“Quicksilver” My Thematic Book Report By: Katie Barnes
Hermes Hermes is the son of Zeus. Hermes is also the “Messenger of the Gods” and the “Guide to the Underworld.” He is known by many titles but is most widely known by “Prince of Thieves.” He got this title because on his first day of life, he stole some cattle from his closest brother, Apollo. On that day, he also made the first lyre.
Trojan War The Trojan War consisted of Troy versus the Greeks. It had originated by a quarrel between Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera. The quarrel stated because Eris, Goddess of Discord, threw an apple labeled “To the Fairest” at the feet of the three goddesses, whom are all extremely vain.
Trojan War cont. A shepherd named Paris, “the most beautiful man alive,” judged “who the fairest was.” He eventually chose Aphrodite. In exchange, she gave him the love of the most beautiful woman, Helen of the Greeks. This caused her husband, King of the Greeks, to war Troy. Troy eventually won the battle.
The Author: Stephanie Spinner Stephanie Spinner was born in Iowa, and she was raised in Rockaway Beach, NY. She’s lived in many places like London, Morocco, Nepal, Ceylon, and Pakistan. She co-wrote “Aliens for Breakfast/Lunch”. She wrote “Aliens for Dinner,” “Be First in the Universe,” and “The Magic of Merlin.” She has worked as a publisher and an editor and has won the Texas Blue-Bonnet award.
Main Characters Hermes, Messenger of the Gods Zeus, King of Gods Aphrodite, Goddess of Love Hera, Goddess of Power Athena, Goddess of Wisdom and War Eris, Goddess of Discord Paris, Mortal
Plot Eris throws the Golden Apple at the feet of the goddesses. Goddesses demand a competition Paris judges the competition Paris chooses Aphrodite Aphrodite gives him love Trojan War begins Troy wins the Trojan War
Conflict The conflict in this story is the Trojan War. When the war occurs, the Gods plunge into deep sadness. The Gods are also split down the middle on who they want to win. Hermes, Zeus, and Aphrodite want Troy to win. Athena and Hera want the Greeks to win. Ares and Eris don’t care. They want the war to go on for as long as possible.
Themes Always be fair and don’t take bribes. They lead to consequences Gaining love from an object(money, power, or a golden apple,) is dangerous Beauty is not that important
Setting The setting of my book is “The Heavens.” Most of the story happens here. This is where Hermes starts his adventures to the Underworld, meets with Zeus and receives missions from Zeus. This is also where the golden apple was thrown and the beauty contest was judged.
Sources aniespinner/about_authorwww.randomhouse.com/features/steph aniespinner/about_author