The DBQ Essay
What is it?
“ …Part A begins with a mandatory 10 minute reading period for the document - based question. Students should answer the document - based question in approximately 40 minutes.” -- AP Central, The AP World History Exam
What is it? “ …Put on your " historian " hat to demonstrate your ability to analyze source materials and develop an essay based on those materials. Your goal : a unified essay that integrates your analysis of four to ten given documents with your treatment of the topic. Comparative topics on the major themes will provide one of the focuses of the DBQs, including comparative questions about different societies in situations of mutual contact. The DBQ begins with a mandatory 10- minute reading period. Then you ' ll have 40 minutes to write the essay.” -- AP Students, Answering the DBQ
Steps to Tackling the DBQ 1. Know the rubric 2. Examine the documents and look for categories to form your thesis 3. Note your groups and draft your thesis 4. Draft your topic sentences 5. Find your evidence 6. Find your POV 7. Finish your outline 8. Write your essay
How is it graded ? Know the rubric !
The Thesis If you don ’ t have a thesis or you have a really bad one it could cost you THREE points.
Get Points for your Thesis ! Think of your thesis in three parts… 1. Answer the question that is asked in one or two connecting sentences ( argument ). 2. Indicate the groups (3) that you will use to address the question. 3. Give a “ hint ” as to what you will address in each group.
Using Documents 0 Every document must be mentioned at least ONCE in your essay. 0 Understanding the document means you interpret it correctly. 0 Then, use the document as evidence in your essay. 0 To get points for grouping, you only need to put it in a group.
Documents Again – Last Time POINT OF VIEW – 3 W ’ s 1. WHO says it… 2. WHAT does he / she say WHY does he / she say it
How many POVs does this student have?
One. This is a POV.
No point here. The Cold War did not end in 1980.
So… 0 Attempt to do POVs for EVERY document. 0 Do enough correctly and you get into the expanded core !
Example of Point of View
Willy Brandt, Chancellor of West Germany expressed great support for the ECC. Brandt stressed the importance of the ECC and how it might lead to lasting peace in Europe. According to Brandt, the ECC would be as significant to Europe as the Marshall Plan was; however, since Brandt made these comments at Harvard University, he might have chosen the American Marshall Plan to highlight so that he could better connect with the American audience (doc. 9).
Example of Point of View
Are there any tricks to POV? 0 Consider the following about each person : 0 Title, position or job 0 Male / female 0 Country or religion of the person 0 Date the statement was made 0 Consider the type of document and why the document was created. 0 Political speech, diary entry, newspaper article, etc. 0 Maps, graphs, charts – who created it and why? 0 Pictures, paintings – who paid for it?
Additional Document This is simple, if you do it right. You are really saying whose voice is NOT heard and what their voice would add to the discussion. 0 Women 0 Poor 0 Those who “ lost ” 0 Workers 0 Ethnic Groups 0 Look for obvious omissions
Additional Document Anywhere ! But, just like POV, about half of the “ additional documents ” are wrong, so include one per group. REMEMBER TO SAY WHY ( analysis ).
Additional Document
Now use your outline to finish a beautiful essay…
In 1892 plans were being made to reestablish the Olympic Games. The first modern Olympic Games were held in The initial goal was to promote world peace, but from 1892 to 2002 many other factors shaped the modern Olympic movement. These factors included political factors such as demonstrating the political and military power; intellectual factors, such as the rise of nationalism; and social factors such as the rise of feminism. Economics, especially for the profit of corporations, also was a factor in later years. Group 1 Topic Sentence Group 2 Topic Sentence Group 3 Topic Sentence Evidence from Docs. Conclusion
In 1892 plans were being made to reestablish the Olympic Games. The first modern Olympic Games were held in The initial goal was to promote world peace, but from 1892 to 2002 many other factors shaped the modern Olympic movement. These factors included political factors such as demonstrating the political and military power; intellectual factors, such as the rise of nationalism; and social factors such as the rise of feminism. Economics, especially for the profit of corporations, also was a factor in later years. Political (nationalism) Social (feminism) Economic Evidence(3) Conclusion
WAIT : Expanded Core Forget about it… You are going to provide POV for each document and at least three additional documents ( one per group ) – your Expanded Core is met.
“ What if I can ’ t remember the rubric? ”
What to expect : 0 Time 0 50 Minutes Total 0 Planning : 10 Minutes 0 Writing : 40 Minutes 0 Question 0 AP Format 0 Question Unknown 0 Materials : Pencil / Pen 0 Afterwards : TBD You may also work with a partne r if you so choose !