The Truman Presidency How America went From War to Peace and Back to War Again…
Quick Review 1) What is the name of the command economy that was practiced by Soviet Russia and its satellite states in Eastern Europe? Communism
2) Who took over as President after FDR died? Harry Truman Bonus Question: What was Truman’s job before FDR picked him to be VP? Senator from Missouri
3) What was the name given to the heavily fortified border between the free states of Western Europe and the communist states of Eastern Europe? Iron Curtain
4) What was the name of the four decade long ideological struggle between America and the Soviet Union? The Cold War
True or False 5) In the aftermath of World War II, Germany became a communist nation… Trick Question: Germany was divided into a free West and a communist East
Now, back to the Learning…
Germany is defeated and the victors want to keep Germany weak and divided The United States suggests an organization made up of representatives from around the world that would serve as a peaceful way to mediate disputes
Sound Familiar? It’s like déjà vu all over again
“Those Who Do Not Remember Their History are Condemned to Repeat It…” Replaces the ineffective League of Nations This time, America joins Dominated by 5 permanent members of the Security Council: United States, Great Britain, France, China, Soviet Union
Europe After World War II
Marshall Plan In 1948, responding to widespread devastation in Europe, the U.S. provides $13 Billion in aid to Western European nations for rebuilding Provided food, fuel and money Named for Secretary of State George Marshall
Question Time… Should the United States have offered aid to the Soviet Union? Should the United States have offered aid to the Russian Satellite States of Eastern Europe? Was the Marshall Plan consistent with the Truman Doctrine?
Marshall Plan From an American perspective, the Marshall Plan was intended to accomplish: Prevent hard times in Western European nations from allowing communists to seize power in those nations Create goodwill towards the United States in those nations Aid was offered to the Soviet Union and its satellite states in Eastern Europe, however it was declined… This was by intent…the U.S. knew that Russia would never accept the offer and allowed them to appear as though they were being generous. The U.S. public never would have accepted giving aid to Soviet Russia
Soviet Blockade of West Berlin Angered by the influence of the U.S., Great Britain, and France in West Berlin…Josef Stalin decides to block all roads in and out of West Berlin What do you think that Stalin was trying to accomplish? What do you think the United States should do?
Berlin Airlift American pilots make hundreds of runs every day dropping food and supplies over West Berlin After a year of the Berlin Airlift, a frustrated Stalin concedes defeat and ends the blockade In 1961, Berlin Wall is completed dividing East and West Berlin
Meanwhile, Back at Home…
Sound Familiar? A Democratic President faces re-election in an increasingly frightening world and is repeatedly blocked by a Republican Congress that desperately wants to win back the White House…
1948 Election Harry Truman Democrat Thomas Dewey Republican Strom Thurmond Dixiecrat
Strom Thurmond
1948 Election What’s wrong with this picture? That’s Truman
Other Notable “Dewey Defeats Truman” Moments
1948 Election
NATO In order to combat the growing threat from the Soviet Union, the United States and Western European nations form NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) The charter states that “any armed attack against one or more of them…shall be considered an attack against all of them” Do you believe that it was a good idea for the U.S. to enter NATO? Why or Why not?
Warsaw Pact In response to the formation of NATO, the Soviet Union forms its own military alliance with Eastern European nations
Russia Gains an Asian Ally…Sort of
Korean War After World War II: Occupied by the Soviet Union Occupied by the United States
Korean War Timeline 38 th Parallel 1949 American forces begin to leave South Korea Communist revolution in China June ,000 N. Korean troops attack across the 38 th parallel UN approves assisting South Korea September 1950 American troops led by General Douglas MacArthur push the North Koreans back across 38 th parallel November 1950 American troops reach the Yalu River Chinese troops counterattack and drives U.S. forces back across the 38 th parallel Yalu River
Korean War Timeline January 1951 American troops push back against the Chinese and North Koreans until they reach the 38 th parallel Both sides dig into their position and the war becomes a stalemate for the next two years April 1951 Gen. MacArthur demands “total victory” even if it includes invading China and using nuclear weapons…Truman refuses. MacArthur publicly criticizes Truman and is fired for insubordination 38 th Parallel
Question Time… Who do you think had the right Korea policy…Truman or MacArthur? Was Truman right to fire MacArthur?
Korean War
Short Term Consequences of Korean War The war takes a toll on Truman’s popularity Facing almost certain defeat, he decides not to run for President again in 1952
Long Term Consequences of the Korean War America becomes involved in proxy wars against communist forces American presidents begin to go to war without formal declarations of war by Congress America begins to dramatically increase spending on its military American troops are still on the 38 th parallel today
DMZ (De-Militarized Zone) at the 38 th Parallel Today