1 Economically Active Population Survey Dong-Wook JEONG Employment Statistics Div. Statistics Korea
2 CONTENTS 1. History of the Survey 2. Purpose of the Survey 3. Scope of the Survey 4. Survey Items 5. Reference and Survey Period 6. Methods of Data Collection 7. Concept and Definitions 8. Sample Design 9. Data Dissemination 10. Key Indicators
3 LFS(the Labor Force Survey) was quarterly conducted (from 1957 to 1962) In 1963, the name of the survey was changed from the LFS to the Economically Active Population Survey(EAPS) The survey has been conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics of the EPB Adopted the labor force approach recommended by the ILO History of the Survey
4 In July 1982, the frequency of the survey was changed from quarterly to monthly In January 1987, the lower age limit of the survey was raised from 14 to 15 years of age Since 1998, the regional data was produced monthly(by 16 large cities and provinces) History of the Survey
5 In June 1999, unemployment statistics based on the criteria suggested by OECD 1) started being produced 1) extends the period of looking for work from 1 week to 4 weeks Supplementary survey on working status of employed persons and on youth group(less than 30 years of age) was conducted History of the Survey
6 To collect up-to-date information on the economic activities of the population To collect changes in the activity pattern of the labor force To provide the information for the formulation and evaluation of various government policies with regard to employment Purpose of the Survey
7 The survey includes all usual residents of Korea aged 15 and over except : members of armed forces prisoners Scope of the Survey
8 - Demographic Information Age, Sex, Level of Education, Marital status, etc. - Employed Person Hours of work, Multiple jobholder, Reason for working less than 36(18) hours, Whether to desire to work additional hours, Industry, Occupation, class-of-worker, etc. Survey Items
9 - Unemployed Person Job search methods, Duration of looking for work, Whether offered a job last week, Employment status desired, etc. - Not Economically Active Person Willingness to work last week, Availability for work last week, Reason for not searching Job, etc. Survey Items
10 Reference and Survey Period Reference Period : the week containing the 15 th day of every month Survey Period : the week just after the reference week Periodicity : monthly Quarterly prior to July 1982
11 Methods of data collection The survey is undertaken by CAPI,CASI&CATI * CAPI : Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing * CASI : Computer Assisted Self Interviewing * CATI : Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing Trained interviewers carry lap-top computers, asking questions as they appear on the screen and directly entering the responses obtained face to face from any responsible adult
13 ■ Employed person All persons who worked at least 1 hour or more for pay or profit Persons who worked 18 hours or more as unpaid family workers Persons who had a job but were temporarily absent from work * vacation, training, temporary illness, bad weather, labor dispute, or other family or personal reasons Concept and Definitions
14 Concept and Definitions ■ Unemployed person (a) Without work (b) actively looking for work (c) available for work * Those who are not working nor seeking work, but expected to start a new job within a month right after the reference week, are also considered as the unemployed person.
15 Concept and Definitions ■ Unemployed person : Job search Period 1 week & 4weeks 4 weeks Korea OECD countries * Since June 1999, Korea has been producing 4- weeks unemployment rate as well as 1-week unemployment rate
16 Concept and Definitions ■ Not Economically Active Population Persons in the working-age population who are neither employed nor unemployed. (a) persons with personal or family responsibilities such as unpaid housework and childcare (b) persons attending educational institutions (c) persons unable to work due to physical or mental handicaps (d) persons who were temporarily unavailable for work (e) persons who are not actively seeking work.
17 Concept and Definitions ■ Discouraged Workers All persons who: (a) had not looked for work in the last four weeks, but had looked for work in the last 1 year (b) wanted a job last week (c) were available to take a job last week (d) the main reason for not looking was either; - could not find a job suitable with acceptable wage or salary working experience - believes no work is available in line of work or area - could not find any work before - lacks necessary schooling, training, skills or experience - employers think too young or too old
18 Sample Selection Sample size: about 32,000 households The data and materials from 24,998 Ordinary or Apartment enumeration districts derived from the 2000 Population and Housing Census are used for sample selection. Island and social welfare institution districts are excluded Probability Proportional to size Sampling(PPS) Self-weight Sampling Sample Design
19 Sample Design Multi-Purpose Sample Economically Active Population Survey Survey of Household Income and Expenditure Consumer Sentiment Survey Housing Rent Survey
20 Date of Release The 4 th Wednesday following the week which containing the 15 th day of each reference month Available to all persons on the same day through internet( Publications News release of monthly employment trend Monthly Report on the Economically Active Population Survey Annual Report on the Economically Active Population Survey Data Dissemination
21 Labor Force: All persons 15 years of age or older classified as employed or unemployed Unemployment Rate: The number of unemployed as a percentage of the labor force Labor Force Participation Rate: The labor force expressed as a percentage of the working-age population Key Indicators
22 Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR) In the labor force Total 15 years old & over In the Labor Force = Employed + Unemployed LFPR = X 100
23 Employment Rate Total employed persons In the labor force = X 100 Unemployment Rate Total unemployed persons In the labor force = X 100
24 Thank you