By: Nicholas wooldredge Second period
Apollo appears as a young man with curly golden hair. He carries a gold bow and arrow and looks shiny like the sun.
Apollo was the son of Zeus and Leto he was also the twin brother of Artemis. Apollo was a multitalented god he had many different jobs. He was the god of music, prophecy, colonization, Medicine, archery, (but not for war or hunting) poetry, dance and intellectual inquiry. Apollo was even the god of herds and flocks.
In many legends Apollo didn’t like nor want to harm or kill anything. He was the god of the bow and arrow but not for hunting or war. While in another legend Niboe the queen of Thebes laughed at Leto (Apollo's mother) For only having two children. Leto was offended so she told her children about what had happened and the revenge was cold hearted. Apollo killed Niboe’s seven sons with his bow and arrow. While the goddess Artemis killed the daughters. In another legend Apollo killed the python. The python was a giant serpent that had rough scaly skin a large tale and four legs. Delphi the god of the earth had sent the python to kill Apollo's mother for having an affair with Zeus. Apollo didn’t like what Delphi was doing so he hunted down the python and killed it. The funny thing was Apollo was only four days old when he killed the python
One thing Apollo was also known for was how well he played the Pan –Pipes. One day he challenged the god pan to a contest to see who could play the best melody. Pan accepted the challenge. Pan and Apollo got a jury together to judge there music. King Midas was one of the judges. Pan played a good melody but the jury agreed Apollo played better. Everyone except for Midas. Apollo was offended that Midas thought he hadn't played better so he gave Midas a set of donkey ears.
Apollo's surname was Musagetes which meant leader of the muses. The muses were the goddesses who inspired the creation of literature, arts and science. Apollo was also known as the son god. Every morning he would hook up four horses to his golden chariot and fly across the sky bringing the sun with him.
Apollo had many family members such as Aristae’s god of beekeeping, Asklepios god of medicine, Khariklo Apollo's Daughter, Skylla daughter of Apollo and Hecate, Anios was the king of deloes, Apis was an early king of Argos, Keos and twenty seven others.
Some symbols of Apollo include a bow and arrow, the lyre, a wreath made of laurel, the laurel tree and the sun
Achilles was one of the Greek warriors and heroes and was blessed with immense courage so that nobody could kill him. But Achilles did have one weak point which was on his ankle. If Achilles was struck on his ankle he would die. Achilles had no regard for the gods and did not believe in them. While attacking Troy during the trogon war Achilles looted the temple of Apollo. Apollo was angered by Achilles actions so Apollo shot Achilles in the ankle killing him.
Apollo's first love was Daphne the nymph. The only reason Apollo loved Daphne was because of cupids golden arrow that made Apollo fall deeply in love with Daphne. Cupid was mad at Apollo for laughing at him so he shot Daphne with a blunt tipped arrow that made her despise Apollo. Apollo was so in love with Daphne he chased her everywhere the only place Daphne found rest was deep in the forest. One day Apollo found where Daphne was hiding and Chased her until she could run no more. Daphne called upon Gaea the Goddess of the earth who turned her into a Laurel tree to keep her safe.
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