Mount Olympus All of the Greek gods, except one, live high on a mountaintop in Greece. The name of the mountain is Mount Olympus. Because they all live on this mountain, the gods are often referred to as the Olympians.
The Brothers After the earth was created three brothers, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, drew straws to determine who would rule over the elements of the universe. It is from these three brothers that all 12 of the Greek Gods are derived.
His Roman name is Jupiter. The God of all gods. He drew the longest straw and was made the god of the sky. His symbol is the lightning bolt. He has a problem with fidelity which causes him to father many children.
His Roman name was Neptune. He drew the second longest straw and was given the seas to rule. He is considered the grumpiest of all the Olympians. He is said to have created horses. His symbol is the trident.
His Roman name was Pluto. Of the three brothers he drew the shortest straw and given domain over the Underworld. The Underworld is where all dead people reside. There were three areas of Hades: Elysian Fields (where there as peace, traquilty and happiness), Fields of Asphodel (which was boring but not painful), and Hades itself (where souls wandered lost and hopeless).
Her Roman name is Juno. She is wife and sister to Zeus. She is the goddess of marriage. Even though Zeus had many affairs, they remained married. Her symbol is feathers and birds.
Her Roman name is Ceres. She is sister to Zeus. She is the goddess of the earth (and the seasons). Her daughter, Persephone, was kidnapped by Hades causing the seasons. Her symbol is grain.
First Generation Greek Gods First Generation Greek Gods Zeus, Ruler of the Sky Hera, Sister and wife to Zeus Poseidon, Ruler of the Seas Hades, Ruler of the Underworld Demeter, Sister to Zeus
Second Generation Greek Gods These Gods and Goddesses are all children of one or more of the first generation of gods.
Her Roman name is Minerva. She was born from her father, Zeus’, head. She is the goddess of wisdom. Her symbol is the owl. The city of Athens is named for her.
His Roman name was Mars. He is the god of war. He was much more important to the Romans than to the Greeks. His throne was said to be covered with skulls. His symbol is the bloody spear.
Her Roman name was Venus. Some say she is the daughter of Zeus while others contend she was born of sea-foam. She is the goddess of love and fertility. Her symbol is the dove. Her son, Eros (Greek) or Cupid (Roman) causes people to fall in love.
His Roman name was Apollo. His one of Zeus’ many illegitimate children. (His twin sister is Artemis) He is the god of music, healing, and prophecy. He pulls the sun across the sky each morning behind his chariot. His symbol is the lyre.
Her Roman name is Diana. She is another is Zeus’ illegitimate children. (Her twin brother is Apollo) She is the only virgin goddess. She is the goddess of the hunt. Her symbol is the bow and arrow.
His Roman name was Vulcan. He is the son of Zeus and Hera. However, he was born with a lame foot and Hera threw him from Mt. Olympus. Because he lived inside the mountain, he is known for working with fire. He is the god of blacksmithing. His symbol is pottery. He created the first human woman named Pandora.
His Roman name was Mercury. He is another of Zeus’ illegitimate children. He is the messenger god, delivering everything from notes to the souls of the dead. His symbol is his winged shoes.
His Roman name is Bacchus. He is another of Zeus’ illegitimate children. He is the god of wine. It was for him that Greek theatre was originated. His symbol is grapes.