The Cost and Benefit of ITE UCET Primary and Early Years Symposium Helen Martin Gateway Teaching Alliance Prof Des Hewitt Head of Primary Education Centre of Professional Education University of Warwick
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University fees "But budgets are already very tight. The level of funding for home students on many courses in leading universities – particularly those on expensive science courses – does not cover the costs of providing those courses. Russell Group (2015)
School Direct University costs Faculty/ Centre costs University teaching salaries/ costs Administration Placements/ Alliance charges Link tutors OFSTED/ moderation DBS Occupational health Central charge: 30-60% Estates Library QA Finance Student support Admissions Marketing
ITT funding for placement schools Payment from ITT providers, which was on average £187 for primary BEd, £138 (£1,367) for primary (secondary) HEI-led PGCE, £972 (£1,808) for primary (secondary) SCITT and £2,286 (£2,615) for primary (secondary) School Direct unsalaried.
School Direct Alliance costs Alliance costs Manager/ administrator salaries/ costs Placement costs for some Alliances QA costs for some Alliances Central training staff Office/ teaching rooms Salaried: employee costs …Laptops/ Ipads for some trainees
Cost Financial Reputational Benefit Financial Reputational
Contact Helen Martin Prof Des Hewitt