12 Essential Practices O Sign a contract with each school O Have established, documented criteria for the evaluation of charter applications O Publish application timeline and materials O Interview all charter applicants O Use expert panels that include external members to review applications O Grant charters with five-year terms only
12 Essential Practices O Require and examine annual, independent financial audits for schools O Have established renewal criteria O Have established revocation criteria O Provide an annual report to each school on its performance O Have staff assigned to authorizing within the organization O Have a published and available mission for quality authorizing
Performance Contracting O Academic Performance O Operational Performance O Financial Performance O Diversity Plans
Established and documented criteria O Standard application O Evaluation rubrics O Charter review policy O Charter guidance O SBO 106 Charter Schools
Publish Application Timeline January 3110 letters of intent (one withdrawn in February) April 1 8 applications (one LOI did not submit) April 2Review for completeness (two applications were unreviewable) Six (6) applications are reviewable April 3Applications to teams (3 teams)
Publish Application Timeline April 4-present: Meeting with teams as they review the paper applications and prepare for the first interviews May 7: All six applicants will interview May 14: Public comment May 28: Second round interviews June 25: Initial recommendations to Board for action
Publish Application Timeline O Part of the original review and approval for this cycle O 30 days to resubmit O 30 days to review O Intended for minor but significant improvements to address specific questions, concerns, and deficiencies– not a rewrite O Resubmission action, August 27th (Resubmission)
Interview All Charter Applicants Addressing gaps, assessing capacity, clarifying confusion, getting to know the team, leadership, and organization O Answering fundamental questions: O Is the proposed education program sound? O Is the plan sufficiently comprehensive? O Is the board committed to the school and the vision? O Are the applicants likely to implement the proposed program successfully? O Is the organizational capacity sufficient to deliver on the proposed vision? O Does the school meet identified student needs? (May 7: First Interview)
Interview All Charter Applicants O Deep Dive into issues raised in the application O Present contingencies and scenarios that are outside the application and see how the applicants respond O Time for questioning the lingering uncertainties (May 28: Second Interview)
Use Expert Panels that include external members O 3 Teams O Experienced Team Leads O Members per team O Diverse groups from MNPS, charter organizations, local business, financial, and non-profit leaders O Inform data collection and recommendations drawing on practical and professional experiences
Grant Charters with Five-Year Terms Only O Legislative Priority O 10-year charters O Renewal decisions in October of 10 th year O Annual reports detailing progress
Require and/or Examine annual, independent financial audits of schools O Required O Connected to financial performance framework
Have established renewal criteria O Connected to Performance Framework O Academic O Operational O Financial
Have established revocation criteria O Priority status O TCA (a)(3) O Next identification fall of 2015 O Material violations of conditions, standards, or procedures in charter O Academic underperformance O Operational performance issues, including threats to health and safety O Fiscal mismanagement, including fraud or misappropriation of funds
Provide an annual report to each school on its performance SAMPLE
Have staff assigned to authorizing within the organization
Have a published and available mission for quality authorizing Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools will provide every student with the foundation of knowledge, skills and character necessary to excel in higher education, work and life. We embrace and value a diverse student population and community. Different perspectives and backgrounds form the cornerstone of our strong public education system.
Applicant Overviews O Explore Community School O Sponsor:Martha O’Bryan Center O Leader:TBD (Jon Driskell) O Focus:College Prep and cultural heritage of Maplewood and Stratford clusters O Grades:K-8 O Enroll:172/996
Applicant Overviews O KIPP Nashville CP Elementary O Sponsor:KIPP Nashville O Leader:Kristin Wiens O Focus:College Prep in East Nashville O Grades:K-4 O Enroll:96/480 (open in 2015)
Applicant Overviews O Nashville Academy of Computer Science O Sponsor:Nashville Prep (Replication) O Leader:TBD (Ravi Gupta) O Focus:College Prep and computer programming in North and West Nashville O Grades:5-8 O Enroll:110/440
Applicant Overviews O Rocketship O Sponsor:Rocketship Education Tennessee O Leader:Adam Nadeau O Focus:Traditional and blended learning in North or South Nashville O Grades:K-5 O Enroll:600/600
Applicant Overviews O Thurgood Marshall School of Career Development O Sponsor:W.E.B. DuBois Consortium of Charter Schools, Inc. O Leader:TBD (Dr. Willie W. Herenton) O Focus:HS students who have had some contact with the juvenile justice system O Grades:9-12 O Enroll:200/200
Applicant Overviews O Valor Collegiate Academy O Sponsor:Valor Collegiate Academies O Leader:TBD (Todd Dickson) O Focus:College Prep with diverse populations in Southeast Nashville O Grades:5-12 O Enroll:140/740