Skills list for MSP, SoME and EBSAs Lucy Scott Mami Wata Inception meeting 27 April 2016
Introduction Integrated ecosystem/ocean management is a complex process, relying on a suite of skills, usually supplied by a team made up of several specialists. This short-list of skills aims to quantify the required knowledge and ability of practitioners who are involved in aspects of integrated ocean management, with specific reference to: Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), State of the Environment Reporting (SoME) and the Identification of Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas (EBSAs). The list of skills has been used in the design of the Baseline Capacity Assessment: April 2016.
1. General understanding A general understanding of the principles of Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), State of the Environment Reporting (SoME) and the identification of Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas (EBSAs) is required in order to employ these approaches. A good understanding of the legislation and policy framework at the national level and regional strategies (eg Strategic Action Programmes of the LMEs). A good understanding of the responsibilities and functions of national departments, national and regional centres and the activities of NGOs is essential for an IOM practitioner.
2. Technical expertise Skills needed for the implementation of integrated oceans management might include the following: The ability to achieve consensus around a vision, and a subsequent set of principles/objectives for a planning area. The leader is required to have a neutral role and ability to facilitate multi- stakeholder processes. Stakeholder engagement (including communities and traditional users) and understanding their interests Who should be involved? When should stakeholders be involved? How should stakeholders be involved? Requirement of public consultation at different phases in the process (informal consultation, formal consultation). The ability to negotiate an agreed demarcation of scope with reference to sectoral scope, geographic scope and temporal scope
2. Technical expertise Selecting appropriate decision support tools Conflict/compatibility matrices Tools for mapping and Visualization (eg. Google Earth) Geographic Information systems Database or spreadsheet systems Fisheries management tools eg Atlantis Cumulative impact assessment tools (eg using ArcGIS) Decision support tools for estimation of productivity and ecosystem services value (eg INVEST toolbox in ArcView) Spatial MPA planning tools eg MarineMap, Seasketch, NatureServeVista Marxan or similar systems for conservation planning.
2. Technical expertise Selecting appropriate decision support tools Data management: sourcing and acquiring relevant and authoritative data sets (including community / traditional data), negotiating for their use, managing data within the project and for long term archiving. Dealing with uncertainties in terms of data and information: lack of data and information will frequently be encountered. Techniques such as SoME Expert Elicitation can address identified gaps in knowledge to some extent, by using local expert’s judgment. Negotiating and refining the plan/ assessment, including socio-economic considerations and various tradeoffs. Communicating the plan / assessment to the target audiences: public, ocean industries, policy and decision makers. Implementation of the plan, including management plans for specific areas or species. Measuring and monitoring and adapting the plan
3. Real-world practical experience Finally, real-world practical experience using one of the SoME, MSP or EBSA approaches would be extremely valuable; mapping experience of national actors in the region will allow the identification of: a)National actors with skills and experience that can be included in project level activities b) Identify which IOM processes have begun in which countries and sub-regions c) Identify critical needs which can be addressed during the Mami Wata Project.
A) How do we establish which skills exist in the region and where they are (countries, institutions, people)? B) How do we measure change, and with that, measure the impact of the Mami Wata Project? 1.Baseline Capacity Assessment: April Annual / Final Capacity Assessment: TBD
Baseline Capacity Assessment Lucy Scott Mami Wata Inception meeting 27 April 2016
Baseline Capacity Assessment: April 2016 v2 The purpose of the Capacity Assessment: April 2016 is to establish a baseline, prior to the implementation of the Mami Wata Project. The results of the questionnaire will be used as a resource to guide activities of the project, to identify national specialists who could be involved in activities / as trainers and for key capacity development needs to be identified. A repeat of the survey will be used to evaluate the impact of Mami Wata in the region. Some of the questions are quantitative (a training course has been held / yes or no) Others are qualitative (self assessment)
Baseline Capacity Assessment: April 2016 v2 The questionnaire is primarily intended for professionals responsible for the planning and management of coastal and marine areas and their natural resources, from the environment sector, but also from other sectors such as fisheries, tourism, transport, energy, and marine mining, or from cross-sectoral management bodies. Representatives from regional organisations, please respond for your home country, if you feel comfortable doing so, and please put particular emphasis on identifying regional centres of expertise, and background documents/reports that would be useful for this exercise. 1.We would like the focal points to complete the questionnaire in session, up to the best of your knowledge. 2. We would request additional information to be sent to me by after the meeting. 3. With the guidance of the focal points, we would like to approach other national specialists for them to complete the questionnaire as well.
