Mental Health Update and Closing Thoughts BG Hamlar
Mental illness leaves a huge legacy, not just for the person suffering it but for those around them. Lysette Anthony
Mental illness can happen to anybody. You can be a dustman, a politician, a Tesco worker... anyone. It could be your dad, your brother or your aunt. Frank Bruno
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you. Rita Mae Brown
My goal is to see that mental illness is treated like cancer. Jane Pauley
“Been under treatment for PTSD and bipolar since I’m not ashamed of my illness. I’ve been shunned by many and I feel for those shunned, too.” ― Stanley Victor Paskavich, StantasylandStanley Victor Paskavich Stantasyland
Federal Considerations DoD is reviewing its mental health outreach programs to prioritize those with the greatest impact; DoD and VA worked to increase suicide prevention awareness and, DoD, VA and the National Institutes of Health jointly developed the National Research Action Plan on military and veteran’s mental health to better coordinate federal research efforts.DoD is reviewing its mental health outreach programs to prioritize those with the greatest impact; DoD and VA worked to increase suicide prevention awareness and, DoD, VA and the National Institutes of Health jointly developed the National Research Action Plan on military and veteran’s mental health to better coordinate federal research efforts.
President’s 2012 Executive Order President’s 2012 Executive Order Supporting service members with mental health conditions in making the transition to VA careSupporting service members with mental health conditions in making the transition to VA care Ensuring continuity of mental health medications during the transition from DoD to VAEnsuring continuity of mental health medications during the transition from DoD to VA Coordinating care between DoD and VACoordinating care between DoD and VA Integrating peer specialists into primary careIntegrating peer specialists into primary care
President’s 2012 Executive Order President’s 2012 Executive Order Supporting TRICARE mental health paritySupporting TRICARE mental health parity Enhancing mental health care where service members workEnhancing mental health care where service members work Harnessing the efforts of researchers from DoD, VA, the National Institutes of Health and academiaHarnessing the efforts of researchers from DoD, VA, the National Institutes of Health and academia Advancing cutting edge PTSD researchAdvancing cutting edge PTSD research Early detection of suicidality and PTSDEarly detection of suicidality and PTSD
President’s 2012 Executive Order President’s 2012 Executive Order New investments in suicide preventionNew investments in suicide prevention Promoting Vet Centers as a counseling resource for combat Veterans and their familiesPromoting Vet Centers as a counseling resource for combat Veterans and their families Training DoD and VA employees to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health conditions and help connect people in need to helpTraining DoD and VA employees to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health conditions and help connect people in need to help
President’s 2012 Executive Order President’s 2012 Executive Order Expanding mental health awareness campaignsExpanding mental health awareness campaigns Providing mental health awareness training more broadlyProviding mental health awareness training more broadly Expanding access to opiate overdose reversal kitsExpanding access to opiate overdose reversal kits Providing new opportunities for service members, Veterans, and their families to give back unwanted medicationsProviding new opportunities for service members, Veterans, and their families to give back unwanted medications
President’s 2012 Executive Order President’s 2012 Executive Order Supporting suicide preventionSupporting suicide prevention Expanding cultural competency trainingExpanding cultural competency training Supporting construction of medical facilities in communities with large veteran populationsSupporting construction of medical facilities in communities with large veteran populations
State of Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton is calling for a $35 million boost in funding for mental health services throughout the state — a plan mental health advocacy groups are applauding.Gov. Mark Dayton is calling for a $35 million boost in funding for mental health services throughout the state — a plan mental health advocacy groups are applauding. The two-year budget proposal Dayton unveiled this week included a list of several improvements, ranging from crisis intervention to residential treatment.The two-year budget proposal Dayton unveiled this week included a list of several improvements, ranging from crisis intervention to residential treatment.two-year budget proposal Dayton unveiledtwo-year budget proposal Dayton unveiled
Minnesota National Guard Campaign Plan Beyond the Yellow Ribbon (BYTR) (RI LOA4)Beyond the Yellow Ribbon (BYTR) (RI LOA4)
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon (BYTR) This LOA consists of the following objectives: improving the wellness and resiliency of our SMs and Military Family Members (MFM), building and leveraging local Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Networks (BYRNs) and identifying SM and MFM support needs and connecting resources to meet those needs.This LOA consists of the following objectives: improving the wellness and resiliency of our SMs and Military Family Members (MFM), building and leveraging local Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Networks (BYRNs) and identifying SM and MFM support needs and connecting resources to meet those needs.
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon (BYTR) The MNNG will continue development of a comprehensive program that connects Service Members (SM) and their families with community support, training, services and resources in networks.The MNNG will continue development of a comprehensive program that connects Service Members (SM) and their families with community support, training, services and resources in networks.
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon (BYTR) Master Resilience Trainer (MRT) with the tools necessary to develop resiliency training to satisfy the needs of the unitMaster Resilience Trainer (MRT) with the tools necessary to develop resiliency training to satisfy the needs of the unit Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Trainer (ASIST)Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Trainer (ASIST) Suicide Intervention Officer (SIO)Suicide Intervention Officer (SIO) Family Assistant Center Specialists (FACs) will coordinate efforts with the Regional Inter-Family Assistant Center Specialists (FACs) will coordinate efforts with the Regional Inter- Service Family Assistance Committee (RISFAC) to synchronize state and local resourcesService Family Assistance Committee (RISFAC) to synchronize state and local resources
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon (BYTR) Family Readiness Group (FRG). The FRG members are important to connecting families to federal, state and local resource information and providing supportFamily Readiness Group (FRG). The FRG members are important to connecting families to federal, state and local resource information and providing support MNNG units in coordination with their BYRNs will identify and support military SM and MFM with local resourcesMNNG units in coordination with their BYRNs will identify and support military SM and MFM with local resources
Battalion and Group Level Directors of Psychological Health (DPH’s)Directors of Psychological Health (DPH’s) ChaplainsChaplains Medical Oversight via OSS and MDG’sMedical Oversight via OSS and MDG’s
Company or Squadron Level Suicide Prevention TrainingSuicide Prevention Training Resiliency TrainingResiliency Training Wingmen and Battle BuddiesWingmen and Battle Buddies
National Alliance on Mental Illness NAMI Minnesota Transfer Road, Suite 31 St. Paul, MN
Years for Mental Health Immediate crisisImmediate crisis Health promotion and preventionHealth promotion and prevention Clinical service infrastructureClinical service infrastructure Community supportsCommunity supports Workforce recommendationsWorkforce recommendations
Local Bed Data 1,072 community inpatient mental health beds in Minnesota1,072 community inpatient mental health beds in Minnesota –946 for adults Additional 222 in the stateAdditional 222 in the state