Recent APS Storage Ring Instrumentation Developments Glenn Decker Advanced Photon Source Beam Diagnostics March 1, 2010
Glenn Decker FLS2010 Ring Diagnostics Overview RF beam position monitor technology Photon beam position monitor technology Photon counting applications
Glenn Decker FLS2010 APS Beam Stability Goals Note that APS rms vertical beam size is 8.5 microns Photon angular divergence 1 / ( √N) approaching 5 rad Typical stability requirements set at 5-10% of beam size / divergence.
Glenn Decker FLS2010 APS Broadband RF BPM data acquisition upgrade Eight channels/board, 88 MS/sec sampling. Altera FPGA processing. One second ( samples) turn-by-turn beam history for machine studies / fault diagnosis. Demonstrated noise floor < 5 nm / √ Hz Fantastic post-mortem capability True individual bunch position monitor
Glenn Decker FLS2010 State-of-the-art Commercial Solution Noise floor approaching 2 nm / √ Hz. Long term drift 200 nm p-p / 24 hours*. * Guenther Rehm, Diamond Light Source, EPAC 2008
02/27/10 Storage Ring Insertion Device Vacuum Chamber Pickup Electrodes
Glenn Decker FLS2010 BPM Electronics Performance Libera APS BSP-100 Module DC is not a frequency, it is a limit.
Glenn Decker FLS2010 milliHertz
Glenn Decker FLS2010 APS Front-end hard x-ray beam position monitor developments Extensive studies have taken place at the APS investigating copper x-ray fluorescence vs. photoemission for photon beam position monitoring. –Soft bending magnet radiation background essentially eliminated. –High power densities remain a challenge. An in-air prototype of a device of this type has been installed at 35-ID and is undergoing extensive testing.
02/27/10 Typical Photoemission-based Photon BPMs APS Insertion Device Bending Magnet (Vertical Only)
Glenn Decker FLS2010
Grazing-incidence Hard X-ray Fluorescence-Based Insertion Device X-ray Beam Position Monitor Conceptual Design (GRIID-XBPM) Concept courtesy of Bingxin Yang
Glenn Decker FLS2010 Power Density 30 m, APS undulator A, 100 mA Courtesy of Roger Dejus
Glenn Decker FLS2010 Prototype In-air 35-ID X-rays Four Pin diodes (Two sets, top and bottom) Pinhole “camera” apertures Bingxin Yang Beam stop (PS2 surrogate) With pin diode monitoring X-ray transmission.
Glenn Decker FLS2010
Hard X-ray BPM Signal Variation with Vertical Position
Glenn Decker FLS mm 3.0 mm 0.25 mm Conceptual Design of the first article GRIIDXBPM 44” Outlet Detail Courtesy of Soon-Hong Lee, AES-MED
Glenn Decker FLS2010 Simulation Result (Preliminary) - Vertical Temperature Case 4 (Max °C)Stress Case 3 (Max MPa) Surface Case 1 (Horizontal direction only, 2100x) ~ 11.3 µm bump Note: 10 kW = 5 m Undulator 100 mA Courtesy of Soon-Hong Lee, AES-MED
02/27/10 High dynamic range bunch purity monitor APD electronic improvement reduces the dark counts “Signal to noise ratio” above :1 Impurity profile shows the halo inside the PAR fundamental bucket Observed rare event of two-turn extraction (near 36-th bucket) Potential applications: studies of very low intensity beam halo
02/27/10 X-ray wire scanner: Development of a bunch-by- bunch beam transverse profiler Replacing the solid target with copper wires scanning across monochromatic undulator beam, the spatial- time-resolved counts yield bunch-specific beam profiles. They are especially useful for users using Bunch 0 of hybrid fill. Vertical and horizontal wires give the x-y profiles, slanted wires measure the tilt angle of the x-ray beam cross section.
02/27/10 TCSPC: development of a bunch-by-bunch beam longitudinal profiler A high temporal resolution, Linux-compatible commercial time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) unit is used to acquire longitudinal profiles during user runs, bunch-by-bunch. This is important for hybrid mode timing users. Bunch phase and RMS length are to be extracted at 8 – 16 seconds intervals and made into process variables, available facility wide.
Glenn Decker FLS2010 APS Storage Ring Diagnostics Summary Instrumentation supporting AC beam stability is well in hand. Long-term drift is quite challenging at the sub-micron scale. Photon bpm technology is evolving. Photon counting techniques provide several powerful tools associated with a beam diagnostics dedicated beamline Bunch purity w/ 10^11 dynamic range Bunch-by-bunch transverse profiles Bunch-by-bunch longitudinal profile
Glenn Decker FLS2010 Tunnel temperature issues / solutions APS Tunnel Air / Water temperature regulation is pretty good, at the level of 0.6 – 1.0 deg. F p-p for air, and 0.1 deg. F p-p for water. Improving this significantly will likely be expensive. Investigations are underway to develop mechanical sensors to monitor the physical location of critical beam position monitor pickups: A BPMPM (BPM 2 ). Correlation of measured beam position and water temperature 0.5 m / 0.1 deg.F ID Chamber BPM Pickup Electrode
Glenn Decker FLS2010 Tunnel temperature issues / solutions Laser proximity sensor Cyan= Air Red= Stand Green= BPM Yellow= Thick Chamber Blue = Thin Chamber Temperatures Deg. C Vertical Position m Red = Chamber Center Blue = BPM Block Keyence Proximity Sensor, 50 nm resolution 1 deg. C * Data courtesy of Bob Lill
02/27/10 Decker Distortion Stray radiation backgrounds affecting insertion device photoemission-based photon bpms can be reduced by girder realignment. Residual systematic errors can be reduced to the 10 – 20 m level. 34-ID after girder realignment