Overview The presentation will be on three parts: a. Orientalists’ viewpointsOrientalists’ viewpoints b. Statistics for militant deathsStatistics for militant deaths c. Reasons of warsReasons of wars Summary Page 1
Preparation Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) during his 10-year prophecy had more than 89 wars. Prophet’s wars are divided into two parts: Ghazvah – 26 wars were Qazveh Sariyeh – 35,36,48,66 wars were Sariyeh The discord about the numbers is because of the amount of the army. Some historians believe that much Sariyehs were not war, they were fight. That’s why there is no consensus on the numbers of Sariyeh Page 2
From orientalists’ viewpoints there are five main aims of the prophet’s wars: Supply the livelihood of Muslims. Prophet in Meddinah had a big problem about the Muslim’s livelihood so the prophet gave permission to steal convoys and caravans. Orientalists’ viewpoints Page 3
Orientalists’ viewpoints To glut rapacity temperament of Muslims the writer of Season of Prophet’s Life in the book Cambridge Islamic History Believes that: War was the habit of Arab people even it was a kind of sport and the common goal of the wars was to steal sheep and camels. Lots of people were embraced to Islam because of booty Page 4
Orientalists’ viewpoints Cruelty against Non-Muslims Professor David Hume, an English professor, and Clifford Bosworth, a historian said: Muslims cruelly were killing whoever propagated against their religion. In traditional Islam, the Muslims must do Jihad against Judaism and Christianity. Encyclopedia Americana Page 5
Orientalists’ viewpoints Vendetta against opponents. The writer of the article Muhammad Prophet of Islam in Encyclopedia of Islam said: As the Prophet was forced out of the Mecca so he decided to revenge. Page 6
Orientalists’ viewpoints Few Orientalists come to reality. John Davenport in his book An apology for Mohammed and the Koran Professor Roger Mervyn Savory They have seen the reality of the wars and they said: "The wars were because of defending of Islam and Muslims.” Page 7
Statistics for Militant Deaths Information from five books about wars: Behar al ‘Anvaar Tabari History Tabaghat Yagobi History Sire ‘ebn Hisham Page 8
Statistics for Militant Deaths TimeNameTabariBeharTabaghatYagoubiBn Hisham 2 (A.H)Badr Page 9
Statistics for Militant Deaths TimeNameTabariBeharTabaghatYagoubiBn Hisham 2 (A.H)Badr (A.H)‘Ohood Page 9
Statistics for Militant Deaths TimeNameTabariBeharTabaghatYagoubiBn Hisham 2 (A.H)Badr (A.H)‘Ohood (A.H)Khandag Page 9
Statistics for Militant Deaths TimeNameTabariBeharTabaghatYagoubiBn Hisham 2 (A.H)Badr (A.H)‘Ohood (A.H)Khandag (A.H)Gorayzeh Page 9
Statistics for Militant Deaths TimeNameTabariBeharTabaghatYagoubiBn Hisham 2 (A.H)Badr (A.H)‘Ohood (A.H)Khandag (A.H)Gorayzeh (A.H)Mostalagh_10 __ Page 9
Statistics for Militant Deaths TimeNameTabariBeharTabaghatYagoubiBn Hisham 2 (A.H)Badr (A.H)‘Ohood (A.H)Khandag (A.H)Gorayzeh (A.H)Mostalagh_10 __ 7 (A.H)Kheybar3_98_23 Page 9
Statistics for Militant Deaths TimeNameTabariBeharTabaghatYagoubiBn Hisham 2 (A.H)Badr (A.H)‘Ohood (A.H)Khandag (A.H)Gorayzeh (A.H)Mostalagh_10 __ 7 (A.H)Kheybar3_98_23 7 (A.H)Muteh3_13_ Page 9
Statistics for Militant Deaths TimeNameTabariBeharTabaghatYagoubiBn Hisham 2 (A.H)Badr (A.H)‘Ohood (A.H)Khandag (A.H)Gorayzeh (A.H)Mostalagh_10 __ 7 (A.H)Kheybar3_98_23 7 (A.H)Muteh3_13_ 8 (A.H) Mecca Victoria 21_33_20 Page 9
Statistics for Militant Deaths TimeNameTabariBeharTabaghatYagoubiBn Hisham 2 (A.H)Badr (A.H)‘Ohood (A.H)Khandag (A.H)Gorayzeh (A.H)Mostalagh_10 __ 7 (A.H)Kheybar3_98_23 7 (A.H)Muteh3_13_ 8 (A.H) Mecca Victoria 21_33_20 8 (A.H) Hunayn,Ta’ef _101 Page 9
Statistics for Militant Deaths TimeNameTabariBeharTabaghatYagoubiBn Hisham 2 (A.H)Badr (A.H)‘Ohood (A.H)Khandag (A.H)Gorayzeh (A.H)Mostalagh_10 __ 7 (A.H)Kheybar3_98_23 7 (A.H)Muteh3_13_ 8 (A.H) Mecca Victoria 21_33_20 8 (A.H) Hunayn,Ta’ef _101 Others Wars _122 Page 9
Statistics for Militant Deaths TimeNameTabariBeharTabaghatYagoubiBn Hisham 2 (A.H)Badr (A.H)‘Ohood (A.H)Khandag (A.H)Gorayzeh (A.H)Mostalagh_10 __ 7 (A.H)Kheybar3_98_23 7 (A.H)Muteh3_13_ 8 (A.H) Mecca Victoria 21_33_20 8 (A.H) Hunayn,Ta’ef _101 Others Wars _122 Total Wars Page 9
Statistics for Militant Deaths So the Average of militant deaths is Dr. Rageb Sijistani believes that: “Only about 250 Muslims were killed and other were the enemy.” Page 10
Reasons of Wars Investigating the reasons of starting war. Badr: The main reason was that infidels of Mecca had confiscated the property of Muslims and when infidels’ caravan come near to Medinah Prophet wanted to regain Muslims’ property. Page 11
Reasons of Wars Investigating the reasons of starting war. ‘Ohood: The leaders of Goraysh spent a lot of money on the war against prophet for the revenge of Badr. Page 12
Reasons of Wars Investigating the reasons of starting war. ‘Ahzaab: ‘Ahzaab means tribes. Infidels and Jews incorporate and united against Muslims and besieged Medinah for one month. In fact Jews were the main supporters. Page 13
Reasons of Wars Investigating the reasons of starting war. ‘Kheybar: There were tribes in the north of Medina in which Jews were living there. Most of the time Jews charged other tribes with conspiracy to start war against Muslims. So prophet decided to solve the problem from the root. Page 14
Reasons of Wars Investigating the reasons of starting war. Bani gurayzeh: Prophet and Bani gurayzeh had a peace treaty but they broke it and plotted against Muslims in the ‘Ahzab war. they did not repent after that. So Muslims deport them from their castles. Page 15
Summary Introductions about wars and their kinds. Five viewpoints of Orientalists. Complete statistics about militant deaths. Giving more information about five wars. Seyed Mostafa Mirfendereski