Instruction how to register for the courses in USOSweb and how to activate UJ .
You will get your login and password to USOSweb system by . Then you should go to the website of USOSweb:
Change the language
Your not logged Log in
First time login
After you login you see this screen: Your USOSweb account. Activate your UJ- or register to the courses Now you can change your password
Here you can register to the courses Under this link you may activate your account First we activate the UJ .
To activate your UJ- account you need to write your name in the box and confirm the activation with your password. Then click activate After you activate your UJ- , you may use your adress as login (instead of
Now we go back to the course registration
Here you can register to the courses
When the course registration is open, then you will see different links To register you need to click on „Go to registration” I decide to register for the Law courses
You will see a list of the courses opened for registration To register you need to click on the green bucket
I chosed EU competition law. Now I click „register” to finish registration to the group.
I am registered! Remember, that when you decide not to attend the course, then you should unregister!!! To unregister click on the yellow bucket
After you register to the course you may see it on your schedule.
You can search for information about teachers and courses
If you do not have your login and password, then please visit or contact our office. Thank you for your attention! I hope you will not have any troubles with USOSweb now!!