DORS CS#15-24 Home Modification for Removal and carting away of Existing Aluminum Ramp and treated wood platform Demolition, removal and carting away of existing failed concrete entry platform and step Casting new concrete entrance platform, steps and slab on grade for the installation of wheelchair platform lift. Installation of Converastep Platform Lift
DORS CS#15-24 Existing Concrete Entry and Aluminum Ramp Demolition. Protect existing entry door from demolition work Dismantle and cart away existing aluminum ramp and existing treated wood platform. Break up, remove and cart away existing concrete platform and walkway. Provide temporary ¾” OSB braced by 2” x 4”’s to incline to the residence during the construction of the entrance modification to provide temporary ingress/egress. Remove after construction and remove from property.
DORS CS#15-24 Concrete Platform, Steps, Walkway Reconstruction Saw cut along the Width of the existing walkway and the existing driveway. Break up, excavate and cart away the Existing concrete walkway. Prepare an excavated area to receive new 4” compacted clean gravel bed topped with 4” deep wire mesh reinforced concrete. Prepare shuttering to form concrete walkway and steps as delineated in the drawing attached herewith. Supply, pour and finish concrete to conform to ACI-318 Building Code requirement for structural concrete. Protect concrete during the curing period with spray on sealant. Supply and install new wrought iron handrail on new concrete stoop and steps
DORS CS#15-24 Installation of ConvertAstep wheelchair lift Prepare level, 3500 psi area of 44’ X 92”on the new walk way delineated in the attached drawing to receive a convertAstep wheelchair lift. Supply and install the necessary Cable and accessories to supply dedicated 115V AC 10 amps GFIC power supply for the lift battery maintenance. Supply, install and test convertAstep wheelchair lift with a lift capacity of 750 pounds