Sabrina Faulkner EDU650 Teaching, Learning & Leading the 21 st Century Dr. Jackie Kyger
About me EDU650 Teaching, Learning & Leading the 21 st Century Dr. Jackie Kyger I am 30 years old and currently reside in Arlington, Texas. I have been married for 9 ½ years to my best friend Justin and together we have 3 children together which are: Jaydyn Skye (8) Skylar ty (7) Axel gauge (2)
School experience EDU650 Teaching, Learning & Leading the 21 st Century Dr. Jackie Kyger Growing up I attended both public and private schools. During my 11 th grade year though, was when I had a teacher that really made a difference in my life, and kind of guided me down the path that I wanted to take. He has us work amongst our peers that were special needs, and doing this really made a huge impact on me. Not only were they my peers, but I became good friends with most of them in the special education department, and spent as much time as I could in their classroom, trying to make a difference. I gained so much respect for our teacher making us take the time to understand just how something so small could mean so much to someone and also that I needed to be grateful for everything that I have and able to do things that some people cannot do.
Work experience EDU650 Teaching, Learning & Leading the 21 st Century Dr. Jackie Kyger Worked with children with special needs in high school for two years and also in college for two years. Helping setup and run the Special Olympic events that we had at our schools as well as around our community. Worked as an Armed Security Guard for 4 years at two different military installations that were Fort Riley, Kansas as well as Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Worked as a Substitute teacher for 2 years making sure that I wanted to pursue my teaching goals that I had set for myself. I am currently an ABLE teachers assistant at an elementary school. This program is designed to help student with autism join their peers in the general education classroom. I am there to help them with their behavior and social skills so that they can eventually be in the classroom without any assistant from other people.
Future goals EDU650 Teaching, Learning & Leading the 21 st Century Dr. Jackie Kyger I would like to gain more knowledge and experience so that I can be more knowledgeable about certain students that I currently work with and will work with in the future. I would eventually like to move to a high school and become a special needs teacher rather than just working with students that have Autism. I feel that with having a Masters degree, I can learn more and just keep broadening my options on what all I can achieve when it comes to working with special needs children as well as helping others understand them more reather than just avoiding the, when they see them.
Favorite quote EDU650 Teaching, Learning & Leading the 21 st Century Dr. Jackie Kyger “Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you know”
Hope you enjoyed! EDU650 Teaching, Learning & Leading the 21 st Century Dr. Jackie Kyger