www.themegallery.com New Horizon College English Second Edition 第二版 Unit 1 Section A Time-Conscious Americans.


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Language Awareness 5. Think of a place in our school that you know well and think is beautiful. Say why !
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1. A company created by Bill Gates Microsoft 2. Not special, quite normal ----ordinary 3. Someone can ’ t see blind. Can you describe “ deaf.
Key words: Life in the past, life now, family, work, health, education.
Presentation transcript:

New Horizon College English Second Edition 第二版 Unit 1 Section A Time-Conscious Americans

Teaching Procedures

I. Pre-reading Activities : Listen,discuss & Say

 Compound Dictation Directions: You will hear a passage. It will be read twice. Listen carefully and supply the missing words. I. Pre-reading Activities : Listen

Students and teachers need to be that the ethnocentric of writers are the way conflict is encouraged. Why is understanding a culture always the others’ ? Is it not that each culture could be made aware of different ? Both sides must work at rising above cultural differences and be willing to … and, in both cases, most likely neither side has access to the cultural conventions of the other so blaming is not the answer. Educating is. aware precisely attitudes cultural responsibility possible convention compromise I. Pre-reading Activities : Listen

 Listen & Answer 1. What precious resource do Americans value and save? 2. In what different ways do Americans approach time in business relations? I. Pre-reading Activities : Listen,discuss & Say

 时间观念贯穿着一种的文化内涵。  一起分享不同国家的时间观。 I. Pre-reading Activities : Discuss & Say  比如:德国 日本 中国 墨西哥

I. Pre-reading Activities : Discuss & Say 1.Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月不待人。 2.Time and I against only two. 和时间携手,一人抵两人。 4.Time is life and when the idle man kills time, he kill himself. 时间就是生命,消磨时光等于慢性自杀。 5.The time of life is short, to spend that shortness basely, it would be too long. 人生苦短,若虚度年华,则短暂的人生太长。. Proverbs and sayings

II. Text Analysis

II. Text Analysis – New Words

 1. to stand still ( L. 1) 在人生的竞赛中,如果你总是安于现状、停 滞不前,你永远也不会成为胜者。 In the race of human life, you will never win any place if you are always satisfied with what you are and stand still. II. Text Analysis – Phrases, expressions& grammar

2. to move ahead 1) 只要不断进取,勇于创新,我们 就能登上最高峰。 As long as we keep on moving ahead and strive to bring forth new ideas, we will reach the top of the mountains.

3. to be slaves to… ( L. 5) 意志坚强的人主宰自己的命运, 意志薄弱的人甘愿受命运摆布。 A man of strong will feels in control of his own fate while a man of weak will feels himself to be a slave to it 。 II. Text Analysis – Phrases, expressions& grammar

4. to have a rather acute sense of (L. 7) 风雨同舟十年,这对老朋友深感人生 中友谊的珍贵。 Having gone through ten years of hardship in the same boat, the old friends have a rather acute sense of the true value of friendship. II. Text Analysis – Phrases, expressions& grammar

5. under pressure (L. 11) 适当的压力能够调动人的积极性, 而压力太大会使人崩溃。 Under proper pressure, people are highly motivated; but, under excessive pressure, people feel frustrated and collapsed. II. Text Analysis – Phrases, expressions& grammar

6. to race through (L. 13) 时间不够,他们只好匆匆忙忙地 完成剩余的任务。 As the time was running out, they had to race through the rest of the tasks. II. Text Analysis – Phrases, expressions& grammar

7. to get back to (L. 15) 退耕还林使这个地区又恢复了 昔日的秀美。 The move to return grain for green has got this area back to its former beauty. II. Text Analysis – Phrases, expressions& grammar

8. beyond a certain appropriate point 不得当地,不得体地 爱有助于孩子健康成长,但不 恰当的爱可能毁了孩子一生。 Love adds health to the growth of child, but the love beyond a certain appropriate point will make his life ruined. II. Text Analysis – Phrases, expressions& grammar

II. Text Analysis -- Main Idea What is the text mainly about?

III. III. Analysis of Structure Part I (Para. 1-2) Main idea? Americans value time and save time carefully. Time is regarded as precious resources. Devices for developing it? Coming straight to the point ( 开 门见山 )

Part II (Para. 3-7) Main idea? Americans try every means to save time. They save time in their daily life, business and work as well. They also create a series of devices to improve efficiency. Devices for developing it? Deduction ( 演绎法 )

Part III (Para. 8) Main idea? While new arrivals to the U.S. regard time differently, Americans do take it as a sign of skillfulness or being competent to solve a problem or fulfill a job with speed. Devices for developing it? Contrast ( 对照法 )

IV. IV. Summary  Summarize the whole text

Thank you