QUESTIONNAIRE 1.General understanding 1.1 Please check the terms that you would be comfortable describing or explaining to others Territorial sea Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) Integrated coastal zone management, Coastal and marine spatial planning, Coastal development planning Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), State of the Environment Reporting (SoME) and Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas (EBSAs)
2. Technical expertise 2.1 Please tick any of the following crosscutting activities/skills that you have training or experience with, for ANY project. If these activities/skills are present in the authority you are working in (colleagues), please indicate this in the comments box. Data management Stakeholder mapping, participation and collaboration, Organization of stakeholder consultations Community outreach and engagement Participation in reaching consensus around a vision, and a subsequent set of principles/objectives for a plan of some kind. Communication of results to policy and decision makers, stakeholders and public. Socio economic assessment Cost-benefit, ecosystem valuation or other economic assessments
2.2 Have you had training in how to teach (train-the-trainer) any of these areas; or any teaching in adult learning, webinars, online learning techniques. Y/N 2.3 Please check any of the following specific decision support tools that you have used during the course of your work. Conflict/compatibility matrices Mapping and Visualization (eg. Google Earth) Geographic Information systems Database or spreadsheet systems Spatial MPA planning tools eg MarineMap, Seasketch, NatureServeVista, Marxan or similar systems for conservation planning. Website development and management Etc 2.4 Are you aware of any capacity development needs assessments that have already been done by other projects or agencies, that might be useful to us?
3. Practical experience 3.1 Have you had any personal practical experience with any of these approaches? Please check if yes, and elaborate. Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) _________________________________________________________ State of the Marine Environment Reporting (SoME) and __________________________________________________________ Ecologically and Biologically Significant Area identification (EBSAs) __________________________________________________________
3.2 Are you aware of the use of any of any of these approaches in your country, at national or sub-national level? Please check, if yes, and elaborate. Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) _________________________________________________________ State of the Marine Environment Reporting (SoME) and __________________________________________________________ Ecologically and Biologically Significant Area identification (EBSAs) __________________________________________________________
3.3 Have you ever been involved as a trainer in any capacity building activities / training courses in general? Y/N elaborate if yes 3.4 Are you aware of any training courses being offered to your country in any of these three areas (Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), State of the Environment Reporting (SoME) or Ecologically and Biologically Significant Area identification (EBSAs) OR related skills of any kind? 3.5 In your country, Are spatial data related to the management of the marine environment available, where? Is there an existing framework for stakeholder engagement in decision making? Is there an existing legislative framework for marine planning/SoME?
3.6 If you are aware of any (individual) practitioners or specialists of MSP, EBSAs, SoME in your country/region, please provide their names and details below: 3.7 Please name any national / regional centres of expertise (such as Universities or research institutions, or technical institutes) that have skills or mandate that either do OR could support IOM and / or can provide support to the MSP/SoME/EBSA process. Institution Name, Directors name 3.8 Please name the department or agency in your country responsible for the following sector: Environment Fisheries Tourism Marine transport etc Any centre with technical expertise. Eg Fisheries Research Institute, Maritime safety institute. A national department with a mandate for this sector.
3.9 IF one has been defined, Which is your lead agency/ institution for: 1) MSP ____________________________ 2) SoME ___________________________ 3) EBSA identification _________________________ OR state that you do not know, OR state that it has not been determined. 4. Any further useful information
Final notes: The names of specialists and CENTRES in the region is very important for the assessment It might take slightly longer, but please use block letters (CAPITALS) to answer the questions For the experience questions, we would expect the response to be on the low side as the Mami Wata Project is addressing a need that has already been identified.
Thank you