Welcome to Grade Two Grade 2 Teacher
We warmly welcome you and your child to Grade Two. We are looking forward to a successful year. To ensure this is successful it will be of benefit for you to have some information regarding second grade.
Mission Statement Mission Statement “Our mission at Al Yasat is to provide a safe, nurturing educational environment that will enable our students to become lifelong learners”.
Language Language Our language is divided into separate areas: grammar - this will include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and punctuation.
Reading Comprehension Reading Comprehension All students should be able to read and understand the content of the text. Done twice a week, one with a comprehension book and the other with guided reading.
Reading Reading It’s very important that you, as parents, take an active role in developing your child’s reading habits.
Reading books are supplied by the school daily and we ask you to spend 20 minutes a night reading with your child. We read every day.
The reading passport is an important tool for you as parents, as you can follow the progress of your child’s reading. Please can you sign so we know you have read and enjoyed your child’s reading.
We follow Jolly Phonics. Students are tested every week based on phonics. Students are expected to know words and put them into sentences for dictation.
As you are aware your children have been introduced to a new Math scheme (Abacus) last academic year. As we continue forward into grade 2 we will build on what they’ve learned in grade 1.
The students will be learning through hands on activities, a workbook and a text book. Every week your child will be tested on their mental math skills.
In science we use the Harcourt science text book. Also, through the use of our Promethean boards and other interactive activities, we strive to make links across the curriculum.
Last year we introduced social studies in a slightly different way. Instead of of doing our usual one period a week we took a two week block and taught just social studies. We definitely had the ‘WOW’ factor as the children walked into their classrooms! We felt the children loved this new method and we had a very successful and enjoyable time ending with our “Children Around the World’’ concert.
In Social Studies your children will travel around the world exploring different countries, different continents and different cultures to build on their knowledge of the world.
As we use various resources to educate our students we ask you to take part in their learning and assist with their term project assignments.
Arabic, Islamic, Art, Physical Education and Music will be taught by specialist teachers weekly. The weekly timetable will be at the back of their homework diaries.
Behaviour We adopt the traffic light system to encourage and promote good behaviour in our class and school environment.
As well as the traffic lights, we also have a reward star system to encourage each child to do their best and for good behaviour.
As educators we see the effect of children who have not eaten breakfast before coming to school; they’re irritable, sleepy and unmotivated. In order to prevent this please make sure your child has breakfast.
To maintain their motivation we ask you send healthy lunches that include fruit, vegetables and sandwiches. We now have two breaks where each child can have a healthy snack. Please also provide a water bottle.
If your child is sick please keep them at home. Infections spread easily through a class. If your child has ongoing health issues please fill in the form which you received the other day.
All students are required to wear the correct uniform everyday. We are proud to be members of Al Yasat School and this should be reflected in our school uniform. White P.E. shirts should be worn on P.E. days.
Attendance is crucial to the learning process and development of all students. Excessive absenteeism will not be tolerated. Please ensure your child arrives on time so their education is not jeopardized.
PSHCE This stands for Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education. With this we strive to give all students an awareness of the social aspects of life. We plan to cover bullying, hygiene, behaviour and a healthy lifestyle.
We always encourage the children to be aware of world events especially where disadvantaged children have been involved. We have fun fund-raising days throughout the year such as jeans day, popcorn day and wear a red t- shirt day. All money goes to a worthy cause.
Homework is an important part of the school curriculum. Once a week we send spellings with sentences and daily reading. Math homework will comprise of a worksheet once a week. Science will be assigned per topic. We have a homework diary that should be checked and signed daily.
We introduced talk homework into grade 2 two years ago with great success! Talk homework gives you an opportunity to talk with your child about the current topics being discussed in science. Talk homework will go home every two weeks and you should take about minutes to do it.You might learn something from you child.
Communication is so important between parents and teachers. Please use your child’s daily diary, write a note, send an or set up an appointment from 2:30- 3:30 pm.
It’s always great to get involved in school life: I know I did when my sons were small! You can be a classroom helper or help in other ways! A ‘Welcome!’ meeting with Mrs. Lesley will be held on the 24 th September at am.
We have three fun trips planned as well as visitors coming into school. If any parents are talented in any way or would like to share something interesting please contact your class teacher.
We, the grade 2 teachers, look forward to a successful and happy year. Thank you for attending this session and we hope the information this evening has helped you. We all hold the key to success for your children!