Judgment of Synonyms —— The First Group
1. Historical & Historic 2. Economic & Economical 3. Restricted & Limited 4. Cause & Course 5. Source & Sauce 6. To suppose & to assume & to presume End
1. Historical & Historic HistoricalHistoric Back
1. Historical & Historic Historical Adj 历史的,史学的;基 于历史的。 of or relating to the study of history. such as “historical scholars”. “a historical perspective” having once lived or existed or taken place in the real world as distinct from being legendary. Such as “the historical jesus” Historic Adj 有历史意义的;历史 上著名的 belong the past ; of what is important of famous in the past. Such as “historic victories” “a historic character” important in history “the historic first voyage to outer space
1. Historical & Historic Historical example: With the fall of the Roman empire, historical evidence becomes scarce. 随着罗马帝国的沦落,历史 的证据变得稀少。 We must take care to reappraise the historical data we use to estimate the regression equation 应用过去的估计回归公式, 我们必须历史数据进行重新 估价。 Historic Example: The defeat of the coup gave Russia an historic chance to liquidate the organization 这次政变的失败为俄罗斯扫 清克格勃组织提供了历史机 会 For inspired by the historic traditions of cultural exchange along the ancient trade route, the silk road, which connected East and west 。 这个灵感来自于通过连接西 方的古代贸易路线 —— 丝绸 之路 —— 进行具有历史意义 的文化交流传统。 Back
2. Economic & Economical EconomicEconomical
2. Economic & Economical Economic Adj 经济的 经济上的 经济学 的 of relating to an economy, the system of production and management of material wealth. “economic growth” of relating to the science of economics concerned with worldly necessities of life using the minimum of time of resources necessary for effectiveness Economical Adj 经济的 节约的 合算的 using the minimum of time of resources necessary of effectiveness “a modern economical heating system” avoiding waste
2. Economic & Economical Economic Example: How could genuine economic freedom and equality of opportunity exist in such circumstances ? 在这种经济环境下, 怎么有真 正的经济自由和机会均等呢 ? The programs for European economic recovery were exoected to bring about lasting prosperity. 恢复欧洲经济的各种计划,都 是为了带来持久的经济繁荣 Economical Example : Engineers are forever seeking more economical methods of solving old problems 工程师们常常探索解决问题 更为经济的方法 The purpose is to keep tree within height and width bounds for more economical management 目的是使树冠保持在一定高 度和宽度的范围内,更经济 的管理。 Back
3. Restricted & Limited LimitedRestricted
3. Restricted & Limited Restricted limited or small in size or amount: e.g.: a restricted space / a restricted range of foods limited in what you are able to do: e.g.: In those days women led fairly restricted lives. controlled by rules or laws: e.g.: To allow children only restricted access to the Internet [usually before noun] (of a place) only open to people with special permission, especially because it is secret or dangerous: e.g.: to enter a restricted zone Limited Not very great in amount or extent: e.g.: We are doing our best with the limited resources available. This animal's intelligence is very limited. ~ (to sth) restricted to a particular limit of time, numbers, etc: e.g.: This offer is for a limited period only. Back
4. Cause & Course CauseCourse
Cause 原因;事业;目标 [C] the person or thing that makes sth happen: e.g.: Unemployment is a major cause of poverty. [U] ~ (for sth) a reason for having particular feelings or behaving in a particular way: e.g.: There is no cause for concern. The food was excellent-I had no cause for complaint. with / without good cause (= with / without a good reason) Course [C] ~ (in / on sth) education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings 课程 e.g.: a French / chemistry course (also course of action) [C] a connected series of events or actions or developments 进程 e.g.: There are various courses open to us. [C, usually sing.] a line or route along which something travels or moves, especially the river: 路线,方向 e.g.: The path follows the course of the river. Usage: (as) a matter of course 理所当然的事, 自然地 / by course of 照... 的常例 /in course of 在... 的过程中 /in the course of 在... 期间 / during the course of 在... 期间 4. Cause & Course Back
5. Source & Sauce SourceSauce
5. Source & Sauce Source 1. n a) A thing, place, activity etc that you get something from ; b) The cause of something, especially a problem ; c) A person, book or document that supplies you information d) a place where a stream or river starts 来源出处;(尤指问题的) 原因,根源;提供消息者,资 料来源;(小溪,小河)的发 源地,水源 2.v to find out where something can be obtained from 找出。。。的 来源 Sauce n a) a thick cooked liquid that is served with food to give it a particular taste ; b) British old-fashioned rude remarks made to someone that you should respect (浓)调味汁,酱 汁;无礼的话 , 顶撞的话 pasta with tomato sauce 浇了番茄酱的意大利面食 Back
6. To suppose & to assume & to presume
To suppose a) Used when saying what someone should or should not do, especially because of rules or what someone in authority has said; b) To be believed to be something by many people ; c) to think that something is probably true, besed on what you know ; d) Used when imagining what the result would be of something happened 认定,假定,推测,猜想,认 为,应该做 be supposed to do/be sth ; there is no reason to suppose (that) ; I suppose (that);
6. To suppose & to assume & to presume To assume a) To think that something is true,although you have no proof of it ; b) To start to do a job, especially an important one c) To start to have a particular quality or appearance ; d) To be based on the idea that something else is correct 假定,假设,开始控制,承担,呈现出, 表现为,预先假定 Assume (that) ; assume control/power/responsibilities ;
6. To suppose & to assume & to presume To presume a) To think you can be sure of something because it is likely, although there is no proof ; b) To accept something as true until it is proved untrue, especially in law ; c) To behave without respect or politeness by doing something that you have no right to do ; d) To accept something as being true and base something else on it (没有证据的)相信,认为,推 测;认定,视为,推定(用于法律);冒昧做某事, 放肆(正式);意味着,以什么为先决条件 presume sb/sth to be sb/sth ; be presumed to do sth ; presume on/upon 滥用,不正当的利用 Back
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