Talks! Integrating Social Media into Your Website January 19, 2010 Audio is only available by calling this number: Conference Call: 866-740-1260; Access.


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Presentation transcript:

talks! Integrating Social Media into Your Website January 19, 2010 Audio is only available by calling this number: Conference Call: ; Access Code: Sponsored by

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Using ReadyTalk Chat & raise hand Mute = *6, Unmute = *7 If you lose your internet connection, reconnect using the link ed to you. If you lose your phone connection, re-dial the phone number and re-join. ReadyTalk support:

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: You are being recorded… This seminar will be available on the TechSoup website along with past webinar presentations: – You will receive a link to this presentation, material and links. After the webinar, you can ask follow-up questions in the Emerging Technology Forum: – Twitter hashtags: #techsoup

talks! Integrating Social Media into Your Website Presenter: Allen Gunn, Executive Director Aspiration Sponsored by

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Today’s Speakers Kami Griffiths TechSoup Assisting with chat questions: Becky Wiegand, TechSoup All presentation content is Creative Commons licensed :) Allen Gunn (Gunner) Aspiration

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Agenda Housekeeping 2.0 – manage your social media real estate Understand the role of each channel –Coordinate channels to maximize traffic Follow essential processes to sustain –Message calendaring –Publishing matrix –Social media dashboard

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: First Things – Process Points Have an overall communications strategy and process –Know how you describe org and work –Know what you're trying to achieve –Have well-defined processes for creating and posting online content Do social media plan in that context –Define concrete goals for online engagement, overall and per-program

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: First Things – Housekeeping 2.0 Lock down your virtual real estate –Reserve any accounts you could envision using now or in the future Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, MySpace Log in every days to keep accounts live Don't forget about domain names –Set them up to look like a family Strive for naming consistency, usually based on your organizational domain name Use consistent branding: images & language

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: You have accounts, then what? Consider which online audiences you are trying to reach –Which channels seem most appropriate? –Initially focus on one or two –Integrate into publishing workflow Measure growth and response –Keep metrics on followers, fans, etc –Over time, where do audiences respond? –What propagates?

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: How to Track All These Accounts? Keep an inventory of online venues –Accounts & organizational “owner” –Domain names –Renewal dates where relevant Don't associate contact info with individual staff addresses, use aliases –e.g. –Have aliases go to more than 1 staff e.g. operations manager +...

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Linking between accounts and site Set up links in both directions –On each social media account, specify organizational URL to link to “main” site –Update web site page template(s) to link to social media channels Best practice: with signup, above “fold” –Also to link to appropriate accounts (Facebook, Twitter) from contact page –Potentially link from staff pages

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Advertise on All Pages

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Add to Other Templates newsletter

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Other Best Practices Add to signatures

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Housekeeping Done, Now What? How does one coordinate the different channels to maximize traffic? Understand the role of each channel –Each has different purpose and value Follow three essential processes –Message calendaring –Publishing matrix –Social media dashboarding

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Different Roles for Different Channels Do you model your online channels as a spectrum of communications options? –Appropriateness of message to channel –Frequency of message –Tone and voice –Time and labor investment vs ROI

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Range of roles for Social Media You can start slowly and ramp up your use of/dependence on social media from... –Announcement service to... –Lightweight communications channel to... –Collaborative hub to... –Immersive community engagement sphere

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Spectrum – Target Audience Blogging Web Site Know you; want constant information and details about your work. Potential supporters, learning about your work and organization

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Spectrum – Tone and Voice Blogging Web Site First person singular “I” Informal and fun First person plural or third person “We” or “The org”

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Matching Tools to Message Blogging Web Site Late-breaking news, Real-time updates, Teasers, Flirts Opportunistic asks Planned messaging, measured narrative Urgent alerts, Intentional asks

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Control of Message and Brand Blogging Web Site Shared with Audience “Traditional” org control

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Frequency of Messaging Blogging Web Site Frequent – can be daily or more often Less frequent - Weekly to monthly

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Time and Labor Investment Blogging Web Site Substantial, tending towards 24/7 Manageable, based on past patterns

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Return on Investment (ROI) Blogging Web Site TBD; uneven, subject to change “Knowable”, based on past patterns

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Message Calendaring Organizational Questions: –Do you preschedule online messages? How far in advance? –Do you message within narrative arcs? Message calendars enable you to –Track messaging arcs –Sustain consistent messaging –Coordinate internal processes/projects –Avoid list fatigue

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Publishing Matrix Organizational Questions –Do you have an integrated way for deciding which messages go to which online channels? e.g. What's tweet-worthy, what is “just” web content? –Do you think intentionally about the different types of content you publish? Press releases, newsletters, events, blog post...

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Publishing Matrix Build a publishing matrix –Each row is a type of content Press release, newsletter, event, blog post –Each column is an online channel Web site, list, blog, Facebook, Twitter –For each type of content, which channels do you use? –Aspiration Example

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Publishing Matrix

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Social Media Dashboard A range of tools exist to let you track how you're being seen online –iGoogle, NetVibes, Radian6, etc Use a dashboard to track keywords –Organizational name and acronym –Campaign/issue keywords, staff names –Targets, opponents, decision-makers Is your messaging propagating? –What are the reactions?

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Social Media Dashboard

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Anything Else? Control your data! –Unity: Know your data universe and treat it as such –Redundancy: Have a complete and sustainable backup process –Control: Take steps to avoid losing access –Portability: Confirm your migration options in advance –Privacy: Honor “theirs”, assert “yours”

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Obligatory Admonitions Control and unify your online identity –Route as much engagement as possible through domain name(s) you control –Presume Facebook and Twitter will die violently or fade to dust See: “Friendster” –Specific case: Blogs is a bad idea

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Resources Aspiration publishing matrix sample – Aspiration's public dashboard – Online Organizer's Almanac – Managing Nonprofit Tech Projects –8/9 February, Washington DC –

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Summary Configure your online channels to advertise and link to one another Understand the purpose and norms of each channel Follow best-practice processes –Calendaring, publishing matrix, dashboard At the end of the day, it's all about the data, not the tools and channels

talks! Questions? Submit your questions using the chat box.

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Continue the Discussion… Additional questions can be answered by posting in the Emerging Technology Forum: –

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Get the Most Out of TechSoup At TechSoup, you’ll find a range of technology services to help your nonprofit: – Read helpful articles in our Learning Center – Request donated software, hardware, and online services – Join our community forums to learn from your colleagues – Browse upcoming events and conferences

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Upcoming Webinars Avoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used ComputersAvoid the Junk: How to Get Quality Used Computers –Thursday, January 28, 11 a.m. Integrating Social Media into Your WebsiteIntegrating Social Media into Your Website –Thursday, February 4, 11 a.m.

Integrating Social Media With Your Website Conference Call: Access Code: Thank you to our Webinar Sponsor! ReadyTalk offers dedicated product demos for TechSoup organizations 4 times per week. For more information:

talks! Thank you! Please complete the post event survey! Kami Griffiths,