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Dominant Recessive Chromosomes A B C In order for pea plants to be short, two factors must be present. What types of factors are these? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
All cells share some characteristics. Plant cells and animal cells have the same structure. Different kinds of cells do different jobs. A B C Scientists discovered three things when they observed cells through a microscope. Which of the following did they NOT observe. BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Yeast Bacteria Algae A B C What kind of microorganis m turns milk into yogurt? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Mitochondria Chloroplasts Vacuoles A B C Which of the following is found in plant cells but not in animal cells? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Cytoplasm Nucleus Mitochondria A B C The organelle that directs all of the cell’s activities is the BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Both are made from many cells. Both are made of a cell or cells with a nucleus. Both are single cells. A B C How are an amoeba and a human being alike? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Bacteria Mold Protist A B C What kind of microorganism makes penicillin? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Cell, organ, organ system, tissue Cell, tissue, organ, organ system Cell, tissue, organ system, organ A B C Which is the correct arrangement of structures from the simplest to the most complex? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
A single-celled organism with similar traits and DNA. A single-celled organism with identical traits and DNA. An organism that is totally different than the original yeast cell. A B C What are the results of asexual reproduction in a yeast cell? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Protists Fungi Protozoans A B C Which type of microorganism rots wood, spoils food, and causes skin diseases such as ringworm and athletes foot? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
It is made up of many cells and makes its own food. It is made up of many cells and feeds on other living or once-living things. It is made up of many cells and absorbs food from its surroundings. A B C Which characteristics help scientists classify an organism as an animal? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Heart Backbone Brain A B C Invertebrates do NOT have a BACK TO GAMEBOARD
The plant is an apple tree. The plant is a pine tree with cones. The plant has flowers. A B C Cesar sees a plant in the park and knows right away that it is a gymnosperm. How can he tell? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Factors Instincts Chromosomes A B C What is another name for inherited behaviors? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Shortness is a dominant trait in pea plants. Tallness is a dominant trait in pea plants. Tallness is a recessive trait in pea plants. A B C What explains Mendel’s observations that all first-generation pea plants were tall? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Rods Squares Balls A B C Which of the following is NOT a shape of bacteria? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
All the puppies will have tan fur. All the puppies will have black fur. All of the puppies will have black fur with tan spots. A B C In dogs, black fur is a dominant trait and tan fur is a recessive trait. What are the likely results of breeding a dog with black fur with a dog with tan fur? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Protozoans Bacteria Algae A B C Which type of organism can grow on raw food and make you sick? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
All offspring will have white fur. Three offspring will have gray fur. One will have white fur. All offspring will have gray fur. A B C In rabbits, gray fur (G) is dominant. White fur (g) is recessive. What are the likely combinations of offspring from parents that each have one dominant factor and one recessive factor for fur color (Gg) BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Meiosis Asexual reproduction Sexual reproduction A B C What process results in two yeast cells with identical traits and DNA? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Bacteria Yeast Phytoplankton A B C Which microorganism does a baker add to bread dough to make it rise? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Microorganisms cause dead things to decay. Bacteria are made up of multiple cells. Some fungi can rot wood and spoil food. A B C Which statement is NOT true? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Cells are organized into tissues that perform a specific function. Each cell is able to carry out its own life functions. Different kinds of tissues form organs. A B C Which statement is true of both a single- celled organism and an organism with millions of cells? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Cytoplasm Cell wall Mitochondria A B C BACK TO GAMEBOARD Which of the following is part of plant cells but not part of animal cells?
Bacteria in our digestive system Bacteria that grow on raw chicken Mold that produces penicillin A B C What of the following is NOT a beneficial microorganism? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Bacteria Algae Yeast A B C Which of these causes a harmful “red tide”? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Snake Earthworm Lizard A B C Which animal does not belong in the same phylum as the others? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
The cell membrane of a plant cell is surrounded by a cell wall. Plant cells do not have mitochondria. Chloroplasts in the cytoplasm make food for the cell. A B C Which of the following statements is NOT true about plant cells? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Gametes Chromosomes Nucleus A B C Before mitosis begins, a cell produces an exact copy of its BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Xylem in the roots carries food to other plant parts. Phloem cells underneath the bark transport food. Xylem cells in the center of the stem transport food. A B C Which statement is true about a tree? BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Regeneration Mitosis Meiosis A B C The process by which most cells make copies of themselves, or divide, is BACK TO GAMEBOARD
Epithelial, nervous, connective Epithelial, connective Muscular, nervous, connective A B C Why types of tissue make up the lungs? BACK TO GAMEBOARD