Improving standards and parental self confidence in early years deaf education Brian Shannan - Educational Audiologist, Fife Rachel O’Neill - Scottish Sensory Centre, University of Edinburgh
Overview Newborn Hearing Screening Services for deaf year olds and their families in Scotland Scottish Sensory Centre group Play DVD for / by parents Standards and audit tool for Early Years teams
Newborn Hearing Screening Screening started 2005 in Scotland No standards for professionals about how to work together.
Services for deaf year olds and their families in Scotland Variation across the country Sometimes health knows, education doesn’t Some families have visits at home from 6 unco-ordinated professionals
Scottish Sensory Centre Early Years and deafness group Started 2008 Wide representation Attempt to bring the Monitoring Protocol to Scotland Three sub-groups evolved: Play and language (Glasgow) Training and standards (Edinburgh) Communication and the monitoring protocol (Aberdeen)
Principles Informed Choice Positive about deafness Empowering families Skilled professionals in partnership Positive outcomes
Play DVD for / by parents Glasgow Govan High School parents and toddlers group Kim Davidson-Kelly, Speech and Language Therapist Need for a parent - led DVD / website Wide range of families Using everyday play to encourage language development
Standards and audit tool for Early Years teams NDCS Standards for rest of UK SSC group added an audit tool Aim to empower parents with information about effective early years teams Consultation July - December 2010 Launch 31st March 2011
Future work Develop one and two day courses at SSC for early years teams and parents Develop postgraduate certificate course at University
References Monitoring Protocol SSC Early Years site NDCS Quality standards in early years
Contacts and further information Brian Shannan Rachel O’Neill Tel