (AVL) ✔ Upgrading of resource capacity of the FSL (usual) ✔ CJS Revamp ✔ Preparation for the Soccer World Cup 2010 ✔ (Accomplished / Maintained / Expanded / Introduced)