Chapter 8. LR Syntactic Analysis Sung-Dong Kim, Dept. of Computer Engineering, Hansung University
Introduction Deterministic bottom-up parsing Left to right scanning + Right parse LR parser (2012-1) Compiler 2
Introduction Contents How LR parser works How to construct parsing table from a given grammar How to construct parsing table from an ambiguous grammar How to implement parser (2012-1) Compiler 3
1. LR parser (1) LR parser (2012-1) Compiler 4 SmSm Parsing Table Driver Routine a1a1 aiai anan $ : input stack
1. LR parser (2) Parsing stack State number + grammar symbol S 0 X 1 S 1 X 2 X m S m S 0 X 1 S 1 X 2 X m S m, where S i : state and X i V. Input buffer Input string a i a i a i+1 a n $ (2012-1) Compiler 5
1. LR parser (3) LR parsing table Row: grammar symbols Column: states ACTION: reduce, shift, accept, error GOTO: indicate next state on reduce action (2012-1) Compiler 6 symbol states ACTION tableGOTO table
1. LR parser (4) Example 1 Grammar: 1. LIST LIST, ELEMENT 2. LIST ELEMENT 3. ELEMENT a Parsing table (2012-1) Compiler 7
1. LR parser (5) Definition 8.1: Configuration 4 actions of the LR parser Shift: ACTION[S m, a i ] = shift S (2012-1) Compiler 8 Configuration: representation for the current parsing status : stack contents + un-read input symbols S m a i (S 0 X 1 S 1 X m S m, a i a i+1 a n $) stack contents unscanned input (S 0 X 1 S 1 X m S m, a i a i+1 a n $) (S 0 X 1 S 1 X m S m a i S, a i+1 a n $)
1. LR parser (5) Reduce: ACTION[S m, a i ] = reduce A , | | = r Accept: ACTION[S m, a i ] = accept Error: ACTION[S m, a i ] = error (2012-1) Compiler 9 (S 0 X 1 S 1 X m S m, a i a i+1 a n $) (S 0 X 1 S 1 X m-r S m-r, a i a i+1 a n $), GOTO(S m-r, A) = S (S 0 X 1 S 1 X m-r S m-r AS, a i a i+1 a n $)
1. LR parser (6) Advantages of the LR parser Recognize the most programming languages More general than LL parser Detect errors during parsing (2012-1) Compiler 10
1. LR parser (7) Example 2: a, a (2012-1) Compiler 11 0a,a$ s3 0 a 3,a$ r3 GOTO 2 0 ELEMENT 2,a$ r2 GOTO 1 0 LIST 1,a$ s4 0 LIST 1, 4a$ s3 0 LIST 1, 4 a 3$ r3 GOTO 5 0 LIST 1, 4 ELEMENT 5$ r1 GOTO 1 0 LIST 1$ accept initial configuration STACK INPUT ACTION
1. LR parser (8) Construction of the LR parsing table SLR: LR(0) items + FOLLOW CLR: LR(1) items LALR: LR(1) items or LR(0) items + LOOKAHEAD (2012-1) Compiler 12 ` SLR CLR LALR
2. Set of LR(0) items (1) Definition 8.2: LR(0) item Example 3: A XYZ LR(0) items: [A .XYZ], [A X.YZ], [A XY.Z], [A XYZ.] Definition 8.3: Augmented production (2012-1) Compiler 13 LR(0) item: productions whose rhs has the dot symbol When G = (V N, V T, P, S), G’ = (V N {S’}, V T, P {S’ S}, S’) is augmented grammar S’: new start state S’ S: augmented production
2. Set of LR(0) items (2) Definition 8.4: Mark symbol Definition 8.5: kernel item, closure item, reduce item (2012-1) Compiler 14 A symbol next to the dot symbol in LR(0) item Kernel item: [A . ] when , and [S’ .S] Closure item: [A . ] Reduce item: [A .]
