Chapter 31 Years of Crisis 1919-1939. Main Ideas In the 1920s, new scientific ideas changed the way people looked at the world. New inventions improved.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 31 Years of Crisis

Main Ideas In the 1920s, new scientific ideas changed the way people looked at the world. New inventions improved transportation and communication. In the 1920s, new scientific ideas changed the way people looked at the world. New inventions improved transportation and communication. The collapse of the American economy in 1929 triggered a depression that threatened the economic and political systems of countries throughout the world. The collapse of the American economy in 1929 triggered a depression that threatened the economic and political systems of countries throughout the world. In the 1930s, several countries-including Japan, Germany, and Italy-adopted aggressive, militaristic policies. In the 1930s, several countries-including Japan, Germany, and Italy-adopted aggressive, militaristic policies.

The horrors of WWI shattered the Enlightenment belief that progress would continue and reason would prevail.

Section 1: Postwar Uncertainty New Ways Scientific Developments Improvements in Transportation & Communication Rights for Women Change in Literature, Philosophy, & Music New Values For Young

A New Revolution in Science Theory of Relativity Einstein said that as moving objects neared the speed of light, space and time became relative. That means they change. Theory of Relativity Einstein said that as moving objects neared the speed of light, space and time became relative. That means they change. Albert Einstein

Sigmund Freud He changed the way people thought about the human mind. He changed the way people thought about the human mind. He thought human behavior was irrational due to urges & desires buried in the unconscious mind. He thought human behavior was irrational due to urges & desires buried in the unconscious mind.

Existentialism Philosophers faith in reason & progress lost after the war. Philosophers faith in reason & progress lost after the war. New Idea: Existentialism New Idea: Existentialism Existentialism argues that there is no universal meaning to the world. Each person must give life meaning through his or her own actions. Existentialism argues that there is no universal meaning to the world. Each person must give life meaning through his or her own actions.

Friedrich Nietzsche Influenced the new way of thinking Influenced the new way of thinking He was a German philosopher He was a German philosopher He believed that reason, democracy, and progress were empty ideas. He believed that reason, democracy, and progress were empty ideas. He urged people to adopt ideas of pride and strength. He urged people to adopt ideas of pride and strength.

Revolution in the Arts Artist rebelled against traditional painting. Artist rebelled against traditional painting. Art became less realistic. Art became less realistic. Surrealism, an art movement, showed a dreamlike existence outside reality. Surrealism, an art movement, showed a dreamlike existence outside reality.

Paul Klee Bold colors Bold colors Distorted lines Distorted lines

Pablo Picasso Cubism: broke objects into geometric shapes Cubism: broke objects into geometric shapes

Changes in Music Igor Stravinsky: unusual rhythms & harsh rather than pleasing sounds. Igor Stravinsky: unusual rhythms & harsh rather than pleasing sounds. African-American musicians in the US developed a lively, loose form of popular music called JAZZ. African-American musicians in the US developed a lively, loose form of popular music called JAZZ.

Society Challenges Convention Young people begin to experiment with modern values. Young people begin to experiment with modern values. Women won the right to vote. Women won the right to vote. Women abandoned restrictive clothing & hairstyles. (shorter & looser clothing, hair cut short “bobbed”). Women abandoned restrictive clothing & hairstyles. (shorter & looser clothing, hair cut short “bobbed”). Women wore makeup, drove cars, drank & smoked in public. Women wore makeup, drove cars, drank & smoked in public. Sanger & Goldman spoke in favor of birth control and almost got arrested. Sanger & Goldman spoke in favor of birth control and almost got arrested. Women began working in new careers (medicine, education, journalism, etc…) Women began working in new careers (medicine, education, journalism, etc…)

Technological Advances Improve Life Automobile improved (more desirable, more affordable) Automobile improved (more desirable, more affordable) Charles Lindbergh flew alone across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927 Charles Lindbergh flew alone across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927 Amelia Earhart was the first woman to make the flight alone in Amelia Earhart was the first woman to make the flight alone in Radio developed Radio developed Movie theaters opened Movie theaters opened

Section 2: A Worldwide Depression An economic depression in the US spread throughout the world and lasted for a decade. An economic depression in the US spread throughout the world and lasted for a decade. Many social and economic programs introduced worldwide to combat the Great Depression are still operating today. Many social and economic programs introduced worldwide to combat the Great Depression are still operating today.

Postwar Europe: The Weimar Republic European countries in bad political & economic shape. European countries in bad political & economic shape. Too many political parties/no one party could rule Too many political parties/no one party could rule Coalition governments, an alliance of several political parties, had to be formed. Coalition governments, an alliance of several political parties, had to be formed. Governments lasted short times. Governments lasted short times.

Germany Germany was in the worst shape. Germany was in the worst shape. People had little loyalty to government. People had little loyalty to government. Weimar Republic, Germany’s government, was very weak. Weimar Republic, Germany’s government, was very weak. Prices rose sharply, money lost value Prices rose sharply, money lost value American bank loans helped them recover. American bank loans helped them recover.

No More War World nations took steps to try to make sure there would be lasting peace. World nations took steps to try to make sure there would be lasting peace. France & Germany promised never to attack one another. France & Germany promised never to attack one another. Most countries signed treaties in which they “pledged” not to go to war but there were no ways to enforce these treaties. Most countries signed treaties in which they “pledged” not to go to war but there were no ways to enforce these treaties.

Financial Collapse: The Great Depression US economy boomed in 1920s US economy boomed in 1920s Hidden problems: Hidden problems: Consumers unable to buy all goods produced. Consumers unable to buy all goods produced. When purchases slowed, factories slowed production. When purchases slowed, factories slowed production. Farmers faced falling food prices and slow sales. Farmers faced falling food prices and slow sales. They were unable to pay loans and lost farms. They were unable to pay loans and lost farms stock prices in US plunged 1929-stock prices in US plunged The Great Depression begun…. The Great Depression begun….

The Great Depression

Other Countries Affected Nations raised tariffs-taxes on goods imported from other countries-to keep import prices high. Nations raised tariffs-taxes on goods imported from other countries-to keep import prices high. They hoped to increase sales by local companies. They hoped to increase sales by local companies. Trade between nations dropped. Trade between nations dropped. Unemployment shot up in countries Unemployment shot up in countries

World Confronts the Crisis Britain: New multiparty government took steps to slowly improve the economy & cut unemployment Britain: New multiparty government took steps to slowly improve the economy & cut unemployment France: several governments lost support France: several governments lost support moderates & socialists formed government- it passed laws to help workers but companies raised prices to cover labor costs-unemployment remained high moderates & socialists formed government- it passed laws to help workers but companies raised prices to cover labor costs-unemployment remained high

World Confronts Crisis… Sweden, Norway, Denmark Government played active role Government played active role They taxed people with jobs to have money to pay benefits to people without jobs. They taxed people with jobs to have money to pay benefits to people without jobs. Created jobs by hiring out-of-work people to build roads and buildings. Created jobs by hiring out-of-work people to build roads and buildings.

World Confronts Crisis… United States United States Franklin D. Roosevelt began a program called New Deal. Franklin D. Roosevelt began a program called New Deal. Government spent large amounts of money on constructing roads, dams, bridges, airports, and buildings which created jobs for millions. Government spent large amounts of money on constructing roads, dams, bridges, airports, and buildings which created jobs for millions. Businesses and farmers got help from the government. Businesses and farmers got help from the government. Recovery was slow. Recovery was slow.