EIGE´s work on Violence against women: tools for decision makers.


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Presentation transcript:

EIGE´s work on Violence against women: tools for decision makers

In this presentation… 2

Violence against women is a Violation of Human Rights and a form of Discrimination

Source: EIGE, 2014 Directive 2011/99/EU on the European Protection Order. Directive 2012/29/EU establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime. Eradication of violence against women is a declared goal of the EU 28 EU Member States

a All forms of violence against women need to be addressed

Content Sexual assault Norms and roles Stereotypes and prejudices Attitudes Sexual Economical Intimate partner violence Sexual Violence Rape Sexual harassment Physical Psychological Stalking Trafficking in human beings Slavery Sexual exploitation Harmful practices Forced marriage Honour crimes Female genital mutilation Online harassment Sexual abuse online Private life Work Community Public space Femicide Violence against women has many forms and takes place in different spheres

Gender stereotypes Constructed beliefs To be female or male Binary Descriptive Prescriptive Deeply ingrained but vary over time

Gender stereotypes and VAW Root cause of gender inequalities & VAW Women in subordinate positions- at risk of violence VAW –IPV as a private matter Tackle the root causes- deconstruct ion Prevention of VAW, stop it before it happens

a EIGE’s work on VAW: tools for decision makers 9

EIGE’s WORK ON GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE: data collection, research, methods & tools, good practices, awareness raising, databases FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATIO N SEXUAL VIOLENCE DOMESTI C VIOLENC E SUPPORT SERVICES for women- victims of domestic violence Administrative sources of data Costs of violence FGM risk estimatio n

Estimating the costs of gender-based violence in the European Union

Types of costs Lost economic output Services Personal costs Specialis ed services Health services Legal services Social welfare

Economic costs of VAW 225 billion EUR Economic costs of IPVAW 13 billion EUR

 Increase prevention efforts  Reduce GBV  Better for individuals, society and economy

Specialised services for victims of DV, including counselling and shelters are insufficient and unequally distributed in and among MS Scope counselling centres emergency services Hotlines women’s shelters/crisis centres legal advice for victims health protocols publicly available information “Review of the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action in the EU Member States: violence against women – victim support”

“Collection of methods, tools and good practices in the field of domestic violence (as described by area D of Beijing Platform for Action)” Training programs Victims’ support programs Awareness raising campaign materials Database of methods and tools in preventing domestic violence

 Protective measures and criminalisation are in place in most MS  Legislation lacks a gender-based violence perspective  Support and services are still weak in parts Way forward: Ensure commitment and resources  Little attention given to norms, attitudes and stereotypes Way forward: Expend perspectives on gender-based violence against women  Causes and consequences still need to be better understood  Progress with EU comparable data, but challenges remain Way forward: Drive data collection forward Major challenges to the achievement of strategic objectives of the BPfA- Violence against Women (D)

Comparable data on VAW needed for better-informed EU policies 18 “There is no regular and comparable data collection on different types of violence against women in the EU, which makes it difficult to ascertain the real extent of the phenomenon or to find appropriate solutions to the problem” (European Parliament Resolution of 26 November 2009) -> to understand the phenomenon, its extension and nature; -> to develop appropriate legislation, policies and services to address gender-based violence. 8 December 2014, EIGE-Brussels

Measuring Violence against Women 19

Administrative data sources Forms of GBV Administrativ e data sources Sectors Statistical products OBJECTIVE –Map key administrative data sources on GBV and statistical products in the 28 EU Member States –Analyse their relevance, reliability and quality KEY CONCEPTS

Police and justice provide the widest coverage of administrative data on gender- based violence, followed by social services

Online mapping tool and databases EU Map Country page Advance search page Administrative data source Statistical product 22

The Satellite domain of Violence against Women Towards a composite measure of Violence against Women 23

Indicators considered Physical violence by a partner since the age of 15 Sexual violence by a partner since the age of 15 Sexual violence by a non-partner since the age of 15 Psychological violence by a partner since the age of 15 Physical violence by a partner in the 12 months prior to the interview Sexual violence by a partner in the 12 months prior to the interview Sexual violence by a non-partner in the 12 months prior to the interview Source: EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2014

Structure of the measure Violence against women Lifetime violence (age 15+) Violence in the past 12 months 25

Computing the composite indicator of violence against women Lower violence Higher violence EU-28 26

Composite indicator on Violence against Women 27

Contextualising the levels of direct violence against women 28

Levels of gender equality Gender Equality Index and the composite indicator of direct violence against women 29 Where levels of gender equality are higher, women are more inclined to disclose violence

Contextual variables Contextual indicator Number and reference year Eurobarometer Question Acceptability of domestic violence against women Eurobarometer 73.2 (344) 2010 In your opinion, is domestic violence against women …? Awareness of a case of domestic violence in social environment Do you know of any women who have been a victim of any form of domestic violence? Do you know of anyone who has subjected a woman to any form of domestic violence …? Overall trust in the police Eurobarometer I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions. For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it: Overall trust in the justice system 30

Acceptability of domestic violence against women in society Gender equality Index and acceptability of domestic violence 31 Domestic violence is seen as less acceptable where levels of gender equality are higher

Acceptability of domestic violence against women in society Acceptability of domestic violence and the component of lifetime violence against women 32 Where domestic violence is seen as more acceptable, women are less likely to disclose violence

Awareness of domestic violence within the social environment Awareness of domestic violence and the component measuring lifetime violence against women 33 Where people are less aware of domestic violence in their environment, women are less likely to disclose incidents of violence

Victims’ Rights Directive Publication: An analysis of the Victims’ Rights Directive from a gender perspective Seminar: Monitoring the implementation of the Victims’ Rights Directive

Gedimino pr. 16, LT Vilnius, Lithuania eige.europa.eu facebook.com/eige.europa.eu youtube.com/user/eurogender Let’s talk eige.europa.eu/newsletter 35

Thank you! European Institute of Gender Equality VILNIUS, Lithuania