October 19 th -22 nd MRS. HARDISON
Seniors-Monday Do you think that bullying is an issue in today’s society? Explain. Why do you think people bully others? Was Caesar bullied, or did he deserve what happened to him? Define vocabulary: ostentatious (flashy), condescending (arrogant), clairvoyant (intuitive), demagogue (manipulator), precocious (gifted), evanescent (temporary), exasperation (frustration), impetuous (impulsive), mundane (ordinary), pretentious (exaggerated). Review literary devices: motif, allegory, paradox, and climax. Agenda: Twitter wall review, using the two social issues you were supposed to write down on Friday, chose the one that you are most passionate about or interested in. Continue typing. Paper is due 10/22! We will work on college applications Tuesday and Wednesday of next week! How to format the paper demonstration. Continue typing
Juniors- Monday Respond to the following regarding extremism. beating-son-death-judge-article beating-son-death-judge-article Define the vocabulary: epiphany (discovery), impeach (accuse), plagiarize (copy), totalitarian (authoritarian), usurp (take). Review Literary Terms: allusion, allegory, motif. Agenda: Twitter Wall Review, TYPES of SOCIAL DISORDERS: Anankastic, Dependent, Avoidant, Narcissistic, Histrionic, Borderline, Antisocial, Schizotypal, Schizoid, Paranoid. Also, eating disorders! How to format the paper demonstration. Continue typing
Seniors-Tuesday Do you think that women are still looked down upon, or lesser than in today’s society? Explain. How has the view of women changed over time? Create one sentence for each vocabulary word: ostentatious (flashy), condescending (arrogant), clairvoyant (intuitive), demagogue (manipulator), precocious (gifted), evanescent (temporary), exasperation (frustration), impetuous (impulsive), mundane (ordinary), pretentious (exaggerated). Review literary terms: motif, allegory, paradox, and climax. Agenda: Twitter wall review name three times gender, whether male or female played a part in how much respect or authority someone had. Continue additional research and typing Works Cited demonstration
Juniors-Tuesday Read and answer the questions for the paper on your desk. Link: all-day-breakfast-is-a-nightmare/ all-day-breakfast-is-a-nightmare/ One sentence per vocabulary word: epiphany (discovery), impeach (accuse), plagiarize (copy), totalitarian (authoritarian), usurp (take). Review Literary devices: allusion, motif, allegory Agenda: Twitter Wall Review Which angel did Proctor tell Mary to think of in court? Continue research/typing Works cited format demonstration
Seniors-Wednesday Is deception forgivable? How do you decide what is acceptable or forgivable and what isn’t? Why do you think we as humans sometimes tolerate too much? Why do some not understand tolerance at all? Explain. Spelling Bee Quiz Game Agenda: Twitter wall review write down two things that you think people generally lie about. Visit Ms. Garris Peer Review Papers!
Juniors-Wednesday Read and respond to the following: events/news-from-the-west-bank-zambia-and-china/ events/news-from-the-west-bank-zambia-and-china/ Spelling Bee Literary Quiz Game Agenda: 3 rd - Media Center/Peer Review 4 th - Type/Peer Review TWR What is hysteria?
Seniors-Thursday Free write as long as it is at least half a page! STUDY FOR QUIZ! Agenda: Current Events Quiz Complete Papers-Must be peer reviewed first, if necessary you may me the paper Friday. If this is not possible, it must be turned in today 10/22!
Juniors-Thursday Read and answer the corresponding questions: secretly-met-kentucky-clerk-over-gay-marriage-licenses/ secretly-met-kentucky-clerk-over-gay-marriage-licenses/ QUIZ! Agenda: Quiz Peer review corrections I will take final copies Monday TWR what form of extremism did you read about on Monday?