‘There can be no more important subject than English. It is at the heart of our culture and literacy skills are crucial to pupils’ learning for all subjects.’ (Sir Michael Wilshaw, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector) Nene Park Academy understands the importance and value of English. We wish to share our plans to maximise your child’s potential across ALL their subjects.
(A*-G) Attainment 8 Progress 8 English / Maths EBacc ATTAINMENT 8 weightings
English is now, more than ever, a significant subject in terms of your child’s future choices…
Changes to English English LanguageEnglish Literature Each student’s highest score is double weighted. Whereas before, students had to achieve in English Language and Literature was the poor relation, now, students can play to their strengths and interests. BUT Students MUST do BOTH the English Language and English Literature qualification.
Consequently, entry point is key.
Benefits of November entry for GCSE English Language: One less qualification to worry about in the summer BUT… opportunity to re-take if necessary Supports high quality provision and outcomes in English Language AND English Literature
Benefits of November entry for GCSE English Language: On 19 th January (when results are published), we can re-set according to progress in English Language, expected progress in English Literature AND Mathematics. We can also make sure provision in ALL other subjects are taken carefully in to consideration. CRUCIAL for post-16 outcomes
The English team will track and monitor students’ expected outcomes carefully over the following weeks. If we do not think students are ready at any point, we will not enter them in November. However…
Wk/c – Further tracking and moderation of coursework by English team Wk/c – Yr 11 teachers meet groups, track, monitor and plan for coursework improvement and interventions Wk/c – Exam preparation / coursework improvement and interventions Wk/c – Yr 11 Parents’ Evening Exam preparation / coursework improvement and interventions Walking Talking mocks CORE paper students English: timeline to November
Wk/c Exam preparation / coursework improvement and interventions Some N side student group changes to ensure teaching groups are small and targeted Walking Talking mock Extended paper students Speaking and Listening exams ( , , ) Deadline for all coursework Wk/c Exam preparation
Wk/c Exam preparation In lesson mock opportunities Wk/c Exam preparation In lesson mock opportunities Wk/c Exam preparation In lesson mock opportunities English: timeline to November
Wk/c Half-term – revision resources provided for students Wk/c pm – English revision afternoon am – English breakfast revision am – EXAM English: timeline to November
Wk/c to Christmas English Literature coursework study and preparation Of Mice and Men Macbeth 19th January 2016 – exam results are published English Language / English Literature / Mathematics groups will be re-set accordingly English: timeline to November
Coursework improvements – homework Speaking and Listening – homework Study guides Past papers Key websites What you can do to support you child:
Can be made at home Students can log on to their school area from home (NPA website/log-in/remote desktop/school and password) Please feel free to English teachers for additional support and guidance Encourage your child to proof read their work carefully Encourage discussion of the content of their work. How can they be more persuasive/descriptive/imaginative? Coursework improvements – 40% of qualification
Speaking and Listening preparation – 20% of qualification This is a ten minute task which is recorded. 3-4 mins of your child talking 6-7 mins of your child discussing their topic with a teacher 20% Encourage your child to practise. Can they last 3-4 minutes? Are they using Standard English? Have they 1 prompt card with key words to help them? You can help your child by discussing anticipated teacher questions following their 3-4 minute talk. What are teachers likely to ask about the topic?
Youtube iGCSE CIE 0522 English Language Revision guide which will be issued tonight by staff Past papers from staff Amazon revision purchase Publisher: Cambridge University Press; 4 edition (14 Aug. 2014) Language: English ISBN-10: ISBN-13: Revision resources