Workshop – strategic and operational planning for 2016-17 and beyond HWE Strategic Body 17 th December 2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Workshop – strategic and operational planning for and beyond HWE Strategic Body 17 th December 2015

Considerations…. Strategy: The Strategic Plan – update required, Operational plan: Provisional projects and activities for What should we do more of? What should we do less of? Issues/risks/opportunities and beyond:

Strategic Plan, The changing landscape of health and social care Financial outlook Operation approach Strategic context:

o : Make Healthwatch Essex fit for purpose o : Roll out networks of outreach and engagement o 2015 – 2016 Focus on change and impact we will be a confident and mature organisation, respected by our partners for giving evidence-based recommendations and finding solutions in common to the challenges facing health and social care in Essex we will be embedded in the minds of the public as the organisation to make their voice heard we will have made progress towards placing patients and service users at the heart of NHS and social care services

Well regarded Delivered… Principles/model still holds true The 3 Is – influence vs public interest vs independence Strategic Plan, :

Getting more complicated; not simpler Success Regime Austerity Integration agenda – historically tricky; requirement under the Care Act Opportunity for progress- ‘citizen-focussed’ services = new mantra HWE well positioned; perceived as ‘honest broker’ and credible partner The changing landscape of health and social care:

Transition funding expires Awaiting detail of CSR Opportunities to take on commissioned work from Financial outlook:

HWE – steady growth; successfully delivered an array of ‘products’ Achieved impact – locally & nationally; awards won – but need to capture impact via evaluation Opportunities: scope for innovation and growth Governance review Operational approach:

Research at Healthwatch Essex 2015/16

Looking back Exploring the lived experience of carers in Essex We undertook a study to uncover the experiences of unpaid carers in Essex – a seldom-heard group. We used innovative methods – audio diaries and video interviews We found that carers often feel isolated, unheard, and powerless, but also that they have great expertise in the needs of the person they care for – and should be considered as a partner-in-care. Our recommendations included personalised and targeted support; that formal support be made less bureaucratic and information be more readily available – and much more! Shared with decision-makers at acute hospitals, CCGs, and other care providers across Essex – we’ve received very positive responses.

Hospital discharge in Essex We designed, did the ground work, and collected the data, for our largest and most ambitious research study to date – uncovering people’s lived experience of hospital discharge in Essex. 180 hours of observation with discharge teams; interviews with more than 250 patients; interviews with 50 members of staff (wards and discharge team) Currently analysing the data from which we’ll recommendations for improvement Producing a separate report for each hospital (Broomfield, PAH and Colchester) over the coming months, and a full report of the issues across all three hospitals in June Challenging study – hospital discharge is hugely complex, cutting across health and social care.

Research Ambassador Training We trained seven Ambassadors/staff in Auto/Biographical research methods Auto/Biographical research is a form of research, often qualitative, that combines observing an event or situation alongside a reflection on the relationship between our own lives and the lives of those we’re observing. It foregrounds people’s ‘lived experience’. The Research Ambassadors co-designed and undertook the Negotiating the Care Maze Study…

Negotiating the Care Maze ‘Negotiating the Care Maze’ seeks to better understand people’s experiences of the decision-making process when a loved one needs to go into full time residential care. Each Research Ambassador has undertaken two in-depth interviews with a respondent We’ve used innovative methods – A/B considerations, allowing the respondent to choose the format and setting of the second interview and are in the process of brainstorming creative ways to share the findings. In the analysis stage – findings and recommendations to be launched in early 2016.

National Cancer Patient Experience Survey We analysed the qualitative data of people’s experiences of cancer services at CHUFT from the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey CHUFT asked us to analyse the qualitative data from National Cancer Patient Experience survey for which we have the expertise The data reflected the findings of our larger cancer study from last year. We have also maintained relationships with CHUFT to follow up on the progress of the recommendations we made in our cancer study.

Understanding perceptions of healthy eating In June 2015, we were joined by Jon Fok, a trainee Public Health Consultant on placement to learn about qualitative research methods, working under the supervision of Dr Oonagh Corrigan. He has designed a project to understand people’s views and experiences of healthy eating He held the first focus group with a group of mums in Harlow a few weeks ago, and will hold another in the new year with a different group of people.

Looking ahead – 2016/17 Finishing and publishing the findings and recommendations for the Hospital Discharge Study, the healthy eating project and ‘Negotiating the Care Maze’. Following up on the impact and changes made in response to the Carers project.

Self care – next year’s big study We’d like to better understand people’s experiences and strategies of self-care – across three overlapping areas Mental health Long term conditions Using personal budgets to manage self-care Using a ‘deliberative democracy’ approach – we’ll hold a series of focus groups for each topic.

Diagnosis of neurological conditions We will also undertake a study to uncover experiences of diagnosis for those with neurological conditions.

Engagement update David Sollis17 th December 2015

Engagement & Outreach 2015 YEAH! Report Reached all GP’s in Essex. Accepted as evidence for the Youth Select Committee’s inquiry into mental health. Used to shape the ‘Open up, Reach out’ transformation plan. Basis for engagement around CCG commissioning and the new CAMHS (EWMHS) service.

Engagement & Outreach 2015 Ambassador Network Wider outreach into Hospitals, CCG’s, projects and partnerships, including - ARU, MENCAP & Carers. The LD ambassador programme which was awarded two national awards. SWEET A focused youth engagement project based around social housing and social care. The project aims to gather the lived experiences of young people from hard to reach groups across South Essex.

Engagement & Outreach 2015 Chatterbox podcasts & cab 4 new podcasts on subjects including- young people, dementia and integrated care. The launch of the Chatterbox Cab, which was used for the Carers Journey, and various events at hospitals, care homes and NHS takeover days.

Engagement & Outreach 2016 Plan YEAH! 3 This years focus will be around Public Health. SWEET 2 Will be targeting the Tendring area of Essex working with social housing and local community groups. Ambassadors Network Launch of a new online training programme for carers. Development of the LD ambassadors communication work alongside Inclusive Communication Essex (ICE). Continued work with the LD ambassadors and MENCAP volunteers.

Engagement & Outreach 2016 Plan Carers Project C ontinued development of the carers project, working with Essex County Council looking at services and support for unpaid carers. Chatterbox Debates A series of public debates around topics such as the EPIC project, Carers, and the success regime (similar to the debate). Neurological Network In partnership with MS-UK creating a new ‘555’ project based on the lived experience of neurological services.

Healthwatch Essex Information Service

About the Information Service The Service aims to improve access to information about health and social care services Statutory requirement for Healthwatch Essex Telephone line launched in October 2014

Highlights from 2015 We have assisted hundreds of people in Essex to navigate and access health and social care services New online feedback centre Guides to care Partnership approach to ‘Living Well Essex’ –

Plans for 2016 Increase the profile and reach of the service Improve how we share intelligence and insight Launch new online feedback centre Launch grants scheme Plug gaps in information provision

Operational plan - Strategically – do we need to change? We have achieved success/impact… …but musn’t be complacent Governance review What have we missed? Risks, opportunities, issues Concluding thoughts: