Transnational Migration, Media and Identity of Asian Women
Gangnam style
Super Junior
Discussion Question Why do Immigrants Asian women choose to watch their own country’s TV shows instead of watching American or British TV shows and what are the consequences of this trend? I can live anywhere in the world if there is a good job and the Internet connection for all Korean* stuff? Class Opinion:
Mobile Phone Parenting communication and migration The Philippine migration context POEA: The Philippine Overseas Employment Administration CFO: the Commission on Filipinos Overseas Aggressive government marketing: “heroes and heroines” of the economy Large-scale and state-sponsored labor migration Policies that systematically promote and encourage the phenomenon An estimated 12 million Filipinos overseas. > 10% of the population. OWWA: Overseas Workers’ Welfare Administration Overseas Filipino workers brave job hazards for survival
The Cell Phone Mother’s perspectiveChildren’s perspective children under the age of 10 more active mothering effectively micromanage household empowering performance of mothering irritation (too frequent calling) resentment (more grown up) intrusive (‘had to lie’) older children voice communication emotionally satisfying closer relationship because of distance (‘goodnight,’ ‘I love you’) 7 minutes 1 minute $
Migration, Motherhood and Gendered Roles Confirmation of traditionally asymmetrical gender roles The ideology of women’s domesticity remains intact in the Philippines Motherhood becomes emphasized in migration Despite working overseas, Filipino mothers still attempt to perform all parenting and emotional work from a distance Present fathers are “conspicuously less involved” care chains surplus of love Maid in Hong-Kong VideoMaid in Hong-Kong Video (5:44 stop) ApplicantApplicant [0:45] What are In which direction does the ? travel ?
Economy Migration as State Economy Policy Mobile Phone Consequence and Cause of migration and globalization Politics State sponsored labor migration Gender
Candy for your Thoughts What are your thoughts about the use of the term “modern day slavery” and its use in the videos ? Appropriate / Inappropriate ? Justified / Exaggerated ? Pros / Cons ?
Maid as Metaphor Chinese Transnationalism SEZ: Shenzhen Economic Zone SAR: Hong Kong Special Administration Region export oriented sector Point of view of the transnational business professionals: They are charitably bringing work income to poor migrant women. Class and gender produce specific conditions: Women’s labor contributions: marginalized Women’s identities: sexualized, hypervisible and exploited
Socially Constructed Identies Dagongmei ”Going abroad” Fever Baomu Mainland Chinese girls GongRen Female migrant worker Suzhi Students Studying Overseas Dalumei Personal Quality Chuguo Re Worker Liuxue sheng Babysitter Matching Exercise
Difference and Inequality Consistent deployment of Suzhi discourse Underpaid and Overworked Lower Suzhi ? ?
Conclusions What are the similarities of the three articles? Do Korean, Chinese and Filipino women experience difference in the same way? thank you