2. Set of LR(0) items (3) [A . ] Until now, the input strings derivable from are seen (processed) If the strings derivable from are seen (processed), we can reduce using A Definition 8.6: viable prefix Not handle Symbols in the parsing stack (2012-1) Compiler 15 1 in S * A 1 2
2. Set of LR(0) items (4) Definition 8.7: valid When parsing stack content is 1, choose shift or reduce 2 : shift 2 = : reduce (2012-1) Compiler 16 If S * A 1 2 and V T *, LR(0) item [A 1. 2] is valid for the viable prefix 1
2. Set of LR(0) items (5) Set of valid LR(0) items for all viable prefix LR parsing table Add production S’ S Get set of LR(0) items by marking the productions from the above production: same set a state Definition 8.8: CLOSURE, set of items (2012-1) Compiler 17 CLOSURE(I) = I {[B . ] | [A .B ] CLOSURE(I), B P}
2. Set of LR(0) items (6) Algorithm for CLOSURE(I) (2012-1) Compiler 18 Algorithm CLOSURE(I); begin CLOSURE := I; repeat if [A .B ] and B P then if [B . ] CLOSURE then CLOSURE := CLOSURE {[B . ]} fi fi until no change end
2. Set of LR(0) items (7) Example 5: CLOSURE: all LR(0) items to be seen on a state GOTO: state transition (2012-1) Compiler 19 S’ G G E = E | f E E + T | T T T * f | f CLOSURE({[S’ .G]}) = { [S’ .G], [G .E=E], [G .f] [E .E+T], [E .T], [T .T*f], [T .f] } CLOSURE({[E E.+T]}) = { [E E.+T] }
2. Set of LR(0) items (8) Definition 8.9: GOTO function Function to get the next state by parsing mark symbol (2012-1) Compiler 20 GOTO(I, X) = CLOSURE({[A X. ] | A .X ] I})
2. Set of LR(0) items (9) Example 6: I = {[G E.=E], [E E. + T]} GOTO(I, +) = CLOSURE({[E E+.T]}) = {[E E+.T], [T .T*f], [T .f]} I = {[E .T], [T .T*f], [T .f]} GOTO(I, T) = CLOSURE({[E T.], [T T.*f]}) = {[E T.], [T T.*f]} (2012-1) Compiler 21
2. Set of LR(0) items (10) Canonical collection C 0 GOTO(I 0, X) = I 1 GOTO(I 1, X) = I 2 … GOTO(I n-1, X) = I n C 0 = {I 0, I 1, … I n } (2012-1) Compiler 22 C 0 = {CLOSURE({[S’ .S]})} {GOTO(I,X) | I C 0, X V}
(2012-1) Compiler 23 Algorithm Canonical_Collection; begin C 0 := {CLOSURE({[S’ .S]})}; repeat for I C0 do Closure := CLOSURE(I); for each X MARK SYMBOL of Closure do J := GOTO(I, X); if J i = J then GOTO(I, X) := J i else GOTO(I, X) := J; C 0 := C 0 {J}; fi end for until C 0 doesn’t change end.
