The Presleys Leslie Franklin, Emily Phillips, Lesleigh McKeough, Mary Harvey, Tiffany Dean, Matthew Tice, Jessica Discuillo
Elvis Priscilla Lisa Marie
Elvis Presley He was a twin, but his brother died at birth. As an only child, he became close to both parents and formed an unusually tight bond with his mother. He lived in low income neighborhoods throughout his childhood. He and his family lived in a two bedroom shotgun house built by his father, a year in rooming houses, and a two- bedroom apartment in the public housing complex. The family often relied on help from neighbors and government food assistance. He was very shy growing up and often considered a loner. He was even teased as a “trashy” boy who played hillbilly music. He began his career in Memphis, Tennessee in 1954 with Sun Records. He went onto become one of the most popular American singers of the 20th century and a cultural icon. His uninhibited performance style made him enormously popular and controversial. Prescription drug abuse severely compromised his health, leading to an early and unexpected death at the age of 42.
Priscilla Presley Born in 1945 to “Rooney” when she was 19. Biological father was a U.S navy pilot and died in a plane crash when she was just six months old Mother re-married U.S air force officer 4 years later, he was considered Priscilla’s only father. Priscilla matured quickly as she moved from place to place because of her fathers job and often took care of her family. Her father was stationed in Germany and she met Elvis at age 14 Elvis moved from Germany to Las Vegas, and the couple continued to talk, and have occasional visits Priscilla’s family let her move to America to be with him in 1966, and they were wed in May of Lisa Marie, their daughter was born Feb Their marriage was initially happy, but as Elvis’s career skyrocketed he was away more and developed a drug addiction She began engaging in affairs and the couple eventually split After Elvis’ death, she became the chairwoman and president of Elvis Presley Enterprises until Lisa Marie turned 21. Trust grew to be over $100,000,000. Featured in various films and recently competed on Dancing with the Stars
Lisa Marie Presley Born February 1, 1968 in Memphis TN She is the only child of Elvis and Priscilla Lived between both parents after divorce at age 4 until father’s death at age 9 High school drop out at age 17 and problems drugs and alcohol and was admitted into rehab where she was introduced to Scientology and met her future husband Married Danny Keough (10/3/1988) and had two children, Danielle Riley and Benjamin Storm, and divorced (5/6/1994) In 1992, Lisa Marie recorded her demo album She married and divorced (5/18/1994-1/18/1996) Michael Jackson; was engaged to John Oszajeca; and married and divorced (8/10/2002 – 5/26/2004) Nicolas Cage. Released debut album “To Whom it May Concern” in 2003 and second album “Now What” in 2005 Currently married to Michael Lockwood and had twin girls, Finley Aaron Love and Harper Vivienne Ann Involved with Elvis Presley Estate, Scientology, Apple School, Celebrity Center Rehab Facility
HES Majors The Presley’s – I am a Marriage and Family therapy major, and thought that I would help the family with a number of things related to their relationships with people and themselves. To start I could help Elvis and Priscilla's marriage and how to deal with all the fame that interfered with their relationship. I could also help them with their relationship with their daughter and hopefully prevent her drug addiction (or at least stop it early). Lisa Marie was divorced three times, these marriages were either toxic or not prefect fits. She probably wouldn't have benefited from marriage therapy but could have benefited with personal therapy to help her cope. The family battled with relationship issues among themselves and also battled with addiction and divorces. As a therapist I could help them deal with their problems in a more constructive and healthy manner. – I am a General Health Studies major and can help the family with overall quality of life by providing healthy ways to relieve stress and to cope with drug addition. Also I could inform them of disease states and prevention through nutrition and exercise and extend their years of productive life.
HES Majors Elvis – I'm an interior design major, so I thought one way I could help Elvis and his family is by helping them with their living situations. During his childhood, he always lived in a small, run down home. Everything about a space from color to the lighting can greatly affect our moods and even our health. Living in a small space where there isn't enough room is often frustrating. I could help organize what space they did have better. This would have all made his living situation while growing up more enjoyable. – I’m a nutrition and food major. Elvis would have benefited from healthier snacks while on tour that would have kept him energized during concerts. A nutritionist would have also provided him with a restaurant guide for eating on the road and ideas for healthier choices with southern cuisine. A lower caloric diet would have kept him better in shape and have a better quality of life.
HES Majors Cont. Priscilla – Fashion retail would help Priscilla with her style. Since she was an actress in the past and is an avid businesswoman now, she needs to be presentable in the public eye all the time. A stylist would be there to personally make sure she is well dressed and respectable for all her daily activities, such as meetings, press conferences, and appearances. By having a stylist, Priscilla will never have to worry about the way she is presented.
HES Majors Lisa Marie – Restaurant Hospitality would help with coordinating events. If I could help Lisa Marie Presley, I would help her with the events she hosts, her concerts and making sure she keeps her life together. I would basically be her personal assistant/manager. In my belief, I think if I could help her keep her life together which means to make a relationship last. Lisa Marie Presley does not have a good marriage history and now she has four children. I would help her still be in the entertainment world but also have a successful marriage/family
Eco Map: The Presley’s