2. Set of LR(0) items (13) GOTO graph (2012-1) Compiler 25 I1I1 I2I2 I3I3 I0I0 I4I4 I5I5 LIST ELEMENT a a,
2. Set of LR(0) items (14) Example 8: (2012-1) Compiler 26 P b D ; S e D d ; D | d S s ; S | s [P ' P.] I1I1 [P ' .P] [P .bD;Se] I0I0 [P bD.;Se] I3I3 [P bD;.Se] [S .s;S] [S .s] I5I5 [P bD;S.e] I7I7 [P bD;Se.] I8I8 [P b.D;Se] [D .d;D] [D .d] I2I2 [S s.;S] [S s.] I8I8 [S .s;.S] [S .s;S] [S .s] I 11 [D d.;D] [D d.] I4I4 [D d;.D] [D .d;D] [D .d] I6I6 [D d;D.] I9I9 [S s;S.] I 12 S e s S D ; ; P b D d d s ;
3. SLR parsing table construction (1) SLR simple LR Parsing table construction by using C 0 and FOLLOW Each item set in C 0 is a state: |C 0 | (|V|+1) (2012-1) Compiler 27
3. SLR parsing table construction (2) SLR parsing table construction If [A .a ] I i and GOTO(I i, a) = I j then M[i, a] := shift j If [A .] I i then for each a FOLLOW(A) do M[i, a] := reduce A If [S’ S.] I i then M[i, $] := accept If [A .B ] I i and GOTO(I i, B) = I j then M[i, B] := j; other parsing table entries are error A state including [S’ S] is a start state (2012-1) Compiler 28
3. SLR parsing table construction (3) Feature Reduce action on the FOLLOW symbol of the lhs of the reduce item production Example 10: (2012-1) Compiler 29 E E+T | T T T*F | F F (E) | id 0. E’ E 1.E E+T 2.E T 3.T T*F 4.T F 5.F (E) 6.F id FOLLOW(E) = {$, +, )} FOLLOW(T) = {*, +, ), $} FOLLOW(F) = {*, +, ), $}
(2012-1) Compiler 30
(2012-1) Compiler 31
3. SLR parsing table construction (4) Shift-reduce conflict [A .], [B .a ] If a FOLLOW(A)? Reduce-reduce conflict [A .], [B .] If a FOLLOW(A) and a FOLLOW(B)? Reason of the conflict: ambiguous grammar (2012-1) Compiler 32
3. SLR parsing table construction (5) Solution Determine the reduce action using the exact context CLR, LALR (2012-1) Compiler 33
4. CLR parsing table construction (1) FOLLOW Set of terminal symbols which can appear next to the nonterminal in all sentential forms Lookahead Set of terminal symbols which can appear next to the lhs of an item on the specific state (2012-1) Compiler 34 FOLLOW set Lookahead set
4. CLR parsing table construction (2) LR(1) item: LR(0) item + lookahead information Definition 8.10: LR(1) item (2012-1) Compiler 35 LR(1) item: [A . , a], where A P and a V T {$} 1.Core: A . 2.a: lookahead, reduce action on this symbol
4. CLR parsing table construction (2) Definition 8.11: CLOSURE in LR(1) item Example 11: (2012-1) Compiler 36 CLOSURE(I) = I {[B . , b] | [A .B , a] CLOSURE(I), B P, b FIRST( a)} CLOSURE({[S’ .S, $]}) = {[S’ .S, $], [S .CC, $], [C .cC, c/d], [C .d, c/d]} S’ S S CC C cC C d
4. CLR parsing table construction (3) CLR parsing table construction If [A .a , u] I i and GOTO(I i, a) = I j then M[i,a] := shift j If [A ., u] I i then M[i, u] := reduce A If [S’ S., $] I i then M[i, $] := accept If [A .B , u] I i and GOTO(I i, B) = I j then M[i, B] := j; (2012-1) Compiler 37
4. CLR parsing table construction (4) Canonical LR(1) parsing table LR(1) grammar: no multi-defined entry Example 12: (2012-1) Compiler S’ S 1.S CC 2.C cC 3.C d S CC C cC | d
(2012-1) Compiler 39 I0I0 [S .S,$] [S .CC,$] [C .cC,c/d] [C .d,c/d] [C d.,c/d.] I4I4 [S' S.,$] I1I1 [C cC.,c/d.] I8I8 [C c.C,c/d] [C .cC,c/d] [C .d,c/d] I3I3 [C c.C,$] [C .cC,$] [C .d,$] I6I6 [C d.,$] I7I7 [S' CC.,$] I5I5 [C cC.,$] I9I9 d c d C S C C c d c d c C [S C.C,$] [C .cC,$] [C .d,$] I2I2
(2012-1) Compiler 40